Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Tips to Make Small Bedroom Feels Confined Space Area

Small Bedroom Feels Confined Space Area
Illustration of Small Bedroom Feels Confined Space Area
Tips to Make Small Bedroom Feels Confined Space Area. Space bedroom is a room that can be most often we live. How could I not ? Every day, we spend a lot of time in this room. For that reason, it is appropriate that you make the bedroom a favorite place in the house. For the owner of a spacious bedroom, may not be difficult to make the room as a favorite room.

However, how with you who has a small bedroom ? It's hard to make the bedroom a favorite room, is not it ? If you are observant in matters of organizing and utilizing every space in the bedroom, the impression of a small bedroom, but "broad", could you create. The trick ? Be smart in terms of the placement of the items that will create the impression of a narrow bedroom space. Here are some tips and tricks to maximize space small bedrooms to seem spacious and comfortable place to live. Fine for minimalist bedroom interior.

Choosing Furniture and Lighting Set Small Bedroom Space

Spacious bedrooms are cramped bedroom must be tricked in order not to be stuffy. Two things can be handled in a cramped bedroom set is to outsmart the selection of furniture and lighting set up. Here are some tips that you can practice about these things :

1. Selecting and Setting Mattress

It takes foresight in matters of second set of objects that could be the biggest thing in this room. As much as possible, avoid the use of which has a bed mattress. In addition to consuming a large enough space, use a mattress with bed it was already out of date at this time. Try not to hold your mattress if it is not to be used for sleeping. Stand beside the wardrobe or in store on it will create more space in your room.

2. Choosing Wardrobe

Wardrobe that are too large for the size of a small room will only narrow space. Instead, choose a wardrobe that is not too big. Currently, there are excel, wardrobe with a small size that can deliver a wide impression for your room. Taste, a kind of cabinet is the most suitable for you who have a small room.

3. The room lighting

The room darkened room would be very disturbing for those who use it is not limited to the bedroom. Do not let the light blocked by the window curtains were always loose. Moreover, by the dirty clothes hanging on the bedroom wall. Tie curtains blocking the windows so no light is about to illuminate the rooms. In addition, always open the window of your room during the day to let in light and air to more freely enter the room. For dirty clothes, and prepare a place dirty clothes storage in a closet or behind a side door of your room. That way, the room will look spacious and neat.

4. Another object placement in rooms

Many people who have electronic items, such as televisions and computers, in his private room. As much as possible, such objects are placed side by side on a table that is not too large to avoid wasting space. Neat arrangement of the objects will not interfere with your view, is not it ?

Choosing Paint Colors for Walls Confined Space Bedrooms

In the practice of interior design, creating the impression of broad and open in a small room can be done by manipulating the selection of paint. Choose the right colors to make the bedroom seem more width and to create a comfortable atmosphere in the room. The white color is the right choice. But if it is too stiff and boring, you can choose other colors. Here's tips on choosing a wall paint color :
  • Choose a bright paint colors to create the impression of a soft as well as bright, open, and spacious. Do not limit your choice in the color white. Pale pink, lilac, sky blue, or light green can be used so that the room becomes more lively but still seem calm.
  • Get inspiration from the colors of nature, such as grass, sky, or sea. Gained the impression that the room not only become more widespread, but also warm and reconcile. Light green color caught the eye proved to be comfortable, so it is best used in a narrow bedroom. If confused choose the type of light green, try colors like a green cucumber flesh color; fresh and bright. Light brown or beige color is also worth a try.
  • Use more than one color matching. For example, use shades of green colors. Apply different color to the corner of the wall and the bottom. This will create the impression of more space as well as cool.
  • Avoid applying any texture or pattern on the wall. For example, by using a patterned wallpaper or put stickers wall. It makes the room look more narrow. Enough paint the walls with soft shades.
  • Create the impression of being high by applying white color on the ceiling. Put also a matching carpet with wall paint color to minimize the visibility of the boundary between the wall and the floor so the room look wider.

5 Tips to Make Confined Space Bedroom Spacious Impressed

The bedroom is the room where you remove all tired and exhausted after a long day. That's why proper bedroom decorated properly so the occupants feel comfortable. If the room is quite spacious bedrooms, decorating a relatively easy thing for color selection and furniture are becoming widespread. However, problems arise when you have a bedroom quite narrow, so if not circumvented will look cramped and uncomfortable impression. For that there are some things that must be considered in the space around the narrow bed.

Here's 5 tips to make a narrow room seem spacious bedroom.
  1. Avoid storing too much stuff in the bedroom. The more goods stored there, the more crowded it; especially if the bedroom is cramped. Get rid of items that do not need to, you can move it to another room in your home.
  2. Choose furniture that is not too much to cover the walls. The walls have a role in making the room seem more spacious. Using high furniture covered walls make the room feel cramped and short. Therefore, buy furniture that short, as short beds, wardrobe short, short or desks. If necessary, apply the concept of 'Lesbian' in your bedroom.
  3. Balance size beds and other furniture. In a bedroom, the bed is the main furniture furniture while others are complementary. Before you start decorating, make sure the size and shape of furniture bed to wake others to follow the proper proportions. Disproportionate selection of furniture will make your room more cramped.
  4. Decor is also the ceiling. In addition to paint with white paint, you can apply the attractive decoration on the ceiling of the bedroom, such as installing a glow in the dark stickers. But make sure the scene is not too crowded and not make the room feel shorter.
  5. Keep your room has a corner reading. This will make the room feel spacious sleeping because you simply can not just rest in the room. Choose a small mattress so that there is still room for a reading corner. Choose furniture that did not read the minimalist dining room.

So a few tips and tricks that can be applied to maximize your bedroom space. Do not let your small bedroom look even smaller room with a layout and irregular. Good work !

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