Friday, February 15, 2013

Pregnant Women Who Wear Mobile Causes the Child's Hyperactivity

Pregnant Women Who Wear Mobile Causes the Child's Hyperactivity. Expectant mothers are too often using a cell phone while pregnant can cause birth brings her hyperactivity. Researchers believe the radiation from mobile phones can damage a baby's brain development in the womb. Professor Hugh Taylor of Yale University reveals mobile phone radiation can make the baby has low memory, anxiety, and bad behavior.

The Sun reported on Friday (16/3), the conclusion was made after researchers conducted experiments on mice that is pregnant. Baby mice born to experience memory problems and anxiety after birth. The same thing does not occur in rat pups whose mothers did not get a cell phone radiation.

"We have seen no behavior problems like ADHD on children mice that got the cell phone radiation exposure while still in the womb," said Taylor. ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a developmental disorder in child motor activity. This disease makes children's behavior tend to be excessive.

This is the first experimental evidence. In addition to an effect on the baby, radiation exposure also affects adults. However, Professor Eric Taylor of King's College London says the phone can not be blamed for the elevated levels of ADHD in children.

Pregnant ? He is Several Symptoms You Contains

You are experiencing pregnancy symptoms. However, it has not had time to visit the doctor. Consider the following symptoms, when it is felt by all of you at this time, most likely you are pregnant. The following symptoms :

Easy panting

If you are easily breathless when climbing stairs, but usually do not, there is a chance you are pregnant. The fetus does require oxygen. As a result, you often run out of breath. Please be advised, this will happen throughout the pregnancy. Especially when the baby began to pressure the lungs and diaphragm.

Enlarged breasts
Signs of enlarged breasts, the areola area blackened, and looks a lot more blood vessels in the chest be an early sign of pregnancy. Wear the right bra to reduce discomfort.

Easily tired
If you feel very tired easily, this could be a sign of an increase in hormones in the body. For most women, fatigue can take place during the first trimester. However, there is also an experienced until the second trimester.

Most pregnant women experience morning sickness. In fact, they had it up to six weeks. Some are experienced not only in the morning, but the afternoon and evening. To reduce nausea, get used to eating snacks such as biscuits in small portions but often.

Frequent urination
If suddenly always feel the urge to urinate at night, get ready, this is another sign of pregnancy. During pregnancy, your body will produce a lot of fluid that would meet the bladder.

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