Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Normal Childbirth Preparation Tips

Normal Childbirth Preparation Tips. Can natural childbirth is the hope of every pregnant woman. All natural childbirth preparation was undertaken. But not infrequently before the birth of the baby, the obstetrician decided that the mother gave birth by Caesarean section. If so, a little more mothers are less prepared physically and mentally to face it. Not to mention the obvious cost issues bigger than a normal delivery. But thanks to the support of family, especially the husband, as well as childbirth preparation course will raise the mother's confidence that everything will run smoothly.

Normal Childbirth Preparation Steps

There are some things that normal childbirth preparation you need to know the following :

1. Normal Childbirth Process

In general obstetrician or midwife will estimate the time of birth at 36-40 weeks gestation. In the process of childbirth, during which time the mother will feel the contraction on the waist and lower abdomen. Originally only occasionally, more and more often and accompanied by rupture of amniotic fluid. Mom will feel the pain of opening the uterus. There is a term known as aperture birth.

Aperture-1 means that the cervix is open wide as one adult finger. In theory, every 1 hour for subsequent openings will increase 1 for 1. Until the opening-10, then the mother must push the baby out.

2. Ultrasound Head Position

For normal delivery, after 36 months the baby's head should be under and into the pelvis in 38-40 weeks. In order to monitor the fetal head position, each visit to the obstetrician or midwife who has the facility of ultrasound, ultrasound do know that you can visually and convincing. Nowadays even already available 3D and 4D ultrasound facilities which could see the faces and organs of the fetus.

3. Defecate

During pregnancy, especially after entering the ninth month, you have to keep your bowel movements remain smooth. So see that normal weight gain. Obesity during pregnancy can lead to not defecate smoothly and various diseases for both mother and fetus. Smooth bowel movement is very important to be able to give birth normally. Because the sewer is clogged or unclean can inhibit the release of the baby.

4. When Should Induction

If the baby has not come out well after 40 weeks gestational age, the doctor will usually offer induction. The process of induction is a stimulant drug contraction given by injection or infusion.The duration of induction varied for each mother, there are only 4 hours, but some are able to survive up to 33 hours. During the induction took place, she should still get your food intake in order to have the energy to survive before reaching the opening-10 and to push the baby out.

If the mother and baby strong induction, the doctor will maintain normal deliveries. But if the mother is not strong or weak your baby's heartbeat, the doctor will usually offer delivery via cesarean section.

5. Supplies You Need Carried

Prepare in 1 large bag baby clothes, disposable diapers, nursing bras, clothing that allows you to breastfeeding, childbirth pads, and gloves. Wear the clothes that are comfortable to wear and gloves when doing the labor.

Essential Knowledge Regarding Normal Childbirth

What is mentioned above is a step-by-step what to do in preparation for childbirth. What is written is still most important information you should know. There are still some other important knowledge you must know.

1. Contraction Uterus

In general, the first sign that women are ready to give birth is convulsions uterus or known as contraction. The contraction is accompanied by heartburn and pain in the waist and thighs. Before the actual contraction, there is also a contraction that is not a sign of birthday. Contraction is generally aimed at preparing mouth birth to dilate and increase blood flow in the placenta.

Many women who feel squeezed contractions as pain, stiffness and tension, or heartburn feel like want to defecate. When the time interval is far contractions, the pain was only in the upper abdomen. But when the time interval near too contraction, pain radiating to the lower abdomen even towards the back waist. When the cervix is opened perfectly, severe pain in the area was going to be very strong.

Actually, contractions during pregnancy does not just happen on  birth pregnancy, but it can occur at any time. Therefore, you should be able to distinguish between false contractions or braxton hicks contractions. Braxton hicks contractions are uterine contractions are weak, disorganized and did not cause birth babies. The characteristics of false contractions are:
  • The contractions occur irregularly and does not cause pain in the lower abdomen and groin.
  • Do not cause pain from the waist down to the lower abdomen.
  • Short and long contractions are not that strong. The contraction will disappear if you walk.
  • Not getting stronger along with increasing time.
  • There is no effect on the opening of the cervix.
2. Phase Childbirth

The delivery process can be divided into three stages. The first phase is the pre-natal, begins when you feel a contraction in short, irregular and not too sick to when contractions take place regularly, often, pain and ends with the opening of the cervix. The second phase of labor occurs when you start to push the baby out, and ends with the birth of your baby. And finally, the third phase or after birth is when the placenta.

Many people assume that the onset of labor was very clear, that with the emergence of pain and contractions, and you will know it. But actually, the early stages of labor is often not clear. There are three things that arise even though these three did not indicate that the birth was imminent.

Discharge mixed with blood. Mucus looks like jelly and a little red. Mucus is a cover of the birth (womb) during pregnancy, and will be out during the early stages of labor and always occurs prior to rupture the amniotic membrane.

Broke the membranes

Back pain that you experience upsetting or severe contraction that could be misconstrued as a contraction of the birth. It's called "false labor".

2. Positions Childbirth

Childbirth is not only done in a lying position. How is the position recommended by a doctor ?

Recumbent position will only add to your work because you actually have to drive up to a little baby can pass through the birth canal. Here are a few positions that you can choose during their labor and delivery. Squat. Squatting opens the pelvic floor and vaginal and utilize gravity to push the baby out. If you want to hunker down in bed, then you will need the assistance of two people to help you.
  1. Half squat. For those of you who choose this position then you can ask for assistance from their husband. Husband can support your body and keep your back in order to stay upright with your knees slightly bent.
  2. Sit. You can sit on a cushion while holding the knee. Drop your chin to the chest. You can lean back and relax in between each contraction to collect energy. In this position, you will see your baby out.
  3. Semi-upright position. If you feel more comfortable near her husband during labor, you can lean back on her husband. This closeness will give you confidence and your husband can give your support to push.
3. Disturbance in the Process of Childbirth

Childbirth is a natural process that will take place by itself. But during labor can occur a variety of disorders that can harm the fetus and mother. Disruption in the delivery process that is often encountered is dystocia, impaired removal of placenta, and cuts in the birth canal.


Dystocia or difficult birth and could not be continued due to insufficient power his mother, the fetus is too large, or abnormalities of the birth mother, for example, the pelvis is too narrow. Usually the doctor will try to help by using the vacuum, pliers or forceps, or cesarean.
Spending Impaired Placenta

Although removal of placenta disorder occurs when the baby is born, but the disorder can not be underestimated. Impaired removal of placenta, such as placenta does not come out perfect or bleeding very much After the placenta out, can cause bleeding after childbirth, which is one cause of maternal death after delivery of the highest.
Birth Injuries on the Road

Birth injuries can result street during delivery. Injuries that occurred as the vagina or the birth experience memear or tear or swelling; hematoma obstetik, the occurrence of blood clots due to blood vessel injury due to movement of the head of the fetus during labor or vascular puncture during local anesthesia; rips womb, and so on. If not recognized and left alone, these injuries can also lead to bleeding.

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