Thursday, August 15, 2013

Know Your Orchids floristry

Orchids floristry
Illustration of Orchids floristry
Know Your Orchids floristry. Cultivation of orchids lately done by many people. Plants that naturally passengers in other plants, making the process very easy for cultivation including stubborn tree and not susceptible to disease. Although life as an epiphyte on other plants, does not mean that orchids can not be grown. Orchid tree can be cultivated in pots. Lily Flowers was here.

There are several factors that must be considered in the process of cultivation orchids flowers, the factors moisture, sunlight, environmental, and maintenance such as pest control, watering, and fertilizing. In general, these orchids require floristry temperature 28 ° C with a minimum temperature of 15 °. Orchids that live in soil are usually more heat resistant than the orchids are planted in pots. High temperatures may cause crop shortages of water (dehydration) and will slow its growth.

Growth pattern of Orchid Flowers

There are two types namely monopodial orchid plants and simpodial. Characterized monopodial type of growth point on the tip of the stem, with vertical growth in the trunk. Examples of this type such as Vanda sp, sp Arachnis, Phalaenopsis sp, etc.. While simpodial are orchids that do not have a main stem, flowers out of the end of the rod and the interest of the child will pull out the plants. Cattleya orchids are examples simpodial sp. Cymbidium sp, sp Oncidium, etc..

In addition, it should be noted in the cultivation of orchids is a matter of humidity. Basically, the required humidity between 60-80%. Function of humidity for the orchids in order to maintain high evaporation.

Habitat Orchid

It is also noteworthy is the place to live (habitat) that are favored by orchids. Orchid habitat divided into four categories :
  1. Litofit orchid species, ie species of orchids are happy living rock, and is highly resistant to the sunlight. For example: Dendrobium phalaenopsis.
  2. Terrestrial orchids, the orchid species that normally live in the soil and therefore requires adequate sunlight. For example: Aranthera sp, sp Renanthera, Vanda sp, etc..
  3. Epiphytic orchids, orchids that grow on other plants but the ride is not detrimental and need sunlight in sufficient quantities. For example: Dendrobium, Oncidum, etc..
  4. Saprofit orchids, the orchids are often grown in a place that contains a lot of humus, and requires little sunlight. For example: Goodyera sp, etc..

Flower Growing Orchids way

There are several ways in the cultivation of orchids :
  • Nurseries

In general, to cultivate any plants there are two ways that conventional means (naturally) and culture methods. Well, in the conventional cultivation is also divided into two terms:
Vegetatively, done by family breakdown, as was the case with Oncidium and Dendrobium.
Generative, with the instrument seed. Orchid seeds do not have endosperm, germination force should do with the help of symbiotic fungi with the orchid seeds.
  • Cross

Crossbreeding or cross in the cultivation of orchids flowers are meant to get new varieties, which differ from the type and shape of orchid that existed previously.

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