Sunday, February 24, 2013

Various and developments of Email

Various and developments of Email. In the era of all-electronic, electronic mail (email) and has dominated the SMS sending letters and messages. Carrier pigeon has been replaced by electronic pigeon. Kinds of emails were varied, complete with all its pros and cons.

Revolution and sent a letter or send a message it was running faster and faster. Upon hearing the term correspondence, my mind immediately thought of the pigeon funny. In the old postman pedaled while shouting, "Post," while a typical bicycle bell rang.

Then, there is a telegram which always makes anxious every time she came because the connotation is always bad news. Anyway, do not forget the morse code. Apparently, not morse code can be understood only through sound, but light or light.

Developments Email

1971 was a historic year in the development of the internet, because in the first email was sent. Interestingly the first mail delivery was carried out by two computers side by side
. Samuel B Morse type the word 'Behold what God has great writing!' In May 1844 when creating a telegraph machine.

While Alexander Graham Bell as the pioneer of the phone has a message that is legendary in March 1876 that, "Mr. Watson, come here. I have a need to be with you! 'To his assistant. So what Ray Tomlinson sent the first e-mail ?

The first word is written in the first email was 'QWERTYUIOP' which is nothing but the first line of the alphabet keys on the keyboard. However, Tomlinson actually did not quite remember if it was her first word or not. The use of the @ sign does not go through a long process, but only approximately half a minute thinking. @ Itself reads 'at' which is the prepositions in English to indicate the place (sometimes the time as well).

Tomlinson was born in Amsterdam, New York, but then his family moved to a small village called Vail Mils. He attended Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York. He participated in the co-op program with IBM. In 1963 he graduated from the Institute with a degree in electrical engineering.

After graduation, he continued his education to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. There he developed a hybrid digital-analog synthesizer for his thesis research. Then in 1965 he graduated with a master's degree in electrical engineering.

In 1967 he joined the technology company Bolt, Beranek and Newman are now called BBN Technologies. Here he helped develop the TENEX operating system for the ARPANET. ARPANET is an internet development division of the U.S. Department of Defense. This is where he wrote a program to transfer a file that is named CPYNET. Later, he was also asked to create a program SNDMSG (send message). It occurred to him to combine the two programs and the results e-mail first.

Funnily enough, when he showed it to the first email colleagues, instead he ordered hid it, "This is not what we should do!" Said Jerry Burchfiel, her co-workers were. But alas, this technology is the cheapest messaging technology today. Millions of people sent e-mails every day. Although the predicate as the inventor of email, but his name is not as popular as Morse or Bell. Maybe it's because internet technology is developing very quickly that the old easily forgotten.

But his work also received awards from various parties such as George R. Stibitz Computer Pioneer Award from the American Computer Museum in 2000, the Webby Award from the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences in the category of Lifetime Achievement.

In 2001 he was appointed as the Rensselaer Alumni Hall of Fame. Then, in 2002 Discover Magazine Award given innovation awards. In 2004 he received the IEEE Internet Award with Dave Crocker. And in 2009 he was with Martin Cooper receives Prince of Asturias award for science and technology research category.

Kinds of Email
1. POP Mail

POP (Post Office Protocol) mail is the email that follows protocols like regular mail route. Intermediaries from the post office, the post office and sent to the mailing address. Thus, the POP mail server must pass several computers to get to the server where your email account is located.

Excess emails can be read when you do not connect the internet, the term offline. You only need to connect to a POP mail server, then download your email. If you've written response, a new turn on the internet and hit send to send. You can use a mail client program, such as Netscape, Outlook Express, or Eudora. The drawback, this type of email can not be opened or checked from any place.

2. Email Forwarding

Email resume email service shipment to your other email address. Email this type is useful if you are frequently changing-changing email addresses email alias not have a fixed or suitable for you. Excess these emails, you can keep a real email address. The drawback, because only as an intermediary, email takes longer time to arrive. In addition, capacity is also limited file attachment.

3. Web-Based Email

Web-based email, not a mail client. Thus, the access is not the email server, but to the web server. It is intended for people who have internet access, but do not have their own email account. Thus, the web server provides a facility generally free account. For example, provided and

The advantages of this type of email is that it can be opened or checked from anywhere and is very easy to use. The drawback, to check email, you have to connect to the internet. The cost for online can be a lot when you have to and need to check email several times a day, unless you subscribe to the Internet on a regular basis.

Communication is described by the existence of a universal language means an individual or a group that tries to provide information using the ideas or opinions of the person or persons who receive it. Individuals or groups of people who receive these communications must understand the information, ideas, or opinions provided by the sender of communication.

The development of communication are increasingly stretched. If in the 17th century or the 18th, communication is done through the post office, in the 20th century was influenced by communications technology. Communication technology continues to evolve in the first form of the phone.

Then start to shift to things like the radio, fax, and without forgetting the name of postal communication services. The more it ages, the development of increasingly sophisticated communications technology. Of the kinds of communications that exist, we recognize cyber communication.

A communication that is supported by the presence of the software named internet and supported adequate tools. This technology could eventually be seen in the drawing, such as the internet, email, and others. That communication technologies depicted in the world today. Technology digital communication, so people call it today. Advantages that can be obtained with the fast-paced technology today is the communication system to be flexible and have the convenience. One is the function of the phone.

With small and lightweight form, we can communicate with anyone and anywhere. Technology applied in mobile phones include single digital network by telecommunications operators in Indonesia. Efficiency is also important, especially the companies that make the devices of communication technology has now been implanting a chip in every product. In every cell phone called the ic.

So it is with the laptop that we have. With the chip, we can connect directly to the internet connection which is now higher and growing rapidly. We no longer carrying a computer or wait for a computer is used by other people. With a device such as a laptop, everything becomes easy.

The cost of production for maintenance items became cheaper. Treatment devices are now more efficient communication technologies along with the desire of the company that makes the communication device, which makes an object a long-lasting and much more durable in use.

It was a calculation in the world today. At the end of the 2000s, we've crammed smartphone products. This phone is no longer just a means of communication, such as phoning or sms. But, it can also be used as a communication tool instead of a computer or laptop. The size is also smaller, can put in pocket, and a more flexible course.

Various kinds of names, no blackberry, iPhone, or android phone. Communication technology does not only rely on the function, but also on the shape and style of life change. Towards the end products such as tablet computers ready to seize consumers who want the technology in other ways.

On development, communication technology across the world today are still influenced by the presence of the Internet without wires or third generation that we often hear the term 3G. As for next year, next-generation 4G ready to present. How about you, what do you use as a medium of communication ? Similarly, information on the development of email and the growing range of email.

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