Saturday, February 23, 2013

Download PDF and Convert PDF to Word

Download PDF and Convert PDF to Word. Who does not know the PDF or Portable Document Format? For those of you who are familiar with the internet, would often encounter files with the PDF format. PDF is a file format created by Adobe Systems in 1993. The PDF format is used to transfer documents online that can display text, images, and vector graphics either two-dimensional or three-dimensional even using Acrobat 3D. Delivery also ensures the file is a PDF file content, both text and images, it's not shifting as PDF file has a fixed format. Therefore, it is not easy to do editing in the file that has been converted into a PDF. To do this, the previous need to download the PDF.

Well, then how to download the PDF? Download PDF file download can be divided into PDF format and the software to read the PDF file. To learn more about PDF, how to download a file, how to open the file, how to convert to Word format, and also do not forget how to make a file from Word to PDF format, please refer to the following article.

How to Download PDF File ?

When you're cool browsing articles on the internet, there are times when you want or need to download files from the internet. Quite often you will find a file in PDF format. How to download PDF files, exactly the same as how to download the document to other formats such as Office.

In the file you want to download, usually seen on the back of the extension name of the file is a pdf. That is, the file has a PDF format. You can click on the name of the file, specify the destination where you want to save the file in your hard disk memory, and then click download.

When the process is complete, you can open the folder where the file is stored and can see that the file has the extension pdf. How equal is not, by means of downloading files formatted word, excel, or something else ?

However, if the computer or laptop you have not installed Adobe Reader, then you will not be able to read the contents of the file in PDF format. Because Adobe Reader is software that is also created by Adobe Systems as a tool for reading PDF files. That is, they create a PDF file and PDF file reader software simultaneously, and it is an inseparable package.

How to Download PDF Software ?
In general, when you buy a new computer or laptop that has installed Windows operating system, you will also get a standard software has also been installed on your computer or laptop. Standard software, among others, Microsoft Office, ACD Systems, Adobe Reader, and others.

Adobe Reader usually has become one of the software that must be installed on a computer or laptop. This is because the use of the PDF file format is very common and prevalent, so chances are you find the PDF file is very large. Therefore, a computer technician generally has equipped computer or laptop with some standard software including Adobe Reader installed.

To find out if your computer or laptop is complete with Adobe Reader software, you can check it on the C partition and the Program Files folder. Or it could be from the 'start' and click on 'program files'. Or if you just download a file with extension pdf format, please double click on the file to open it.

If your computer or laptop you already have the Adobe Reader software, the file will automatically open using Adobe Reader. However, if the program Adobe Reader does not appear, it means you do not have this software installation.

To be able to install the Adobe Reader software, which is the first time you have to do is to download the PDF software from the Internet. You can open the official Adobe website and download it there, that is in the address Adobe Reader is the latest series which is now support for Windows 7 is a series of Adobe Reader X (10.1.3). Click on the "Download Now" and wait until the software download is successful. Install the software on your computer or laptop by following the instructions and you're ready to open PDF format files anytime.

File converting PDF to Word
There are times when you download the file and then want to convert it to a Microsoft Office Word format for easy editing and so on. To do that, you have to download a PDF to Word converter software. You can find this converter software on the internet. Or if you do not want the hassle of downloading and installing this software, you can also use it online. The advantages of this software is that you can get a word that has to format of PDF with ease and quickly. Besides, you do not need to have the Adobe Reader software to do the conversion from PDF to word this.

Viewing PDF Format Download Online

Viewing files in PDF format now also be done without you having to have the Adobe Reader software. If you do not want to waste the time to download and install Adobe PDF Reader, you can directly open PDF formatted files online using the web browser Firefox. You can view the file by clicking the "View as HTML".

You can integrate the Firefox web browser with the PDF, so you have easy access to view PDF format files as well as to create PDF files from Web pages that are currently open. Integration Firefox with the PDF can be done by adding a PDF on your toolbar. Popularity PDF is integrated into the Firefox web browser's toolbar making it earned the nickname "One of the most popular Firefox add-ons ever".

The addition of PDF in web browser is very helpful performance of the people who spend more time dealing with PDF format files, such as journalists, government officials, and others.

Creating PDF Files
Talk about how to download PDF, apparently not just talking about the file format PDF reader software, namely Adobe Reader or how to convert PDF to Word file format, but also to talk how to create PDF file format from Word.

Creating PDF files is actually very easy. You can install PDF Creator software or if you already have Microsoft Office 2007, it will suffice. Ms Office 2007 has been equipped with a menu plug-in that connects it with the word file in PDF creator. How to create PDF files from Word is as follows.
  • Open a Word document format you wish to change to PDF format
  • After Ms. Word opens the file in question, click Save As.
  • In the Save As menu, you will immediately find the PDF option. Click there.
  • In addition, you can use other ways, as follows.
  • Open the file in MS. Word
  • Click the "Print"
  • Click the drop down menu in the "Name" and click on the "Adobe PDF"
  • After that, click "Ok" below and you will be entered in the Save As PDF.
  • Click OK again and Ms file. Word has changed into PDF format.
Thus the explanation of the PDF download. Hopefully what you described can assist you in making the PDF file. Good luck !

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