Sunday, August 4, 2013

Orchid Flowers - The Beauty plus the increasingly rare

Orchid Flowers - The Beauty plus the increasingly rare
Orchid Flowers - The Beauty plus the increasingly rare
Orchid Flowers - The Beauty plus the increasingly rare. Orchid flower is usually a symbol of your respective sincerity in giving an incredibly sincere affection. Orchid The orchid flower or higher quality since the flower of immortality. Many kinds and forms of orchids that live in a variety of places on this planet. But, now rare orchids began much sought after and in demand. Together with be harnessed for a series, these rare orchids also hunted considering that the cost is very costly.

Conservation of rare orchids

Conservation or protection for the progression of every sort of orchid flowers constantly intensified lately in Indonesia. The volume of orchid hunting to use like a collection and trade generated many rare kinds of orchids and hard to find. In addition, multiplication of orchids, specially in Indonesia be limited in number and place / natural habitat can be diminishing. Encroachment of natural land for orchards and forest logging causes the decrease in the orchid habitat. Wildfires be one cause at the very least spread this orchid. That's the reason the rare orchids and began as one of the protected interest.

A variety of rare orchids

Areas rare orchids in Indonesia, which began just a little spread:
  • Paphiopedilum glaucophyllum

  1. This rare orchid species grows only in the community around the mountain Semeru deployment in East Java. Forest encroachment causes this rare orchid found not very much else there.
  2. This orchid also orchid called feathered sandals. Shaped like a pouch at the end with some color pink petals.

  • Coelogyne pandurata

  1. This rare orchid called the black orchid. Spread of rare and endangered orchids consistantly improves forest of East Kalimantan. The black orchid is even known in foreign countries because black orchid.
  2. Rare orchid the black orchid because doing so carries a tongue in the black petals. Tongue or labellum could be the hallmark from the black orchid.

  • Phalaenopsis amabilis

  1. This rare orchid flower can only be found in the surrounding area Melatus Pelaihari mountains and in the forests of South Kalimantan alone.
  2. This rare orchid flower orchid called Pelaihari this month started just a little spread due to deforestation in the area. Moon orchid flower color is quite beautiful and diverse.

  • Grammatophyllum speciosum

  1. This rare orchid flower, also referred to as cane orchids. This rare orchid flower dimension is huge / giant. Regional spread of the cane orchids in several elements of Sumatra, Kalimantan and Papua.
  2. When it is in Papua, you'll find nearly as good as the kind of orchid would be the orchid cane reed or Grammatophyllum papuanum Papua.

This rare orchid flower must carry on being preserved and maintained their natural habitat. Many illegal logging, forest destruction and poaching rare orchids without causing uncontrolled human population are increasingly rare orchids alone. Now's our obligation to care for and preserve this rare orchid.

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