Sunday, February 17, 2013

Great things about Soursop Fruit - Benefits Watermelon

Great things about Soursop Fruit - Soursop is really a fruit that tastes sweet acidity. This fruit might be processed into jam bread. Soursop Annona muricata in Latin, however it is generally known as Sabrang jackfruit, jackfruit londo, jackfruit buris and even more acknowledged as a Bali srikaya Java. The information within soursop quite definitely and good for the health of people that consume them.

Benefits of soursop fruit, the benefits include :
  1. Many way can cure cancer sorts.
  2. Functioning just as one anti-bacterial.
  3. Effective against various types of parasites / worms.
  4. Lowering blood pressure levels.
  5. Able to relieve depression.
  6. Can normalize the central nervous system.
  7. Build strong bones.
  8. Prevent osteoporosis.
  9. Increase endurance.
  10. Slowing getting older.
  11. Can prevent hypertension.
  12. Other great things about soursop are:
  13. Treat hemorrhoid.
  14. Have a ripe soursop fruit, squeeze and grab a glass of drinking water 2X every day.
  15. Treating pain within the bladder urine.
  16. Take bah ripe soursop, also take sugar and salt to taste. The material is made ??compote boiled. Eating soursop has boiled every day for the week.
  17. Treating infants with diarrhea
  18. Require a ripe soursop fruit and squeezed, go ahead and take water and Drinks in infants 3 tablespoons.
  19. Treating pee.
  20. Boil a ripe soursop fruit with sugar to taste, after filtered and drink 2 portions of water.
  21. Treating lumbar pain
  22. Take 20 pieces soursop leaves, boiled with 5 cups water, after taking water and drunk.
  23. treat ulcers
  24. Pick leaves young soursop fruit, the leaves have in places exposed ulcers.
Benefits Watermelon
Watermelon is a fruit blackish-green skinned and also have the contents black man red / yellow also it tastes very sweet. Watermelon pieces, each as being a glass of water. The fruit is quite suitable being consumed if it's cold. The advantages of watermelon are plenty of, and others :
  1. Watermelon is designed for someone with hypertension. Water content and high potassium that can neutralize blood pressure level.
  2. Watermelon also intensify the work in the heart.
  3. Antioxidants exist in watermelon, including beta-carotene and ascorbic acid helps your body's cells remain healthy.
  4. Watermelon has served to stimulate more rapid discharge of urine it's the same good for people that have impaired urination.
  5. Lycopene is situated in watermelon, toxins can directly make paralyzed.
  6. Watermelon can often reduce fever.
  7. Watermelon can prevent thrush.
  8. Watermelon can increase fertility and help men's sexual arousal. For individuals who needed to have children, the fruit can also be worthwhile.
  9. Watermelon has sitrulin compound, possesses great aphrodisiac effect just like Viagra, but with hardly any uncomfortable side effects.
  10. In case you are on the diet, then your watermelon will probably be your best ally. Because the fruit is fat free and have absolutely unlimited combined sugar and water content abundant. Moreover, the fruit in this one are quickly filling in the stomach.

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