Thursday, August 15, 2013

Know Your Moon Orchid Flower

Know Your Moon Orchid Flower
Illustration of Moon Orchid Flower
Know Your Moon Orchid Flower. Orchids belonging to the family Orchidaceae, which is the largest known group of angiosperms (or flowering plants). To date, more than 880 genera and 22,000 species of orchids are scientifically identified. Regardless of the true species of orchids, there are approximately 300,000 cultivars and hybrids. Also, a new orchid species and cultivars increase each year. Orchids Floristry.

Although not so easy orchid care, orchids are very adaptive. It is the diversity and adaptations of orchids that are responsible for a large amount of growth. In fact, orchids grow in a variety of habitats, except for glaciers and deserts. Some varieties of Australian orchids grow underground, while others can adapt to the above branches of tall trees. Meanwhile, moon orchid flower has the shape and the colors are very beautiful. This type of orchid Phalaenopsis amabilis has a Latin name which is the national interest of our country. A Dutch botanist named Dr.. C.L Blume has found orchids this month. This plant is widespread in many Southeast Asian countries, such as Indonesia, Australia, Philippines, and Malaysia.

Characteristics Orchid Month

Moon orchid monopodial orchids belonged just like a little sunshine in supporting life. Has its roots in white has a rounded shape and slightly fleshy. The flowers are fragrant with a fairly long bloom time. Moon orchid flower is usually dependent on the stalk coming out of healthy orchid plants. However, this orchid is said to include types that are difficult to maintain let alone to make it bloom. But you need not worry. Check out tricks and tips that you can orchids grow in both and even flowering.

Tips and Tricks

You can learn and then practice some tricks and tips that good as a month to keep your orchid plants. Among them :
  1. If you want to cultivate orchids this month, then step in determining the type of seed to be planted is fundamental. So, choose the type of species that already has a name which is a hybrid or nursery established and expert in his field.
  2. In addition you can buy orchid seeds are still small, so that the growing season for a shorter flowering you can also buy orchids grown. Here you are required accuracy in determining the quality of the selected plants.
  3. In addition, many reading references to add to the variety of orchids that knowledge how to maintain a healthy and fast growing flowering is obstruction must if you want to grow orchids and flowering plants as expected.
  4. If you've found yag seeds appropriate for the desired criteria, then the next step to prepare the media for orchid plant. It should be understood that the orchid roots should be healthy to sustain the growth of the orchids needed a container so that it can absorb water and not that save water.
  5. Characteristics of the orchid leaves and the width can be attached to any store in the leaves. So do not get exposed to rain for fear of water being stored in a certain period of time will make the leaves become moldy.
  6. Perform continuous and consistent watering because orchids are very anti-dehydration.
  7. Do not forget to fertilize it regularly and in accordance with your orchids.

And most importantly pay attention to four things very supportive for growing your orchids: the light levels, moisture, aeration and air temperature.

Orchid Growing Tips

As already mentioned, growing and maintaining orchids require special attention. Because most species of orchids are from the tropics, they are difficult to grow in cold climates. Therefore, if you are planning to grow orchids for the first time, to understand the basic tips will help in growing orchids growing techniques are successful.
  1. First, select a variety of orchids to suit climatic conditions and soil type in your area. You can take help from a local florist when determining the correct species of orchids. The next step for growing orchids is to prepare the potting media.
  2. Most gardening enthusiasts like to use to grow orchids Osmunda fiber, as it provides the necessary structural support for the root system and the space required for ventilation.
  3. You can mix Osmunda fiber pots with other particles such as pine, peat, perlite and vermiculite. Fill the pot with the media for about two-thirds of the depth and placing the orchid plants with spreading roots. Add media to hold potted orchid plant correctly.
Orchid Care and Maintenance

Orchid care depending on the cultivar was planted. Therefore, if you understand, care for orchids is very easy. The only thing is that you have to monitor the environmental factors so as to maintain favorable conditions for orchids. However, proper orchid care should be followed, especially during the months of autumn and flowering. Here are some general tips for general orchid care, orchids including the month you are working on.
  1. Light: Light intensity is one of the most important factors. Ideal area to place the orchid is the window where the plant receives direct sunlight. However, based on the needs of light orchid species, optimal light intensity and duration should be provided for better growth. For example, a variety of Phalaenopsis grow well in artificial light, while Dendrobium requires many hours of natural sunlight.
  2. Regarding the temperature range of temperatures suitable for orchids, these plants can not tolerate temperatures that are too cold or too hot. At night, the temperature can be as low as 60 ° - 65 ° F, while in the afternoon, the temperature should be between 75 ° - 85 ° F. Make sure that the orchid plants are protected from the cold temperatures.
  3. Watering orchids Watering Orchids at the right time is important to avoid water conditions fullness. Orchids and plants require minimal to moderate watering, keeping the topsoil moisture is sufficient for the growth and development of better. You can irrigate orchids once a week to maintain favorable moisture conditions for orchids.
  4. Maintaining fertilizing orchids also includes complete soil with nitrogen-rich fertilizer. However, make sure that not too heavy most orchids with fertilizer, as it may cause damage to the orchids. Fertilization of orchids can be done once a week in the correct dosage.
  5. Ventilation (aeration) Orchids, in their natural habitat, receiving the optimal amount of ventilation. The same thing applies when planting them indoors or in a greenhouse. If grown in a greenhouse, you can use a small fan to provide ventilation required. While in the room, always keep the window open to aerate orchids.
  6. Identify pests and diseases will always be advisable to monitor each orchid plants from attack by pests and disease infestation. In case of any problems like that, spray the plants with appropriate insecticides, pesticides or fungicides (where applicable) contain pests or diseases. However, do not forget to read the label to check the safety of chemicals before taking it.
  7. Orchid care after flowering One of the most common hurdles with orchids is that the plants stop flowering after the first bloom. A practical way to solve this problem is to orchids at least once in two years in a larger container.

Hopefully these tips and tricks to help you make the cultivation of orchids month.

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