Sunday, February 24, 2013

Preparation Make Your Own Wordpress Theme for Beginners

Preparation Make Your Own Theme Wordpress for Beginners. Addition has been provided by WordPress itself, themes that are used as the face of Wordpress can be made. Here are some tips and guidelines to make preparations for beginners wordpress theme. To create a Wordpress theme yourself at least require some preparation. Such software, theme or template base, and some engines that have been integrated in WordPress itself.

Some of the tools needed to create a Wordpress theme as WordPress themes that are installed and running perfectly locally on your computer. Later, another tool such as a program editor to edit source code. As well as the latter is some software for image catching. Engine installed WordPress on your local computer intention is, as a server that can be used offline. Thus, in the process of making these themes you should not be in the position of being online.

For the setting way quite easily. Download XAMPP whose function is to make your PC as a server. Then, install the software. And do not forget to install the latest version of WordPress. You can download it at Program editor required to edit source code examples like Macromedia Dreamweaver. The program is very favorite and most frequently used. For example, features such as auto complete code that is similar to the Google search auto complete feature.

But the problem, for this software Dreamweaver paid. And in the run takes quite heavily, consuming RAM, and of course paid. For business pay-pay, our ears usually very amused when heard. Well, is there any software that 'joint'? Of course there is. Use Notepad + +. This software is very lightweight, free, and works very well. To get Notepad + + can visit the official website at

Download and install

And the last is the software for image editing. There are two names that deserves to be a reference. Like Adobe and Corel Draw Photoshop. Because a template is not just a programming language. Pictures will usually be infiltrated to create a theme or template we become more attractive. Some of the tools or basic preparation in making the devices mandatory Wordpress theme is a must-have to create their own WordPress templates. If you already have a different tool. So the process of making WordPress theme ready to be done.

Theme of interest will make the visitor comfortable. And when the visitor has comfortable, they do not hesitate to come back and come back to your blog. Impact ? Of course, our blog will be flooded with visitors. For those that work in an online business, it is a potential factor. Wawie through its website on visitor Life is Beautiful underlined. Because the visitor is 'life' of a real blog. Blog with reliable content and appearance, it would be useless without the visitor that landed.

Thus, we must be good at maintaining visitor. One way is to maximize the look of the blog. See website address at Life is Beautiful, how Wawie package to attract and lure the site visitor attraction. If you are able to maximize your WordPress theme properly, then there may be a flood of visitors will hit you in a future blog. Good luck.

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