Sunday, August 4, 2013

Chrysanthemum season

Chrysanthemum season
Chrysanthemum season
Chrysanthemum season. Chrysanthemum flower is originally from East Asian countries, for example Japan, China, and Korea. The flower consists of a a number of colors, including red, white, yellow, pink, blue, yet others. Chrysanthemum flower season in conjunction with autumn or winter.

Chrysanthemum philosophy

Latin chrysanthemum is crhysantemum. Chrysanthemum flowers still belong to identical family with daisies and daisy, the household Asteraceae. Chrysanthemums often times will be friendship, joy, and happiness. Called additionally that the regular sense in the chrysanthemum would be the beauty and purity. However, chrysanthemums might be interpreted in a variety of different countries. In Japan, chrysanthemum symbolized as the Sun is also used as a symbol of the emperor's throne. Chrysanthemum emblem can also be used to be a symbol of Japanese passport. Chrysanthemum petals will also be used as an emblem badges are utilized by lawmakers in Japan. Some cities in Japan was often held annual chrysanthemum festival.

In China, chrysanthemum flowers are viewed as royally. In the states and Indonesia, the chrysanthemum can also be synonymous with happiness. By way of example, in Indonesia, chrysanthemum flowers are often used as commonly adorn the wedding. However, in France, it is exactly the flowers used to decorate the graves.

Efficacy of Chrysanthemum

Beyond the ornamental plants, chrysanthemums also cultivated like a medical herb, during China. In Japan, chrysanthemum petals may also be believed to provide health when taken with a drop of vino. Drink chrysanthemum tea is encountered. Chrysanthemum is used to be a drink is colored yellow and white chrysanthemums. Addition to being useful as being a relaxation, chrysanthemum tea can be believed efficacious cure influenza, fever, heat in, even cleaning the liver.

Chrysanthemum cultivation
Chrysanthemum season
Chrysanthemum season
In Japan, this flower is cultivated in most homes. In the wintertime, colorful chrysanthemums will adorn the home page of owners who cultivate them. Although via East Parts of Asia, chrysanthemums can also be developed in other countries, such as France. By the time autumn arrives, many chrysanthemum flowers sold in stores in France.

In Indonesia, to formulate and observe after chrysanthemum flowers to help keep growing, it requires the temperature of 17-30 degrees Celsius. Therefore, usually chrysanthemums grown in cool temperate regions in Indonesia. Chrysanthemum cut flowers last for two main weeks within a vase. Benefits for farmers chrysanthemum flowers, flower costs are stable and short cropping period. Chrysanthemum plants will grow within 10-14 weeks after planting. Diverse colors also provide value of art inside of it a whole lot widely used chrysanthemum plant lovers.

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