Friday, February 15, 2013

Increase Passion Sex Men with Red Shirts

Increase Passion Sex Men with Red Shirts. The red color is flashy. In psychology, this color adds to the spirit and increase self-confidence, making an impact on your mood. Women were dressed in red sometimes seem courageous woman. But a new study reveals that men see red as the color of sex, so men will be attracted sexually and saw a woman wearing a red dress is also has a passion for sex.

Launched by lime life, Thursday (22/3), researchers at the University of Rochester conducted a study to re-analyze why the color red is considered the color of the sexiest. Researchers conducted a study involving 25 men. Then, every man is given two photographs of the same woman. The first photo wearing a white shirt, the next photo wearing a red shirt. After seeing the photo, participants were asked to judge which photos have shown more interest in sex in a scale of 1 to 9.

The results of a study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology suggests that men provide a high value on a woman wearing a red shirt. Men think women in red more open to sexual adventure. Even men give lane ways 1 to 1.5 points higher than a woman in the red dress woman wearing a white shirt.

The man did not even care, whether it is clothing worn dress shirts or just plain sexy. Previous research has shown that men are more interested in the color game. Researchers assume that men associate the color with fertility. So, she could pull her sexual arousal by wearing a red shirt. It seems worth a try.

When The Fertile, Female Able Detection Snakes

In the fertile period, it was not only a woman can make a woman pregnant, but also more sensitive in detecting the presence of a snake, as compared to the period beyond the period after menstruation. Japanese primatologists from Kyoto University claimed that the women were in the luteal phase of their menstrual cycle, which makes her fear reflexes become stronger, so that women are better at detecting snakes and other hazards.

Research published in the British journal Scientific Reports author obtained after running a series of tests on 60 healthy women of childbearing age in three different stages in the menstrual period. Researchers wanted to investigate whether mood, cognitive and social behavior is influenced by the fear of women.

Researchers then tested the participants to see how quickly they respond to respond to the presence of a snake in a series of images. Researchers found women who had the fastest response are those that in the post-ovulatory period of their menstrual cycle. In cycle Lutes (or pre-menstrual phase) begins after ovulation, fertile period in women conditions. This causes the hormones estradiol and progesterone fluctuate affecting the amygdala, a brain area responsible for fear and anxiety.

Scientists believe that women are faster in detecting the danger before their periods as a natural way of feeling frightened women to fend for themselves when to become pregnant or to protect the fetus during pregnancy.

Strange Things Happened to Women Menstruation Due The Cycle

Every woman must have experienced during menstruation, suggesting that women have a mature egg ready to be fertilized. This condition is often called the fertile period or ovulation.
Usually when you're in the menstrual period or during the fertile period, women showed a change either physically or emotionally. Here are some strange things that happen to women because they are influenced by their menstrual
Cycle :

1. Menstruation make women think more like a man

During the menstrual period, estrogen levels decrease and increase testosterone. This indicates that such behavior, voice and behavior women are more 'manly' than the day-to-day outside the menstrual period.

2. Stress affects menstrual irregularities

Women's brains respond to stressful events by releasing stress hormones that can interfere in regulating the menstrual cycle. As a result, irregular periods or cycles become shorter or longer.

3. Menstruation increases libido

Many women find that their libido is higher in the menstrual period. This is due to low progesterone levels during the menstrual period which resulted in increased sex drive.

4. Make women fertile period furious with another woman

Women who are in the fertile period usually being 'not very friendly' with another woman. At the time of ovulation (around day 12 to day 21 of the menstrual cycle), the feeling of wanting to compete with other women is increasing. During ovulation, women often give bad comment when asked about the other woman.

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1 Response to "Increase Passion Sex Men with Red Shirts"

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