Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Reference Stream TV, Watch TV Through Internet

Reference Stream TV, Watch TV Through Internet. TV streaming is one form of technological advancement. Advances in technology are constantly evolving rapidly make a lot of areas must continue to adapt to the latest technology. One was the world of entertainment. Development of Internet and information and communication technology impact on the development of digital entertainment and online.

One entertainment TV media also changed. TV shows that are typically seen only through the television with an antenna or satellite dish can now be viewed via an internet connection in a variety of devices that support through streaming TV.

 It allows the television has a wider scope, can be seen anywhere as long as there is an internet connection. TV streaming on the rise in recent years. There is in the form of TV shows that are exclusively for streaming TV shows and there is also a conventional TV can also be watched online.

Advantages of online TV is that it can watch on the go do not have to depend where the station is located. For example, the Indonesian students in the United States want to watch shows Bolang in Trans7 enough to watch it over the internet.

Difficulty streaming TV on the internet is certainly there. In Indonesia alone, the Internet is still not evenly distributed, especially for tv streaming requires strong networks like 3G/HSDPA. If the network is down it certainly can not use a streaming service well. If you look online through media impressions computers and the like for a long time, it would be burdensome sight than watching television.

Indonesian television stations and TV Streaming

Currently, Indonesia has many television stations both conventional and cable TV are paid. National TV station, in Indonesia, among others :
  1. Antv
  2. Global TV
  3. Indosiar
  4. Metro TV
  5. MNC TV
  6. RCTI
  7. SCTV
  8. Trans TV
  9. Trans7
  10. Reuters
  11. TVRI
In addition to national TV, in Indonesia there are also many local TV stations and TV stations subscribe. Local television stations include :
  1. B-Channel
  2. Bali TV
  3. City TV Network
  4. JMPC
  5. Reuters TV
  6. Sindo TV
  7. Space toon
  8. Tempo TV
  9. Top TV Network
Meanwhile, for a paid subscription tv stations include :
  • Alif TV
  • Arena
  • BeritaSatu TV
  • MNC Business
  • MNC Comedy
  • MNC Drama
  • MNC Entertainment
  • MNC Lifestyle
  • MNC Music
  • Muslim MNC
  • MNC News
  • MNC Sport 1
  • MNC Sport 2
  • MNC International
  • SFI
  • SMI
  • Sindo TV
  • Voice TV
  • Sky TV
  • Sky Kids
  • Sky Drama 1
  • Sky Drama 2
  • Sky Movie 1
  • Sky Movie 2
  • Sing TV
  • Song TV
  • Vision 2 Drama
  • Music Channel

National TV stations can be seen for free only through the medium of television and antenna. There is also a need for a satellite dish to catch the broadcast. Today, cable TV is emerging both legal and illegal. Cable TV channels provide many choices that can not be captured by either the antenna or satellite dish.

Many people today prefer to use cable TV to pay a certain amount in a month to get a wide selection of channels they like. Several television stations in Indonesia had already can be seen online through streaming TV. In fact, there are also serious about TV station TV station TV streaming to its development in the Internet era like today. Is Trans Corp, a company that houses Trans TV and Trans 7, which recently launched My Trans TV.

My Trans Tv Streaming is a form of innovation provided by Trans Corp are well aware of the current market requires a more flexible medium to watch television.

My Trans TV streaming can be accessed by
the site in Through the site, we've been able to watch a good impression of Trans TV and Trans 7 online with ease. Besides being able to go directly to the website that provided My Trans TV also provides apps on Android.

The application makes it easier to access the shows both Trans Tv and Trans7 on Android. The application is already available on Google Play / Play Store (Android Market) and can be downloaded for free. Impressions on Trans TV My time is very flexible. We can see-through display at different times does not have to conform to the conventional TV schedule. In addition to Trans Corp., other television stations actually be watched online.

Sites Streaming TV Service Providers

The world has become more narrow with the Internet network. Any Internet users can access information from all over the world. It is also a positive and negative impacts. There are only bad people both in the real world and the virtual world.

If you can use the internet well of course a lot of benefits that we can feel. One of the facilities is rampant in the virtual world today there is a TV streaming. A wide selection of site for streaming television programs began to appear both local and international sites abroad.

For local sites that provide online services to watch TV one is Mivo Tv. If we go into we can see several options such as entertainment and finance. In Mivo TV we can watch the shows on national TV Indonesia as Indosiar, ANTV, Trans TV, Trans 7, SCTV, TVOne, DAAI TV, Spacetoon, Lunar Tv, Lajel TV and DW TV.

As with My Trans which provides applications for Android, not to be outdone Mivo also provide similar applications. Mivo Tv Application for Android devices can be downloaded for free via Google Play / Play Store (Android Market)

In addition to TV Mivo there are also some other sites that provide similar services, among others indoweb TV and TV charts. There are also some sites that are specific to certain television shows such as My Trans specifically for impressions Trans TV and Trans 7. There is also a Metro TV streaming to see the shows at Metro TV. Reuters TV can also be accessed online but can be seen through the television.

Another option website to watch TV online is Binus TV. His name is the same as the name of one of the universities in Indonesia. It is owned by TV Binus Binus, or Bina Nusantara. In addition to online TV, Binus also have a radio that can be accessed online via the internet. Binus TV also recruit students as employees. Certainly it be an a breakthrough that was good enough for the development of education and television in Indonesia.

Sites outside too much to provide streaming TV services. Some are specialized to create a website for streaming access to certain events. Such impressions K-dramas, or Korean dramas. K-drama fans are now scattered throughout the world. Of course, K-drama fans want to see the drama shows the update.

Streaming service becomes one of the choices. Korean television is mostly service can also be accessed via the internet. But there are also many options for K-drama fans to see first-run dramas online and not have to conform to the time slot in Korea. is one website that specializes streaming service for Korean dramas, Japan, and Taiwan. Even the English subtitles are also available to facilitate an English-speaking audience to watch the drama on that site. In addition there is also a Drama Soju My are also providing streaming services for the Korean drama.

External sites that provide streaming TV services is broader Hulu is one of the sites that provide streaming services legally. This site has the legal title for the broadcast content. Programs in the show on Hulu include TV programs from USA, SPEED, FX, E!, Oxygen, and others. Old programs are also shown on Hulu, like impressions era of the '60s and the '70s.

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