Thursday, February 21, 2013

Powerful News version of Wiki-leaks and the Times Magazine

Powerful News version of WikiLeaks and the Times Magazine. Lately, a lot of breaking news that happens in this world. This breaking news spread around the world. Actors in breaking news and even then emerged from various backgrounds, ranging from grassroots to the high-ranking countries in the world. Have you ever heard of the case of Wikileaks ? Yes. A site that state secrets form a state secret American documents. In addition to leaked documents of the United States, was leaking site Wikileaks political conspiracies of various countries in the world.

Indeed, the case caused by the act of this website Wikileaks became the biggest news in the world of earth. Because of him, the Wikileaks site was closed and brought into the realm of law.

Powerful News According to Wikileaks

1. Iran Nuclear Project

One story that made the world a scene that was leaked by the Wikileaks website is Iranian Nuclear Project. As is known by the general public that Iran has a nuclear project. This breaking news has become the consumption countries in the world. However, the biggest news website Wikileaks released this is the secret diplomacy carried the King of Saudi Arabia, King Abdullah, with the U.S. government.

Indeed, the Iranian nuclear issue is enough to stir the political atmosphere of the world. Hot and stormy atmosphere was again shown when Wikileaks leaked the news of secret diplomacy between the government of Saudi Arabia to the United States.

American Diplomat Politics Disagreeable for World Leaders

In some forums the world, stated that U.S. diplomats called for a harsh satire of some world leaders. This is a breaking news when Wikileaks leaked secret that in fact be a highly confidential for U.S. diplomats. The world leaders are firmly quipped by U.S. diplomats including French President Nicholas Sarcozy and Prime Minister of Italy, Silvio Berlusconni. Leaks on the part of Wikileaks has made splashy politics between countries in the world.

3. Uranium Owned Foreclosure Pakistan by the United States

Breaking news released by the Wikileaks is owned uranium seizure Pakistan by the United States. Wikileaks released breaking news that shows concern the United States against nuclear threats from countries non-ally.

Breaking news is exactly the fear of the United States against the Iranian nuclear threat. Pakistan's uranium-owned foreclosure conducted ole United States for the purpose of security. What a ridiculous reason Ngada.

4. Guantanamo Prisoner Exchanges

Guantanamo prison belongs to the Government of the United States is known for its cruelty. Cruelty Guantanamo prison has made splashy countries that do not agree with the atrocities that happened in the prison. To that end, the Government of the United States of trying to make the effort to revamp the way propaganda.

Propaganda is done by way of exchange of prisoners Slovenia with Guantanamo detainees. Unfortunately, the propaganda was successfully leaked by the Wikileaks breaking news and became consumed by the world community.

5. Corruption Afghan Vice President Ahmed Zia Massaud

Breaking news that was re-released by the Wikileaks is a corruption case Afghan Vice President Ahmed Zia Massaud. Wikileaks released breaking news mentions that the Vice President of Afghanistan, Ahmed Zia Massaud, suspected of corruption amounting to 52 million U.S. dollars during a visit to the United Arab Emirates. Wikileaks released this news really makes splashy world.

6. Trio Alliance of China, the United States, and South Korea

Website Wikileaks released breaking news that mention China, the United States, and South Korea to form an alliance that point on economic cooperation. However, behind the formation of an alliance between China, U.S., and Korean States, presumably hidden intentions, which suppress the existence of North Korea in the nuclear projects being developed in North Korea.

7. Syria Army Support Hizbullah

Wikileaks released breaking news that followed was the support given by Syria to Hezbollah. Despite the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad has vowed to stop aid to Hezbollah, there are still loopholes to perform on the part of Hezbollah's weapons assistance.

However, given the covert arms supplies to Hezbollah Syrian side is not yet known which party is behind this interest. News released by Wikileaks this really be shocking the world.

8. The spy Hillary Clinton

Back, Wikileaks released breaking news, that Hillary Clinton sent spies to find out or investigate the state of Iran, Russia, Pakistan, and North Korea. Steps taken by Hillary Clinton makes splashy world political map. Delivery spy that was done when Ban Ki Moon was elected as Secretary General of the United Nations.

9. Qatar Will not Engage in Combating Terrorism

Other breaking news that was released by Wikileaks is Qatar reluctant to get involved in fighting terrorists. It is very contradictory because when other countries want to eradicate the existence of terrorists, Qatar joined not even eradicate terrorist presence.

This shows that Qatar looks egotistical and enthusiasm to eradicate terrorists. Wikileaks released this news really makes splashy world.

10. Putin friendship and Berlusconni

Wikileaks released breaking news yag followed was a scene that made the news about the friendship of the Russian president, Vladimir Putin with the Italian Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconni. The owner of football club AC Milan, Silvio Berlusconni, had a friendly relationship with Vladimir Putin.

That said, the friendship between the two leaders is only a normal friendship. But in fact, it has more value friendship and have covered political issues between the two countries, Russia and Italy. Wikileaks released this news really makes splashy world.

Powerful News According to The Times

The Times also issued a news that does not lose powerful with the news released by Wikileaks. Here's the biggest news Times Magazine.

1. Somali pirate action

Breaking news first released Times Magazine is the action of pirates from Somalia are making restless world. Lately, the action of pirates from Somalia is rampant. Ships carrying goods economies of various countries, including the vessels coming from Indonesia hijacked by pirates from Somalia. Actions from Somalia's pirates make a scene and disturbing world shipping world.

2. U.S. Economic Crisis

The crisis that hit the U.S. economy is making the world a scene. The economic crisis has triggered a global economic slump. America's economic crisis marked by the failure of Lehman & Brothers company in the investment world, causing bad loans.

3. Obama Being Elected President of the United States

The election of Barack Obama as president of the United States in 2008 has made a splashy world. This is because Barack Obama is the first president of the United States from African-American descent. As with Obama's election credible heralds a new era for the United States.

4. Toxic Milk Powder Case in China

Times Magazine released the news about the toxic milk powder in China. The news makes a scene in the world. The presence of the toxic milk powder already claimed one victim died in Gansu Province. News poisonous milk powder is really horrendous world breaking news as that. That is collection released by Wikileaks and the Times Magazine. Hopefully this information can add to your knowledge.

That collection of breaking news by Wikileaks and the Times Magazine.

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