Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Types of Orchid Flowers and select it

Types of Orchid Flowers and select it
Types of Orchid Flowers
Types of Orchid Flowers and select it. The orchid has long been known as a plant nurtured and cared for its beauty. Even from ancient times to the present, orchids are often used as a symbol of the feeling of love, sincerity, and true happiness. In Indonesia, orchid flowers are also chosen as national pride. Even in some areas, local governments make orchids a local mascot of the area. This is because, in Indonesia is a lot of types of species of orchids can flourish. And unique, each region also has orchids plants can only grow in these places.

Orchid flowers Based Criteria

As described in the above types of orchids in Indonesia that many. To characterize it, we can see based on the specified criteria. For example :

1. Based on Developing and Growing Place

There are orchids that his only ride in the trunk of another tree, some are grown directly in the ground as usual crop. In addition, there are orchids that can only grow in rocky areas. There is also anggek growing in areas that contain a lot of compost and humus.

2. By The emergence of Flowers

This type of orchid species, such as the flower stalk out from the stem end, then there are flowers that emerge from the trunk but also in the side.

3. The growth process based on rod

Ie stems that grow straight up without limit and stem growth will stop once it reaches a certain length.
4. Growth of Location Based Matches

Experts divide the types of flowers orchid orchids to these criteria into three groups, namely orchids can grow good in the plains is low (less than 500 meters above sea level), middle latitudes (500 to 700 meters above sea level) and the highlands (more than 700 meters above sea level).
Orchid Flower types in Indonesia

This time it will discuss several types of orchids that exist in Indonesia.Mulai of cane orchids, orchids months, orchid Hartinah, to orchids Kolopaking bag.

The explanation is as follows :

  • Orchid Flower Cane

Cane orchids naturally dispersed from Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia, New Guinea, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Cane orchids in Indonesia spread from the island of Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java, Sulawesi, Maluku, to Papua. This one species of orchids grow on the sidelines or the base of a large tree in the lowland tropics. Cane orchids require direct sunlight. Cane orchid species orchids is the largest and most heavily among other types of orchids. Cane orchids can weigh up to 1 ton with a height of 3 m and a diameter of 1-2 cm. No wonder, if the orchid is getting the title as a giant orchid.

Orchid flower cane characteristics yellow with brown spots, red or blackish. This type of orchid is durable and not easily fade. While it has been cut from the stem, this orchid species is able to survive for 2 months. The uniqueness and rarity of species of orchids the largest and heaviest, making it one of cane orchid orchids are protected in Indonesia.

  • Orchid Flower Month

Orchids growing in the wild and widespread, ranging from Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, finally ending up in Australia. Epiphytic orchids in life, attached to the trunk or branch of a tree. In the wild, this species of orchids can flourish to a height of 600 meters above sea level. Orchids month included in monopodial orchids. This type of orchid requires only a little sunshine to support life. Moon orchid leaves are green with elongated shape. The roots are white, round, and feels fleshy.

Orchid flower this month has little fragrance and long bloom time. This orchid species can grow up to 10 cm in diameter. Section has the charm of orchids in flower petals. The hallmark wide moon orchid petals and white. Although it's been many months from crosses orchid (orchid hybrids months) who have a variety of patterns and colors.

  • Orchid flowers Hartinah

Kolopaking sac orchid grows only in certain regions, namely North Sumatra, Indonesia. This orchid was first discovered in 1976 in the village of Tele Baniara, District Daily, Samosir regency, North Sumatra. Tien Soeharto orchids, also known as a ground orchid orchid Hartinah merumpun living. This type of orchid is one type of orchid that is protected by the Government (the PP. 7 of 1999).

  • Orchid Flower Pouch Kolopaking

This one species of orchids including rare orchids. Kolopaking sac orchid, including endemic plants, Central Kalimantan. The orchid is living on the mossy rocks at the edges of the body of water, at an altitude of about 600 asl. So, do not expect to find this type of orchid, except in Central Kalimantan. Kolopaking sac orchid inflorescence 45-90 cm in length with 5-19 flowers. The flowers stalk yellowish green. The flowers are 8-16 cm in size with white petals that are brown stripes rage (dark brown) in the sinews.

Choosing Orchid Seed

If we want to buy orchid flowers for planting in home gardens, in addition to know the type species of orchids, also need to know how to choose good seeds, namely :

  1. A healthy orchids have leaves that color is always shiny, smooth and no patches.
  2. Choose orchid tree trunk fat and strong. If there are stems that have wrinkles and look skinny, it does not have a sign up enough water. Of course this is not good.
  3. Note orchids want selected, choose the priority had puppies in large numbers. This just in case, when the main seed grown dead then we still can get instead.
  4. Look carefully and stalk. When there are many pieces of the former signified when the orchid flower diligent issued. So it's nice to be chosen.
  5. Check also whether the stem embedded in pots or planting medium to strong. If only held sway alone could stem, a sign that the roots of the orchid flowers are not good.
  6. If one wants to selected existing orchid flowers, carefully scrutinized, whether it's real or just flowers patch alone. Many sellers are not honest orchids and heart to do so.

Orchid Flower Care Tips

If you love orchids and want to grow it as a crop has, there are some tips to consider. These tips aim, so that the orchids can flourish and bloom. You could say that caring for orchids tricky. When you want to choose orchids for the home, pay attention to the temperature and climate around. Choose the type of orchid that places his life in accordance with the temperature in the home environment. This is because, every species of orchids have different temperature resistance. If the temperature does not fit, chances are the plants die. Basically, the types of orchids can flourish in areas with a temperature of 15 degrees to 30 degrees Celsius.

If you are new including planting orchids, orchid plants choose mature (flowering ready). It aims to reduce the risk of failure, because the adult orchid care easier than the young. Well, now you know that there are a variety of orchids in Indonesia. Now, you've started to learn to grow orchids properly. A few articles about orchids, ranging from the types, selection of seeds, up to maintenance. Hopefully the information in this article could be useful for the readers.

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