Saturday, August 24, 2013

Types of Kitchen Tools and How to Take care of him

Types of Kitchen Tools
Illustration of Types of Kitchen Tools
Types of Kitchen Tools and How to Take care of him. Kitchen tool is a tool used to facilitate work in the kitchen, especially cooking. Devices of this type of course is needed by the women. And also help the task of the mothers, in preparing a healthy menu for the family of a loved one. Choose a creating cornice.

Kitchen Equipment Type

Broadly speaking, all the items in the kitchen that is used for cooking is made up of three types.

1. Tool that is always in place below
  • Stove

This is a traditional cooking appliance, as it still uses wood fuel. Usually made of clay or brick. In rural areas can still be found this tool.
  • Brazier

The same shape and material as well as the furnace, but the fuel used is wood charcoal.
  • Kerosene stove

As the name suggests, the main use of fuel oil that absorbs into the axis.
  • Gas burner

Now it became popular to use because there was instigation of the government. Fuel of this tool is that in place of liquid gas in a tube.
  • Coal briquette stove

This type of stove is less well known. Because its use can not be practical. Because it is so light the fire can not die until the coal used to fuel runs its own
  • Hotplate

It is also not so popular, because the cost of electricity for energy resources is very expensive.
  • Oven and microwave

Only certain circles that often use this tool. Especially for those who frequently make bread. Because the primary function of the oven is to bake the bread.

2. Tool that is always placed at the top
  • Cormorant

Its main function is to cook the rice. As well as other things such as water for cooking, boiling vegetables, or steaming sweet potatoes or cassava, and so on.
  • Kettle

Serves to boil water. Now began less popular because many prefer to use bottled water. Because it was considered more practical. However, some people still maintain the existence of the kettles, as water cookers.
  • Pan

Who likes to fry definitely need this tool. There are a variety of size. Later pan has had technological advances in production. Such as, non-stick frying pan, wok serves three in one, or a frying pan that can also be used for various purposes - or multy cook. Also pan set in a variety of sizes.
  • Pot

To make the dish containing the sauce and vegetables. The current model of the pot had been modified. In addition to maintaining a fixed characteristic, which has a sunken container. However, the functions have different sizes, functions and usability.

3. Other tools
  • Tampah

To clean rice of dirt. Or as a weed of vegetables that have been cut into pieces.
  • Rice ladle

To take rice that has been cooked, so hands stay protected.
  • Cutting board

As a base to smooth or slicing herbs and vegetables. Or even meat. Cutting board has a lot of models of antique and funny. Most people, even making cutting boards to decorate their kitchen.
  • Scar

The most common is to grate the coconut oil to be taken. Or also grate some other spices required for cooking, such as grated ginger, turmeric, ginger or orange peel.
  • Irus

To stir or taking an existing dish liquid.
  • Cobek

To make a smooth sauce or seasoning. Although there are currently more practical perceived blender, food process equipment as well. But many who recognize that herbs are mashed with a mortar, it still feels more savory and fused.
  • Blender

Most often used to make juice. Some are also using to smash coconuts for coconut milk taken.
  • Toaster

To bake bread using electrical energy. Very popular, especially in urban areas.
  • Rice cooker

Appliance cooking rice by using electrical energy. Sometimes also used to warm vegetables.

Please check your kitchen, whether all of the above tools are available ? If it's good not to purchase or take some time shopping. Who knew that one day need not be at a loss or confused.

Laying Tool set

Your kitchen should not have a large kitchen, spacious and very luxurious. As in the home interior pictures in magazines. Even small kitchen, provided you are able to set laying your kitchen appliance, fit and function requirements. Of course it will still look neat and harmonious. Therefore, as a woman who loves beauty as well as hygiene. You should be able to be creative and creative in organizing your kitchen order. Think carefully about where you should put the kitchen cabinets, to put the cutlery and all the kitchen appliances.

You should be able to organize every corner of the kitchen very well. Put any tool to make it look effective and efficient place. For example, cookware small ones like: irus, sodet, rice ladle and a knife placed quite close to the cooking area. Ie your stove. The placement of other assistive devices can be arranged neatly on shelves or kitchen cabinet plate. Place herbs should be well approximated near your stove. Also pots, pans, cormorant and other large equipment can be placed under your kitchen table. Meanwhile, kitchen objects that occasionally can be used to store neatly in kitchen cabinets first. Such as blenders, toasters, and food processors seasonings and ingredients.

So in addition to the kitchen looks beautiful, neat and tidy. Your cooking to be very enjoyable. You can also occasionally invited as well as sons and daughters or even your husband to go jump into the kitchen.

How to Take Care of Kitchen Equipment ?

In addition to the arrangement, the kitchen appliance maintenance is also very important to note. Point mainly is that the equipment you have to be durable. And in addition to be durable, kitchen appliance should certainly diligently cared for and cleaned. And needed to take care of its own way, depending on what the material is made kitchen tools.
  • Made of wood

If there is meat or vegetable paste, basting with oil in order to remove their young feces. Then wash with water and soap. If there is a musty smell simply soak it in hot water.
  • Made of plastic

The most difficult to clean it when exposed to oil or stain. But when soaked with hot water, the oil will stick off by itself. As for the daily care enough to be washed with soap as usual.
  • Made of aluminum, iron and metal

When exposed dust or oil stain and wipe with a cut lemon and then rubbed rubbing on the dirty. To avoid rust, keep it in a dry place and not easily affected by water. Hopefully these simple tips can be used, especially for those who often work in the kitchen or who have a hobby of collecting cooking and kitchenware.

Treatment = Savings

For some women who have a financial advantage in the family, would not be difficult to constantly replace kitchen equipment that has been damaged, or even is not up to date anymore. But for some other woman, who was not as lucky as the first group was, of course would prefer to perform maintenance on its kitchen appliances. Because of the care, means reducing the risk of damage. And also do not need to do the replacement. And this could mean a proper austerity measures. Therefore, knowing for certain types of kitchen tools and understand how to care for and gentlemen, is a wise move to downsize anyway.

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