Thursday, August 29, 2013

Child Bedroom Design That Unique

Child Bedroom Design That Unique. Design child's bedroom allegedly bit much take effect on intelligence and imagination of children. That is why as much as possible the child's bedroom design always looks different cultivated with adult bedroom design. In addition because it is synonymous with fun, bright colors are used to decorate a child's bedroom to bring good impact for the development of life and intelligence. Organize a child's bedroom design is indeed easy bother. Children with high imagination, sometimes confuse the two parents to apply it into their child's bedroom. Designing a child's bedroom can not be like us to design the master bedroom . Small bedroom design variations.

Penchant for children in play apparently also prioritized when you want to design a child's bedroom design. Playing in fact, according to some experts have many benefits for the growth and development of the child psyche. Under these conditions, design a child's bedroom as much as possible an element of play and learn in one room. This will be accompanied by extensive nursery. However, if you have a child's room is not too large, it does not mean your child's bedroom design can not be circumvented. Child's bedroom should have a size large, empty spaces that exist within the room can be used for play.

You can create a Child Bedroom Design That Unique for your children. No need to spend money that is surplus to widen a child's bedroom, interior and furniture using appropriate and functions, you can give a unique children's bedroom for your baby. Creating or designing a child's bedroom design is cute and suit the tastes and personality of the child is not very easy. The point is in communication. Communicate with your child all of it, because after all, you're the boy who would later become " ruler " in the room. Let him be creative from her own room. Experts believe that great talent can be born out of the small room. It is better to entrust the selection of children's bedroom design in accordance with her wishes. Of course, assisted and given the right direction.

One thing you have to do is look at the ingredients of making furniture that supports the creation of a child's bedroom design is cute and attractive. Such materials contained in paints, and materials to create furniture themselves, whether hazardous or not. Note also the child's room ventilation, so that the air flows into the room can remain smooth. Do not forget to pay attention to the light rays of the sun as natural light and guard room temperature in order to keep a good kid.

Child Bedroom Design That Unique
1. Play area

Play is his world children. By playing they can get to know the environment and increase knowledge. Enter into the design of the playground design your child's bedroom. Place the play area on one side or corner of your child's bedroom. If your child's bedroom space is not so wide, you can use the hammock or level, so that the space under the bed can be used as a children's play area.

2. area Learning

Although still relatively young children, do not forget to remind them to learn. Therefore, in designing your child's bedroom design, prepare the area in a child's bedroom for a place to learn. Use the desks and chairs are cute and colorful, so your child will not get bored quickly. Choose desks with shelves ornament on the right or left side of the front, so that the books he wrote and tools are not scattered everywhere. It can also educate your child to learn neat.

3. Storage area

The number of toys that your children have made her bedroom into a full room. To avoid it, make special containers to store toys. Enter the special container when making square off a child's bedroom design. Storage containers can be a big as a closet shelf is placed in the play area, on the edge of the wall, or under a bed made sliding doors, so that it can be used to store toys. Specifically for storing clothes, design your child's bedroom can be made unique. Take advantage of the corners that exist in your child's bedroom, make L -shaped cabinets are placed closer fit corner room. Choose a cabinet design that is not only to lay and hang clothes, but also can save a child's shoe.

To get a child's bedroom design unique , you can get a look at a child's bedroom design examples in magazines such property , or ask an interior designer specialized in children's rooms . Here are some of the themes that can be used as inspiration to design Child Bedroom Design That Unique.

4. Wall cover

Children who have high imagination, want something to live on in his room. One way that can be taken to make it happen is to use wall cover. Discuss with your child's wall cover like what they want. Choose the wall cover to suit your child's personality and tastes into the inside of the planning stages of a child's bedroom design. Wall cover provides a variety of interesting images to decorate your child's room, such as wall cover cartoon character, superhero characters, or wall cover picture your child's favorite toy. Apply wall cover with paint techniques that were glitter. Use wall cover as part of the children's bedroom design is also considered quite healthy compared to the use of excessive paint.

5. Color game

The colors may be suitable for use as a children's bedroom design theme is Navy. Navy is a blue and white color combination. If your child is happy with the world like blue or sea, navy themes can be used as an alternative to design your child's bedroom. To live the theme of the picture make seafarers on the ceiling right above the bed. To make a wall with wall cover pictorial applying white paint ocean waves with blue stripes.

6. Imaginative

If your child likes to draw, you can apply the results of his work to design the bedroom. You just ask an interior designer to make wall cover or furniture that suits the imagination contained in your child's drawings. Choose furniture that fit well with his imagination, as if your child likes disney cartoon character, make furtinure resemble his favorite cartoon character. Design child's bedroom in such a way will surely make your child 's room linger.

7. Secret Room

When you get bored with the design of a child's bedroom that 's it with a variety of furniture, you can make a Child Bedroom Design That Unique concept using a secret room. Make your child's room wall like space that you can use to store your child's toys or clothes. So that when the door is closed, the walls would look neat, as if there is no room in there.

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