Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Beautiful Orchid Flower

Orchid Flower
Orchid Flower
The Beautiful Orchid Flower. Said the man, orchid flower is a symbol of love and luxury. Maybe because it needs love and patience were outstanding in care. Orchid plants located almost in all countries, especially tropical regions such as Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, China, to the continent of Australia. Specifically for orchid plants that live in temperate countries, this plant lives in the soil and have a bulb as a form of adaptation to winter.

Orchid flower have a high water content. Water content can be derived from dew, rain water, or water vapor contained in the air. Therefore these plants can survive in an environment low water content. In addition to be used as houseplants, orchids are also often found attached to tree trunks in forests that grow wild. Orchid plant is a plant species that are epiphytic life and can thrive in a height of six hundred meters above sea level.

Tips on Choosing Orchid Flowers

If you want to buy orchid plants, there are some important tips that you need to see.
  1. Make sure that the plants you choose orchids that will be in good health and not being attacked by pests and diseases. The characteristics of a healthy orchid leaves are green and glossy look, and there are patches of yellow or brown on the leaves and stems.
  2. Choose plump and strong stems. Do not choose a stem of orchids with a wrinkled, due to the possibility of the plant water shortages.
  3. Choose an avid orchid flowering. It can be seen from the former flower stalks are found on the stem.
  4. There are a lot of new chicks, so if mature plants die, there will be instead.
  5. Orchid stems firmly installed in the pot. Avoid the easy rocking rod, because chances are its not good or maybe just replanted.
  6. Do not select if there is a small insect that creeps on the media cropping.
  7. If you want to enjoy the beauty of the orchid plants for longer, choose orchids that have half the flowers bloom. Thus, flowering orchids will remain when you've brought it home.

Business Potential Plant Orchids

Orchid plants are one type of ornamental plants are able to captivate the attention of many eyes. Unique appearance, shape and diverse floral, floral arrangement in the stalk, leaf shape even all parts of the plant as a whole is unique. His appearance was not as vibrant as carnations and roses smell was not. But its simplicity is able to attract many eyes. Graceful, so the general picture of the orchid plant. Not flashy, both in terms of color and shape. However, therein lies its appeal.

Diverse forms of flowers, making this species has the genetic potential to be glorified rich / are crossed. Breeding orchid from year to year, continued to have a new variety of orchid varieties is increasingly unique and have high economic value. This suggests that the orchid has a promising economic potential. Both as an ornamental plant pots or as cut flowers.

Promising Business

Orchid flower continues to be excellent entrepreneurs and activists flower ornamental plants. How not, the demand for ornamental plants is increasing every year. Especially in urban and suburban areas. The presence of new housing is a marketing opportunity that is promising orchid.

Economic Value of Plant Orchids
Orchid flower has little economic value. Fresh cut orchids valued US$4, - up to US$10, - per stalk. While a bottle of orchid tissue culture seedlings can be rewarded up to US$10,- per bottle. Likewise with potted orchids. The price varies depending on the type, quality and age of the plant.

In general for the orchid business objectives are usually sold in several forms such as :

1. Cut orchids

Cut orchid plants is in great demand by consumers. Unique charm of flowers, the potential to enhance your living room, graced the party decorations and so forth. Besides orchids cut also favored as a gift an expression of love, congratulations and used for ceremonial rites.

2. Orchid bottle (tissue culture seedlings)

Economic potential of orchid plants not only in the beauty of the flowers. Even the new puppy also has the potential for economic growth is not small. Seedling or tissue cultures are better known as the bottle is in great demand by orchid lovers of ornamental plants. Why? Because it is cheaper and can get orchid seeds in large quantities at once.

3. Ornamental orchids

Orchid ornamental plants most favored by lovers of ornamental plants such as orchids mini moon. Besides can be used as an ornamental garden and porch in mini orchids can also be used as table flowers. Small stature and flowering upright, making these plants suitable to decorate your coffee table.

4. Orchid collection

Orchid species orchid collection is of high economic value. Types of orchids are widely coveted by collectors of orchids. Sometimes the price is very expensive and is usually a rare orchid species. Famous orchid collection has a high economic value such as the black orchid which is a local orchid very rare and unique.

Various Kinds of Orchids

There are several kinds of orchids, orchids are usually referred to by its genus name just because it has a lot of interspecies hybrids and antargenusnya. Indeed unique, but naming orchids have special rules that little "deviate" from the rules of naming other plants normally.

Here are some of the popular orchid genus name.

1. Cattleya

This type of orchid is in the division Magnoliophyta, class Liliopsida, order Asparagales, and family Orchidaceae. Cattleya is among stu genus of 42 species of orchids that exist. Cattleya is in the area of ​​Costa Rica to tropical South America. This orchid species usually lives riding on large woody trees. That way, they will be protected from direct sunlight so that the needed humidity will be obtained. This orchid has a large size, and if used as an ornamental plant difficult to maintain.

2. Dendrobium

Dendrobium is a genus of orchids esifit. Orchid species are ornamental orchids for indoors, and parks. This type of orchid has a flower shape varies. Compared with Cattleya, Dendronium more easily treated. This type of orchid growth simpodial, the intention is to have growth on a finite rod tip. This orchid stem will stop growing if it reaches the maximum limit, After that, growth will resume by the new puppy that has grown disampinya. This type of orchid requires matarahari rays depends on the kind of high. If the sun's temperature is too high, can be aided by fogging so that evaporation can be avoided. This orchid is the most famous among all types of orchids.

3. Grammatophylum

Grammatophylum is a genus of 11 species of orchids. Its name comes from the Greek, meaning Gramma mark, and phyllon meaning leaf. The genus is widely spread in the rain forest in the Indo-China, Indonesia, Filipima, Papua New Guinea, and some Southwest Pacific islands do. In addition to that there are three kinds of orchids are also Oncidium orchids in which there are also golden shower, which includes orchids Phalaenopsis months, Spathyphyllum or ground orchids, and Vanda is a cut flower.

Well, that's a discussion of orchids. Indeed, this one has flowers of extraordinary beauty. Of several species of orchids, there are found in Indonesia. Let us cultivate the home page with orchids.

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