Monday, February 18, 2013

Knowing About Mystery

Knowing About Mystery. The world we live has a lot of unsolved mysteries until now. Various studies have been conducted by experts to break mystery it rarely works. Although experts and researchers that showed evidence of the findings for research, yet the real mystery was never revealed. What are the mysteries of the world, which until now has not solved it ? Here are some of them.

Mystery Aliens

Talking about Aliens certainly will not be separated from the name UFO. Aliens touted as the figure behind the existence of UFOs. Many questions were raised about Aliens society from ancient times to the present, but none were successfully answered. Some questions concerning Aliens, among them the following.
  • What is it aliens ?
  • Where did they come from ?
  • Is it good or evil aliens ?
  • Why would they come to earth ?
Some of the questions are unlikely to be solved because how could examine if the existence of these creatures was not known to exist. As for the claims of the parties or those who have met or discovered, even the aliens abducted it is still very doubtful. Whether or not the existence of aliens is still a mystery. To be sure, many inspired by Hollywood aliens-aliens, so many films were created with the theme of aliens. Some of these films include ET, The Fourth Kind, Man in Black, and so on.

Mystery of Atlantis Civilization

You've heard the myth of Atlantis civilization, is not it? Yes, a myth that was first expressed by the Ancient Greek philosopher, Plato, in his Timaeus and Critias was until now not known to exist, and even the truth. In the book he wrote, Plato says that there is a very large island located in the Strait of Mainstay Haigelisi presence.

In front of the island there is a kingdom with an all-powerful civilization called Atlantis. The kingdom is able to produce gold and silver are countless. The walls of the palace is made of gold with silver from fence. In Atlantis there is the harbor with boats that have perfect gear, even in this kingdom there are tools that can bring people in it fly. However, due to a very large earthquake, the kingdom had sunk its amazing civilization.

Based on the stories in the book Plato, many researchers today who have tried to prove the existence of Atlantis. From a variety of inventions, many of them mentioned that the kingdom of Atlantis did exist, it's just the exact location has not been resolved to date. There is no mention in Indonesia, in Spain, and in other areas. Many researchers are skeptical and claim that Atlantis was a parable. But for those who believe, they never stopped trying to find out the location of Atlantis.

Mystery of Number 13

In this modern era, people would actually think realistically and will not believe the myth or legend from a bygone era. however, is not the reality of the matter. Still very much believe in myths about the past. Call it the myth is number 13.

Myth number 13 is actually originated from an ancient knowledge of the past or the name of Kabalah. Kabalah is the mystical teachings of the supreme council read by magicians in Pharaoh's regime. For them, the number 13 is one of the holy figure who has the magical and religious sides are very high.

Although no specific incident related to the number 13 is in the past, but in the modern era has widened the number 13 most figures avoided. For the community "modern" like this one, the number 13 considered unlucky number, disastrous, and all other vices.

Mystery Bridge Overtoun

In Scotland, there is an arched stone bridge wide enough. The bridge was made in 1859 ago and still sturdy and can be skipped without fear of collapse. At first glance, the bridge is no different from the stone bridge in general, ordinary people through there for a walk or jog. However, strange things will happen if a dog passes the bridge. Dogs like hypnotized and then jump off the bridge. Several dogs died instantly, while some other dog just hurt. More strangely, the dogs ran to the wounded back over the bridge to jump again! Continue to do so until he died.

This case is not going to 1-2 dogs, but on more than 100 dogs. These events have occurred since the year 1950 to 1960. The first dog that jumps off the bridge Overtoun is Collies. This dog was walking around with his employer, he suddenly jumped off the bridge and died. Even more bizarre, the dogs will jump from the same point on the bridge. In other words, all the dogs were jumping off a bridge Overtoun jump from the same point, not any jump as long as the bridge. The case is still a mystery.

Death Valley Mystery Stone

Death Valley is a national park in California, USA. There are places called Racetrack Playa. The site stretches along 2.8 miles with a width of 1.3 miles. The altitude is 3708 above sea level. This location is stretched flat, not sloping, north end and the south end is different only 5 cm.

The mysterious of places are moving stones themselves. In the rainy season, Playa became a shallow lake that dried quickly. When the weather was hot, the water evaporates and leaves a layer of dried mud, thin, and soft. On top of a layer of dried mud that the stones moved. Interestingly, no one human being really ever saw the stone moved directly. All they see is their trail scratches that cut layers of mud. And from day to day, the rocks are indeed moving forward!

This mysterious phenomenon is not a new story. This anomaly has been known since 100 years ago. Only, until now no scientific explanation why the rocks move themselves in a flat.

Mystery Animals were mutilated

As the name suggests, this mystery in connection with the killing of livestock with mutilated body parts. Mutilation is done looks so perfect, it seems to use a very sharp knife and as practiced by traditional surgeons. Not only was mutilated, killed cattle usually dried blood and body parts mysteriously missing. This is the case in North America and Europe in the 1960s. Actually before that some cases of cattle mutilations have occurred, but not treated seriously by police.

One of the experience is Agnes King, a farmer who lives in Colorado, USA. He lost his horse for 2 days. When found, the horse had been skinned, the neck and the head was not there. Surprisingly, the carcass is odorless and does not bleed. He then reported to the police for fear of psychopathic killer on the loose. This case was raised by the media, led to much recognition farmers in other regions of the United States who have the same case.

Until now, the police can not solve the mystery of cattle mutilations cases, and the case is still going on. Some people speculate that it was the work of a prankster (prankster spread across many regions in the U.S.?), Predatory act that we do not know exist, or the act of an alien.

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