Wednesday, February 20, 2013

3 Ranked Top Places Motor Attraction Video on Youtube

3 Ranked Top Places Motor Attraction Video on Youtube. What an interesting spectacle, but worried because it is dangerous? Said to be dangerous because it can create injuries and even cause critical condition. One is an attraction motor. Places the motor is a combination of two words, namely attraction and motor. When viewed in the Big Indonesian Dictionary, the attraction has two meanings. First, something that can attract attention or have pull. Second, show or spectacle. While the motor in question is a two-wheeled vehicle that uses the engine and uses fuel oil. Thus, the attraction is a show or spectacle motors performed using a motorcycle which aims to be the attraction of people to watch.

Top 3 Places Motor Attraction Video on Youtube

No one wanted to see the attraction that endanger the motor itself as spectators. Especially dangerous accidents due to the fault actor motor Attraction Video fails to perform well and safely. Then, is there any solution has to launch a successful watch, amazed, and did not show the failure of the attractions that do ? There is. Find it on the site

When you open the site, and type in the blank field searching "attractions motor", you will see some of the show has to motors that have been uploaded. You will see them in action using motor. Indeed, the rising attraction witnessed.

In this article will only be presented three motors rated attraction on the site

1. Places Motor-actors prattle and Ila

If the keyword "motorcycle attraction" is typed in the field searching youtube, so first up is the result-an warior2084 upload. Video attraction this bike has seen as many as 760, 576. With the preferred position (like) the video audience attraction this bike as much as 269 and that did not like it as much as 35.

Without finding out what they like or do not reason with the motor attractions warior2084 upload, watch motorcycle attraction is accompanied by song dangdut Mas Joko. Although not yet know for sure whether the two actors attractions of the motor is made by a Malaysian or Indonesian. To be sure, this bike attraction acted by two people, the Gup and Ila.

Posed initial appearance is to position Ila seat opposite directions with scandal. Their backs alone were met. Ila holding belly gup. Then Gup lifted into position so that the front tire jumping and Ila remained in a state seat. The motors are driven in tight conditions. Then Ila stood holding the armpits scuttlebutt that the motor position in a state jumping with Ila standing position at the back.

How to attractions that take place gup and Ila not stop there. They keep trying to make the audience amazed by their courage Attraction Video. Especially when I saw Ila sitting position facing scandal and scuttlebutt lift front tire. Similarly, the position of Ila was sitting sideways. So inappropriate, if the video scandal and the motor has to occupy the top position Ila watched by facebook user.

2. Places Motor from Foreign Countries of Southeast Asia

Places motors second most viewed on the site are uploaded by MyMuhail. Things many see this bike, ie, 4.950. However, nobody likes to see people like it or not. Plus, no one no one commented. Perhaps, that makes a lot of people are not interested to comment because the attractions are attractions motors uploaded by foreigners. Not from Southeast Asia. Moreover, the used motorcycle motorcycles big types that are commonly used for the attraction motor.

Unlike the starring attraction gup motors and Ila. They use a motorcycle around the late 80s. Thus, their ability to balance the body with conditions such vehicles make many people amazed and leave a comment.

However, their agility in the motor attraction deserved thumbs up. They also perform such an attraction in the circuit. Things may indeed be the motor that is being prepared for champs. Because, there is an attraction with a motor bike spinning conditions on tarmac but the driver on the machine and did not fall. This is perhaps what makes the user site much to see.

3. Places Motor of East Borneo

Places third motorcycle that appears on the site is a single attraction, starring actors from East Borneo. Things xboxgpt motor is uploaded by on March 23, 2011. number of users who are seeing attractions youth motorcycle Borneo amounts to 83.225 with 70 people like (like), and 5 people do not like (dislikes).

People who commented on the attraction of this bike is also pretty much. There are amazed to mention the attractions of this bike with crazy attractions. Because the motor has to have a duration of 1:18 starts by sitting back to motorcycle handlebars in tight conditions. Used motorcycle motorcycles also include new types. Of course, this is interesting to see.

Places motors are increasingly interesting to do on the highway. When the truck crossed a stop, the bike actor change positions. He flipped to the front, but not to the general position. Instead, he retreated to the back and then he went down holding on to the metal behind the conditions of the foot touching the asphalt.

Madness even more powerful than this attraction, actors dare to change the position of the condition lying on the seat motor. Continue his legs lifted up and he did not hold any motorcycle handlebars. Places motorcycle was closed with courage stand seat motors without holding anything. Places bike is definitely a great courage.

Message for Attendance Places Motor Attraction Video on Youtube

There are many other attractions of the motor that you can see on the website Here deliberately chosen three as merely draw your attention to see it directly on the site Just do not try to give yourself without ever training because the motor is not the attraction attraction bike if it falls you are very likely to save themselves. If it was not safe, accident too small. So, just watch it first.

If you are interested want to practice like that, better look first friend that already did it. Learn to him. But before the motor has to learn, you have to prepare mentally. Because, if it falls, you are injured and the bike was going to be damaged. If you've found someone who is accustomed to doing the attractions motorcycle, you must be committed to him to teach. You should be prepared to be trained and learn it. Of course, it takes seriousness and diligence to practice. Because the attraction is usually not in a condition to walk slowly motorbike.

Despite how much success you can make the motor can not be known Attraction Video, the point you have to be mentally prepared and focused to learn. Do not try to attractions motorcycle on public roads very solid vehicle. You have to find a quiet place and know the right time to do attraction motor. Do not let the motor attraction you do disturb other people and make them angry. For you, the attraction is the motor skills, but for their pride and attractions you are prank.

So it's better interests in peace, without disturbing others. Even if they are interested to see the Attraction Video of your motor, keep your attractions with a style that has been overwhelmed correctly.

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2 Responses to "3 Ranked Top Places Motor Attraction Video on Youtube"

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  2. Our repair tip of the century is this: Please do not make an attempt a exotic repair solo. That most likely will cost you more in the end YouTube Comments


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