Thursday, February 28, 2013

Articles Long Jump Around

Articles Long Jump Around. Athletics is one of the oldest known sports in the world. For that reason, it is not surprising then that many people are looking for a reference or reading about the sport of athletics. One source of the reading public is much sought after athletics articles. Nowadays, a lot of articles about athletic people can be found, either article published in the mass media, as well as those contained in personal pages or websites.

One of the articles about the sport of athletics that are sought after public is article long jump. Yes, the long jump is one of the branches of sports athletic jump. In addition to the long jump, including athletic jump into the branch, including transmissible jump, high jump and pole vault. On this occasion, the author will present the long jump article. It aims to make the discussion more focused on one discussion only. Meanwhile, the other will jump sport writer explained in another article.

Regarding the Long Jump

Long jump sport is made up of two words, namely the jump and far away. The word "jump" means moving forward with the legs elevated, (down or up) and quickly down again. Meanwhile, the word "substantially" means the distance that must be taken for a maximum of a single jump.

So, the long jump is a type of exercise performed by jumping to the front with a contrast on one leg for a distance as far as jumps. Stepping distance in the sport of long jump is measured from the starting point of the foundation of stepping up to the first trail in the sandbox after jumper landing.

There are many things to know about sports long jump. For this reason, the authors will present readings of articles long jump in order to provide additional knowledge about what are the things to be aware of or have known in the sport of long jump. So that all readers are not curious, here are the authors present what things that should be known in the long jump sports including equipment, used clothing, and basic techniques of the long jump.

Long Jump Equipment

In athletics branch jump, long jump branch in particular, there are several components that must be prepared before the event starts. Here are some of the tools needed.
  • Field with sandbox as the foundation fulcrum,
  • Measure distance meter to jump, and
  • Flag (if needed) to mark the distance as well as providing a signature jump jumper leap've done well or not.
If all the above equipment is ready, the implementation of the long jump had been able to do. In addition to the equipment required, there is another equally important for general readers, namely the clothing used in the long jump. Here's the explanation.

Clothing in Long Jump

In theory, in any branch of athletics has always used a special outfit, although in practice it is not always the case. However, it helps us know good clothes to be used in the sport of long jump. Clothing for athletic sports, including sports long jump is ideally clean clothes and not transparent when covered in sweat. In addition, the sports apparel is best made with typical and not too tight and not too big.

Intended use of such clothing is of course to avoid the disruption caused by clothing. Distinctive clothing will make jumping feel comfortable in undergoing any movement. In addition to special clothing, the long jumper would require special shoes to protect your feet from injury. However, for some reason, the athletes who did not use footwear when performing jumps are still allowed.

Basic Technique Long Jump

At first glance, the activity of jumping is not so hard to do. However, not so if the jump is done is jump used in the long jump event. To get the maximum jump, long jump athletes must master the basic techniques of jump well. The reason of course for the benefit of jury.

The basic techniques in throw far include prefixes, repulsion or basic, posture in the air, and landing attitude. How can a clear picture of the wide range of basic techniques in sports long jump it? The following brief explanation.

1. Prefix

In sports long jump, the prefix is a movement beginning in the effort to get a chance at the time will do repulsion. Following the implementation of the techniques of a good prefix.
  1. Distance prefix depends on each runner or a long jumper. Typically, the distance to take the prefix is about 30 to 40 meters. Distance prefix should be pretty far and run fast to get the greatest momentum during repulsion.
  2. Running speed when performing prefix must keep pace and rhythm. At the time step, the primary focus or concentration athlete should be on the highest jump.
  3. The final step in the prefix should be slightly shortened so that the athlete or runner can resist up with more perfect.
  4. Attitude run time prefix as well as the attitude at the time running sprints.
2. Repulsion or pedestal

Repulsion is the change in movement or displacement of horizontal movement toward vertical movements done quickly. Here is the implementation of repulsion or pedestal.
  • At the time of bearing, the body must be slightly tilted forward.
  • Point weight should lie at the feet of the pile. The location of the point of the body is determined by the length of the last step before the jump. Legs that are used to perform repulsion is considered the most powerful legs.
  • Try to skip ahead to the highest.
3. Attitude Agency in the Air

Posture in the air is one thing that should also be considered. This is because that attitude is related to the wind when the body is in the air. At the time the agency hovering in the air, the wind factor greatly affects the speed and distance of jumps achieved. Here's the practice.
  • Shortly after the bearing, pivot foot must be straightened and hip be appointed to the upper front.
  • Try to be as long as possible in the air by way of maintaining balance and preparation for landing.
  • At the time of floating in the air, both legs slightly bent so the position of the body are in a squatting posture.
  • Posture when suspended in air consists of several movements or styles that can be done. Style in the air when the body is adjusted to the level of proficiency the jumper or athlete. Some styles can be used in the long jump, in which the style squat, hang or bouncy style and gait in the air.
4. Landed

Posture when landing is also noteworthy runners or athletes as the core of this movement is a movement in the sport long jump. If the land movement is done with less precise, it will result into no maximum mileage. Here's execution during landing.
  • At the time of going to land, the second leg brought forward by lifting the leg straight up, body bent forward, and his hands swung forward. Both lower limbs had to be straightened as much as possible in the future.
  • The landing should be done by placing both heels in the sandbox first. Keep the movement is done to landing. In order to get a good landing, your knees should be bent or bent, weight loss brought forward so as not to fall behind, head bowed, and his hands to the front.
Well, that's a glimpse of the discussion of article long jump. Hopefully this article can give benefit to all readers.

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