Saturday, February 23, 2013

Easy Ways to Make Blogger Layout

Easy Ways to Make Blogger Layout. For those of you who are dealing with the internet must be familiar with the name layout blogger. But it was likely to hear the name of your blogger layout did not have a picture of the form layout blogger. Indeed, when we discussed the layout blogger is not possible if we do not discuss about the bloggers themselves. It may be easy to get a picture that the blogger is one medium that is in the world that is used exclusively in the world of writing so that those of you who like to write can tell all sorts of things about the blogger.

However, it is possible for those who are unfamiliar to the world of writing can try or practice skills in the world of writing so it is not impossible to follow bloggers writing skills you will be more refined. In the world of bloggers a lot of different features that were found to support the ease of writing. This time it will be reviewed in depth about the problem and its layout of blogger especially on media provided by google. Media blog provided by Google is more likely to be chosen because the number of applicants who use the blog.

Early stages you should do before you step on the stage of making a blogger
layout is you must first register as a member if on google blogger known as address because in this case we chose to use a media blog from google then it shall to do is to first create an account or email address on google.

For those of you who already have an email address in google can easily apply directly on blogspot. However, for those who do not have an email address in google and it still felt strange to register email on google so this time will be reviewed as well how to register email on google. Steps that must be done when creating email in google is quite easy.

You do not have to worry if you are having some difficulty when trying to sign up email on google because everything would be resolved. Sometimes issues arise when you sign up email on google more or less complete because you understand the questions that are required when registering email on google.

First write in the address bar on the internet. You will go directly to the menu gmail email. After that, you select at the top that says create and account. Upon entry you will be asked to complete a variety of questions that contain your full name, e-mail address you want on google, passwords are selected for use.

Then your birth date, do not forget there are also asked about gender or sex. Different things that may not be found when registering another email is when you sign up email on google in addition to a variety of questions you mentioned earlier also ordered to complete your mobile number.

In this case, you should write down the phone numbers are correct because once you enter the mobile phone number as the completeness of registration of gmail then gmail will reply with a verification number on your phone that you must eventually rewritten as a condition of registration google email.

Things you should consider when registering when creating emails in gmail is having to remember passwords used. If you have more than one email and a password that is different then it does not hurt to have it on a small note which can not be read by others. It is important to do because if you forget the password that is used it can not be entered in the email. If that is the case then it is not likely your data stored on gmail will be lost.

However, you need not worry too much if all that happens, the phone number that you enter when registration at gmail a lot can be used to help restore your email. Once the process is completed gmail then the next stage you can register on blogspot. You can directly write in the address bar

After that, you will be automatically entered on blogspot. If you already have a gmail account then you can go directly to the home blogspot. At the top of exactly the right shape pencil icon you will find a diverse menu consisting of overview, posts, pages, comments, stats, layout, temple, and setting. You can try to see it one by one to find out more about these parts.

For the first stage you can select the settings section because that section is part of the set that you have a blogger account. You can easily set the title of blogger who used to be seen at the very top of the blog. Then, you can also add a description of your blog is.

However, the most important thing you can set privacy so freely determine who can view or comment on the blog so for those of you who are less confident with writing can save it as a limited private collection for anyone who reads it.

In addition, you can also fill out the desired blog address so that the address of the blog will be written in the address bar when your blog is being opened. In the meantime, if you select the part template or it can adjust the display position from your blog.

If you still find it difficult to then keep trying because of problems related to the setting in blogger is solely a matter of habit and the more often you are dealing with a blogger will grow well in your views about the blogger. In this case, no less important is the problem of setting layout blogger. Once you select the successful template can easily see your blogger layout that can be arranged according to your interests and preferences.

In this case, consciously or unconsciously blogger layout used by everyone in a sense reflects the character of who owns it. Indeed, bloggers can be an event to learn more of the life, hobbies, and how one's perspective.

Benefit Blogger

Once we know the various steps that must be prepared before making bloggers and facilities provided there is no harm if we review more about the benefits of using bloggers themselves. Basically a lot of things that can be obtained and utilized from the presence of the blogger. We can easily write a variety of experiences, thoughts or hobby that we have so that we not only enjoy themselves, but can also be used by others.

Let's say that when we have a lot of experience there is no harm if the experience section to another. In addition we can tell our experiences to others that are more important when we write the blogger is someone else can share in the experience we were not impossible they could use as a teaching tool for them. Moreover, the most important of the layout blogger when compared with existing social networking media today is the writing on the blogger will not just disappear, but you can read up a long time.

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