Thursday, August 15, 2013

Lily Flower, the Legendary Beauty In Indonesia

Lily Flower
Illustration of Lily Flower
Lily Flower, the Legendary Beauty In Indonesia. In Indonesia, generally known as lily lilies flowers, or flowers stews. Lilies can grow in a number of habitats, like mountains, in forests, sometimes can also grow inside the swamp. Due to grace, I wonder if your lilies become one of the most popular flower on the planet. During Britain, its popularity exceeds roses.

The interest on the family Liliaceae comprising of approximately 100 different species are scattered in a variety of areas of the world. Some people grow lilies in home garden. Because in addition to beautiful, known lily symbolizes elegance and beauty. Enjoy too with beautiful Blue Roses.

Systematic position and outline Lilies

Lily features a systematic position inside the scientific classification the following :
  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Subkingdom: Tracheobionta
  • Super Division: Spermatophyta
  • Division: Magnoliophyta
  • Class: Liliopsida
  • Sub Class: Liliidae
  • Order: Liliales
  • Family: Liliaceae
  • Genus: Lilium

Lilies is made of approximately 100 species. A few, L. Auratum, L. candidum, L. canadens, L. Lancifolium, L. Pumilum, and a lot of other species. A monocot the vascular plants which enables it to produce seeds. This plant carries a lots of flower colors, from white, orange, purple, pink, orange, dark color approximately black. Propagation is conducted with tuber formation, and this is a food reserve. With the food reserves lilies can survive winter months or dry season. Tubers in certain species like L. bulbiferum and L. lancifolium edible, it was pretty sweet. Including the tuber can be used to replace the potato tuber.

Sheathed Flower Growing Legend

Lilies is often interpreted dependant on its color. Egyptian water lily symbolizes purity, yellow lilies depict happiness, and orange lilies depict passion. Even Christian legend, the lily with the species Lilium candidum virgin Mary believed decorate graves where they may actually signify the entry maria heaven. In Greece the lily a symbol of purity. Inside their legends, lily-called emerging from Juno, wife of Jupiter which a goddess.

Perhaps that's type of trending legend who is constantly on the liven the lily charm even today. No surprise so many men who presented him the flowers for his girlfriend. Beautiful flower plant sheathed legend course raises a satisfaction. Planting lilies is easy because lilies are easy to grow. However lilies still need the top habitat in the grass that has a balanced acidity.

Tips about Looking after Lilies
Some important things to take care of lilies as follows :
  1. Although the lily can be a plant that is certainly easy to grow, you should placed the lilies on the soil media which has a balanced acidity. If necessary, you can contribute dolomite lime to keep up the pH balance.
  2. Discard seeds petals when it seems.
  3. If you will find elements of the guarana plant are yellowing or decay should be diligent throw. As the rotten part of the plant can trigger the rise of pathogens including fungi and bacteria.
  4. In their infancy, given the amount of any balanced fertilizer.
  5. Avoid giving fertilizer, containing high numbers of nitrogen.
  6. Also, note the distance tanamn, don't get too close since it will always make roots competing for nutrients that can impair growth.
  7. Discard seeds petals when it appears.
  8. If there are parts of the plant are yellowing or decay must be diligent throw. Because the rotten part of the plant can trigger the growth of pathogens such as bacteria and fungi.
  9. In its infancy, given the levels of a balanced fertilizer.
  10. Avoid giving fertilizer, containing high levels of nitrogen.
  11. In addition, note the distance tanamn, do not get too close because it will make roots competing for nutrients that can impair growth.

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