Thursday, August 15, 2013

Black Orchid Flower, Genetic Potential

Black Orchid Flower, Genetic Potential
Illustration of Black Orchid Flower, Genetic Potential
Black Orchid Flower, Genetic Potential. Black orchid (Coelogyne pandurata) is a rare exotic species. Every part of the stem has an attractive appearance and beautiful eyes. Not only the beauty of the flowers that make this species in looking for a lot of people, but its genetic potential makes this orchid germplasm managed to steal the attention of plant breeders.

Characteristics of Black Orchid Flower

Why is this beautiful plant called the black orchid? The main characteristic of this plant is that the flowers are black tongue. Aloe flower petals surrounded by a pale green color makes appearance more exotic. Faint scent that comes out of the black orchid flowers are pollinated almost ready to mature further adds to the attractiveness of this species. Usually fragrant flowers will grow stronger along with the maturity of stamens and pistils. Roses Flowers.

This floral fragrance has an important function in sustaining populations of black orchids. He serves invite insects and other pollinators to help pollinate the flowers are. Sweet honey fluid around ovary contained a reward for the hard work of pollinating insects. This plant has a green stem tubers light, attached to the surface where they are grown. Tuber surface looks shiny so striking, so was able to capture the attention of every eye that sees.

At each tuber grows two leaves are thick stiff nan. The form was interesting as Virgin coconut dessert that still has not bloomed. If the note is a blend between the stem and two leaves of bulbs on the end like a fish's appearance.

Black Orchid Flower, Genetic Potential

Shades of black on black tongue orchid is a genetic potential that is needed in plant breeding orchids. The black color of the tongue is the nature of black flowers are rare, and potentially lowering the yield on the unique hybrid crosses with other orchids. Genetic potential possessed by the black orchid should be optimally utilized by plant breeders and research institutions to support the development of knowledge in wellbeing. Black orchid genetic potential should continue to be studied and researched so you can find unique hybrid results and have high economic value. The uniqueness of the resulting hybrid is the result of the enormous economic potential for the welfare of farmers and development of particular orchid breeder.

Habitat of Black Orchid Flower

The black orchid known as the queen of the forest in the heart of the Borneo jungle. He is best known by the nickname of Black Pearl Borneo. Until now, the plant is still a rare plant of forest-dwelling Borneo. Nevertheless, the black orchid can also be found in the forests of Sumatra, Malaysia and the Philippines in Mindanao, Luzon and Samar Island. This plant grows well in old trees around the beach or in low-lying swamp is hot enough.

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