Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Lipedema Symptoms, treatments and understanding

Lipedema Symptoms, treatments and understanding
Illustration of Lipedema Symptoms, treatments and understanding
Lipedema Symptoms, treatments and understanding. Or like Big Foot Pedicab driver ? Lipedema alert ! You are not confident wearing clothes that accentuate the legs (especially calves). Because it has a large calf size as a pedicab driver. Well ... If you have the size of the thigh and leg (calf) are large and difficult to be reduced to normal size, maybe it's because you're having Lipedema. Cancer healthy was here.

What is Lipedema ?

Lipedema is a condition in which a person's body bigger in the thighs and legs (like the pear shape). This condition is usually caused by the buildup of fat cells in the subcutaneous tissue. As a result, the liquid also gathered in the fat cells. Typically, people with skin Lipoedema very tender when held and easy bruising. In some cases, there has been the appearance of cellulite.

"This condition arises because there is a problem in the lymph drainage system. Lipoedema usually occur in the calf area, knees and thighs, "explains Conctantinos Kyriakides, vascular surgeon at Barts and London NHS.

Cause and Symptoms of Lipedema

Lipoedema can occur in 5-10 per cent of the female population in the world and until now, have not found the cause. But heredity is often strongly suspected as the cause. Additionally, lipedema can be caused by hormones.

Lipedema Treatments

Until now has not discovered the most appropriate solution for the condition. Even a strict diet or exercise too difficult to remove fat because lipedema. Diet to lose weight and exercise may be able to shrink the upper parts of your body, but it will not change the fats contained in the bottom of your body. Aesthetic surgery such as liposuction may be an option, because the operation is intended to remove fat under the skin.

But experts warn that eliminate leg fat have a greater risk of death than lose fat in the abdomen. But people with lipedema do not be discouraged because there are treatments that can minimize the fat on the bottom of the body, namely :
  • Manual lymphatic drainage

A gentle massage, rhythmic pumping movements to stimulate lymph flow around the blocked vessel area, then transferred that flow into the venous system. This helps reduce pain and prevent fibrosis.
  • Compression

The use of bandages, stockings, pants, or shorts tight spandex to increase pressure on the foot tissue. Moreover, it can reduce fluid re-accumulation.
  • Exercise

Increase your mobility (often "move") that will maintain the function of the organs of your body to stay active and healthy.
  • Skin and Nail Care

To reduce the risk of infection or injury caused by compression and massage activities, then you are encouraged to do skin care and nail. If you do not care at Skin Center, you can perform self-care according to your knowledge of the treatment.

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