Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Knowing About Music

Knowing About Music. Many people think that music is an important part of their lives. There is hardly any person who does not like music. You also must use music as friend move. Various species now easily be encountered anywhere.

Music History

No one knows since when the music started there. Prehistoric humans apparently also already know the music. Proven by the discovery of musical instruments out of wood or animal skin that time used to worship the gods. Music at the time was more likely to be used as a means of worship rather than as entertainment.

Ancient Greek and Indian philosophers defined music as tones vertical and horizontal harmony. John Cage, the musician of the 20th century, said that all voices can be categorized as a musical. Whether it's a natural disaster or other sounds. Only, the voice should have a strong harmonization rather annoying ear noise.

Music is basically the sound of each individual received a different history, location, culture and tastes. Definitions also vary true. But in general, the music is all sound produced intentionally by a person or group of people and presented as a form of art that has beauty. Music by an Aristotle, should have the ability to reconcile a troubled heart, has a recreational therapy and foster patriotism spirit.

Types of Music

There are a variety of flow / main genres of music. Each genre is divided into several sub-genres. Such categorization, although sometimes too subjective, but it is still one of the sciences are studied and established experts of world music.

Until now, the music world suffered a lot of progress. Many types of new music that was born and developed. Trip hop music example which is a blend between beats electronic pop music that mild and pleasant. There is also a mix of hip-hop rock. Not to mention rock and neo-wave dance rock that is now being favored.

Even now there are many bands that carry the local language song with the rhythm of rock music, jazz and blues. Meanwhile, the flow of the music is also the subject of innumerable. Ranging from classical music, traditional music, religious music, jazz, blues, pop, to rock, and country music. If if combined with one another and match, it appears another type of fresh new music

The media and the music industry

Music can now be heard from a variety of media. No money was, you can still enjoy the music presented from radio, television, or other. Even now you can listen to music for free on the internet via YouTube or Myspace.

Not only that, YouTube and MySpace also become a medium for promoting fellow musicians to introduce their works. It also enrich the world of music, because music is "weird" or have never been there even could be featured widely in the world, without the need to be distributed by a major label. In fact, many professional musicians who appear at first just look and amateur videos posted through both sites.

In industry, the music also experienced significant changes. Starting from the era of LPs, cassettes, CDs, or digital to intangible. The music industry is also enlivened by indie labels or independent labels. Trade is also more to a digital format via iTunes or any other online store numbers aplenty in the virtual world. So, no need to bother anymore to get music. Immediately turn your favorite music and let your imagination wander with him

Basically, all the sounds can be said became a music although the sound is not uniform. However, it will all depend on who sounded wonderful to hear it. In other words, the music can be defined as a collection of tones that has coherence and harmonization are bound in an irregular rhythm and tempo.

Actually, the music can be defined as any dependent of understanding each person. Music can be interpreted as a painting feelings, love, rhythm of life, and so on. The meaning of the music would be so complex if traced in detail. Music was composed of several streams, including pop, rock, jazz, blues, classical, traditional, R & B, hip hop, dangdut(originally indonesia music).

However, basically the music is something that can be expressed as an art because it has a certain character that makes people hear have come to understand about something, such as a theme or lyrics of a song sung by the music. It also proves that almost everyone likes music with different reasons. There could not live without music, there is also the music is used as something to feed themselves.

So, what is the difference between the music to life, turn on the music, and the music live? In this article, we will discuss everything about music and its use in human life.

Life Without Music ? Boring !

All people must have loved music. At least, never listen to music. How important the role of music in human life. Music may be the most friendly companion for any activity. Just imagine what would happen if a world without music. The pace of life would be very lonely without the beat of drums, no guitars, and other instruments.

So, it is not an exaggeration to say the music lives or life for someone considering the role that is so vital. In one day, people should eat at least three times or a maximum of five times. However, people can listen to music as much as a dozen times in one day. Music does not provide muscle energy, but energizes the brain.

Therefore, every man needs to hone the performance of music contained in sensory neurons in their brains. Even on a fetus still in the womb too, music is very important to the psychic growth the fetus.

This is caused by the energy of the music that is able to stimulate the brain works so that the music, the brain can grow and thrive. So, what kind of music can make someone's life more meaningful?

A matter of taste may not be imposed. There are like classical music because of the serenity and peace that emerged from the music, some like loud music because it is capable of inflicting a certain euphoria for a hearing, there is also a love for the rhythm of dangdut music is cheerful and make the audience seemed relaxed in the face of life.

In addition, music is also capable of making a person can establish a certain moment become more romantic and dramatic. At some point, people could be feel melancholy by hearing music that reminded him of the past.

But sometimes too, music can also make a person who was not passionate in the face of life, it becomes very cheerful and are no longer desperate. It is caused by the energy transmitted by the creator of the music itself. With cold hands, the creator of the music to make music that they create into something that fills the souls of the listeners.

Dramatizes Life

What is the first thing you look for someone when his heart amid chaotic, sad, lonely, and carefree? Music. Yes. Of course the music was first sought. Music with a rebound following the singer's melodious song lyric "I banggets" was able to add and animate mood. More merry merry, sad increasingly cut-slice.

In other words, the music in this case could be regarded as something that turn on and complement the mood. In addition to turn the mood, music to liven up the atmosphere in the true sense. For example, a birthday party or wedding party will feel more festive with the presence of music.

Music is amazing. Starting from 7 tones capable of producing a variety of rhythms that represent different situations. The seven basic tone seemed endless "blended" in such a way that it has its own power. Music can be a complex area to convey a certain atmosphere. Therefore, the music also has a function other than complete life, which makes life more vivid. Or turn on a setting so that it becomes atmosphere in accordance with what is expected of the music listeners.

For example, when the school graduates, the music used is a nuanced dramatic or musical themed shades that create a separation that was laden with meaning farewell impressed. Another case when we go to birthday parties. The music is presented is certainly not mourning music, but music that can enliven the atmosphere cheerful and make the birthday party more festive. However, in addition to making life brighter, the music also was able to support someone when run with serious and struggle to be able to play.

Music as a Source of Income

It is not wrong if the music can be described as something that is able to support and meet the financial needs of a person. Fortunately for those who can play music because they will not run out of the land business. Just look at the people who graced the screen every day thanks to musical mastery. Well who is a musician and singer.

Roughly speaking, a musician can be said to be the main source of income. Needless to higher education. Simply having qualified musical skill, one is able to be "ruling the world". In fact, were not as fortunate as famous musicians could still keep away from music. The last option, for example, a "musician" as well as other street cafe.

Therefore, do not be surprised if there was someone who aspires to be a musician because the music is not just art that can not generate income. Music also can provide income that is even much larger than just working at a company. As long as they made earnest and full of struggle.

Music and Lifestyle

Well, other than as part of the life of each person, turn on various situations, and make source of income that can support a person, the music also was able to be one icon for the lifestyle of a person or a group. For example, we often see young punk punk lifestyle that also sing punk. Or kids rock n roll who also enjoys rock n roll.

It indicates that music is not only art that can be enjoyed by music lovers only. Music also can greatly affect a person's lifestyle. With a variety of musical character, the birth is also a variety of streams and lifestyles of a person or group so that the music often becomes their way of life.

However, not all lifestyles are guided by the flow of the music is also worth imitating. If the lifestyle on offer is negative, there is no harm anyway if we avoid such a way of life without the need to avoid the flow of the music as well. So clever to choose only what is good music to listen to, enjoy, and be a lifestyle. Be careful about choosing a lifestyle based genre bandwagon just because everyone else.

That's the idea of music that can called life, turn, and live. Keep work and hone your musical skills !

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