Monday, February 18, 2013

Knowing About Film and Movie

Knowing About Film. Do you always have a schedule to watch in cinema ? Or if you like to linger in front of the TV while watching the screen that was presenting a story ? If yes, you could say, you are a person who has a favorite movie. Typically, the selected movie to watch is related to the character yourself. That is, you just want to watch a particular film genre or style. Although, obviously, there are many people who eat all genres of movies to know flavor presented in every genre of film being watched.

To find out more about the movie genre that is always lying in the cinema or TV screen, should refer to the reviews below. It is expected that you can know the feeling of going out of the storyline movies you watch.
Drama Film

Genre film gives the story about life. Find more compassion in this film so that the audience can come to feel what the characters feel. Not infrequently, drained of tears on the way to finish this film. Tugs presented in this film was related to the emotional character of the problem at hand. Examples of drama; Romeo and Juliet, Remember Me, Hachiko, Dear John, and so on.

Drama genre has some grooves, including ;
  • Musical Drama; the scene drama invites the audience sing some even danced. For example, 3 Idiots, My Name is Khan, Grease, High School Musical, Strings 2 Love, and so on.
  • Comedy Drama; film drama in which has an element of tickling and can make laugh. For example, Proposal, Back Up Plan, Pretty Woman, and so forth.
Genre film also has another derivative :

Religious Comedy Drama; wrapped drama with elements of comedy and religion. For example, Jiung & The moron from Betawi, The seekers of God, and Islam KTP.

Action movie

The fight for the fight presented in this film genre. In fact, there are several scenes that just showing martial art without any dialogue. Brought to the audience as the velocity of the central body of the characters fight. Usually, the people who love martial arts film genre tend to like this. Example of an action movie, Going away, Ip Man films starring Bruce Lee, Jet Lee, Jackie Chan, Zhao Wen Zhuo, and so on.

Horror movie

This film genre associated with the legend of creepy in a region or a legend that deliberately to bring this film. The audience will often scream when watching this film genre, because without realizing suddenly the ghost appears on the screen. Example of a horror movie, Kuntilanak, Sister ngesot, The Ring, The Hunting, Exorcist, and so on.

Thriller Film

Thriller movies are always stressful and not escape relying on logic. Because, along the way you will be presented with the story of the murder. This spurred fear in the separate self. But, if you do not like the flow of this kind, it is better to avoid the thriller genre. Examples thriller, The Collector, Perfume; the story of murderer, Scream (1, 2, 3), Urban Legend (1.2), I Know What You Did Last Summer, The Bone Collector, and so on.

Fantasy Film

The movie plot is beyond human reasoning. Something that is not possible, it will happen in this movie. The surplus, this movie will always thrusting something that makes the audience will be wowed creatures and objects that do not exist in real life. Examples of fantasy films, Harry Potter, Twilight, Narnia, Lord of the Rings, Avatar, Spiderman, Dragon Ball, and so on.

Film Animation

You a fan of the cartoon? If so, no one chose this film genre. Examples of animated films, Spongebob Squarepants, Avatar the legend of Aang, Chalk Zone, Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, and so on.


Genre film is capable of churning stomach. Why, the storyline offered is cuteness. Tears or excessive anger that dramatized not used to scenes in this movie. Examples comedy, Mr. Bean, Darma and Greak, Friends, OKB, Pursue Suparman, Single, Bajaj Bajuri, and so on.

War Movies

Commonly referred to as colossal movie. Can be based on history or just a mere imagination. However, this film involves so many people. Example of a war movie, 300, Fatahillah, Brave Heart, The Patriot, Troy, Gladiator, The Last Samurai, and so on.

Scientific Film

Genre films are usually called by sci-fi. Scientists will always exist in this film genre for what they produce something would be a major conflict in the groove. Examples of scientific films, Jurassic Park, Splice, and so on.

Movie Adventure

Genre film is a gift to those of you who fell in love with nature. Because the flow of this film is to bring the audience into the wild. You will be taken by the film's adventure. Examples adventure film, High Lane Vertige, and so on.

Film Biography

Reference should be accurate film genre. Because, this film tells the story of one's life history. Examples biopic, Malcolm X


Created to capture the stories or tragedies that happen in real life. Examples of documentaries, films journey fighters RI

So, which movie would you watch next ? Please select the above genres. May be useful for you.

Elements in Film

The film is a work of art that is done with or done by way of collective work. In other words, the film making process must involve all parties. The elements involved in the making of the film including producer, director, scenario writer, stylist camera, editor, and of course the actors and actresses.

Here's exposition on element in the process of film making.

1. Producer

The most important element in film making is the producer. Producers can be regarded as the leader of a team working in the making of a film production. That's because the producers held a liability in terms of managing the funds used for the cost of film production. Producers can be regarded as the party responsible for the various things that are in the process of film making. In addition to funding, ideas, and ideas, a producer must provide a script that will be created for the movie and various other things that are needed on the issue of film production.

2. Film director

One important element in the making of the film, the director. The director is the party most responsible for the making a film beyond matters relating to the funds and other property. Therefore, usually a director position as "second key" after producer in a film making team. In the process of making the film, a director in charge of directing the entire flow and the process of moving a story or information from a script into a film.

3. Screenwriter

Scripter is one element in the making of a film. Screenwriter tasked to write the screenplay. The screenplay was written the script of the film based on the standard or rule-specific role.

Scenario or screenplay written with more emphasis put on the visualization of a situation or event through scene after scene of clear disclosure. So, screenplay writer is someone whose job is to write a script that will be filmed story. Scripts written by writers who worked on that scenario director to make the film.

4. Stylists Camera (Cameraman)

Stylists camera or better known as the cameraman being part of a team of filmmakers. Cameraman is a person responsible answer in picture making process in the film making process. Therefore, the presence of cameramen in a film is very important.

5. Artist

A film will not be produced if there is no artist who became a star in the film. The artist has an important role as one element of the film. An artist playing a scene in the film script.

Well, that's the description of the type of film and the supporting elements in the process of making a film. Hopefully this explanation is helpful to you....

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