Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Preparation for Childbirth Baby

Preparation for Childbirth Baby. Giving birth is a process filled with question marks. Especially for the first time you feel it. No wonder if all the flavors mixed solid. Anxiety, sadness became increasingly mixed with a sense of joy that will soon be perceived as a tiny baby. The long wait for more than 39 weeks will soon change with the arrival of the baby. Once in the last month of pregnancy, the fetus is usually head into the pelvic cavity. No wonder, if the stomachs of pregnant women will be seen getting down and if there is an empty cavity. Uterus has been pressure on your bladder so that pregnant women will often pee like at the first trimester.

Entering the final trimester of pregnancy may be an exciting time for pregnant women. Typically, pregnant women prepare for baby needs and also prepare for the birth. One such preparation is to prepare a variety of purposes in a hospital delivery. Moreover, usually estimated day of birth (HPL) often misses forecasts doctor. Labor could come earlier than the original calculation. No one can know for sure about the time of delivery. That is the secret of God. So, it could not hurt to prepare all the needs to deal with the process of childbirth in the hospital later.

Preparation period will be more fun when the husband was involved. Do not just drive every month or every week doing a routine check when the time is getting closer. However, the husband can also find various information about pregnant women and childbirth from a variety of sources. Husband can also give information when the wife needs knowledge around the time of birth the baby. Besides being very helpful to get the information, it will also make his wife feel very happy because attention.

Breathing Exercises for Childbirth Baby

For some people, especially the new birth experience the first time is a stressful time. Therefore, pregnant women are encouraged to practice relaxation and breathing at least two months before the day of delivery the baby arrives. Why practicing breathing and relaxation are essential to pregnant women? Relaxation is a process of resting the body and mind of all the physical and psychological burden that you will be relaxed and calm. That is why, relaxation can relieve anger, stress, or grief that commonly arise during pregnancy.

Relaxation is also useful for babies as blood flow in the placenta you will be smooth. Thus, the need for oxygen for the baby will be fulfilled. Moreover, the relaxation will make the process safe and smooth contractions. When relaxation is needed to breathe well. You can train it by doing breathing exercises. Breathing exercises for labor, there are three techniques, ie deep breathing techniques, breathing during contractions, and breathing during contractions stronger. You can do the breathing practice by sitting cross-legged with bringing both feet. Inhale deeply through your nose and feel your body as the chest expands slightly elevated.

Moments Childbirth Baby

Moments of childbirth is a fun and thrilling for most pregnant women. The arrival of the little one just a few seconds can make a pregnant woman becomes anxious. Once in the month or week 9 - 40, usually you will start to feel contractions in uterine muscle. Uterus will harden and then slowly began to relax again. Contractions during childbirth will actually appear umpteen times at regular intervals and painful heartburn. To cope with the pain the bite, you should drink lots of water or try chewing on a chocolate or brown sugar.

So how long birthing process take ? Answering this question is difficult. Every pregnant woman has unique characteristics as well as during labor. There are long hours, but there are women who only need 15 minutes. Clearly, each process will go through 4 stages of labor, the first stage (the opening), the second stage (infant spending), the third stage (placental expenditure) and fourth stage (when the health monitoring).

In the first pregnancy, usually contraction interval of about 5 to 20 minutes. Meanwhile, the "bite" of contractions usually last between 30 to 60 seconds. Incredible bite it takes longer, about 60 to 90 seconds and the shorter interval (2-4 minutes). However, these figures can not be used as a benchmark for all pregnant women will experience it varies. The first phase will be complete when the cervix is open reaches approximately 10 centimeters. If it is on to the stage, you are automatically the first stage of labor was over and continued to the second stage to the next to last stage.

Contraction Characteristics Childbirth Baby

Baby can pass easily as long as you do not feel anxious. If everything has been prepared, it is thrilling that moment will pass smoothly. With the growing size of the uterus, pregnant women will experience a very uncomfortable feeling. Yet again, the anxiety of the condition of your baby later and your new role as a new mother. However, all the anxiety that will be replaced with the arrival of the baby.

Baby characterized by the emergence of contraction. However, pregnant women should be able to distinguish false contractions and contractions correctly. For pregnant women who give birth for the first time, it was difficult to distinguish where false contractions and contractions correctly. In fact, often pregnant women who have the experience and still likes fooled.

False or Braxton Hicks contractions may likely as a warm-up exercise doing by uterine wall muscles before contraction does occur. Therefore, false contractions would not hurt the twisting and prolonged pain. False contractions was the time span will be weakened, in contrast to the contraction it true that the pain will be intensified.

These traits false contractions
  • Not come regularly. Can 10 minutes, 20 minutes or even 15 minutes.
  • If you get out of bed or move move, contractions usually will weaken and diminish pain.
  • From time to time, false contractions will decrease the pain, until eventually will disappear by itself.
 These characteristics of true contractions
  • It comes with a certain time frame or interval. Originally rarely, but then will be more frequent.
  • If you get out of bed or moving on the move, even more painful contractions and twisting.
  • From time to time, the contractions will feel stronger and felt more pain.
When the contractions came, usually pregnant women will experience excruciating pain. The role of husband and wife as a much-needed encouragement and giver of peace. Already many hospitals that allow the wife while the husband childbirth. Well, hopefully this article useful, especially for those who were waiting for the moment baby.

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