Monday, August 26, 2013

Tips on Choosing Paint Colors Bedroom of dorm room

Tips on Choosing Paint Colors Bedroom of dorm room
Illustration of dorm room
Tips on Choosing Paint Colors Bedroom of dorm room. Every life must have color. Color has a lot of meaning and philosophy. So it is with our lives everyday. Shirt color, color carpet, bags, mobile phones, laptops, bedroom paint colors, paint the fence, or even the color of the paint is often also shows the identity and character of a man. For someone who was stay there must be a desire to change the base color dorm room room with bedroom paint colors that fit with his character. Thus the boarding room who have not formally personally would feel like home. Traditional Bali and Java House.

Comfort is sought by everyone. Not escape also the resting place after a long day outside, the room is the last place as melt flow tiredness and fatigue. It is very important to get a second chance for the residents rooms. One of the things that can be done to get a comfortable room is to change the paint color of the room. Room paint colors can be selected according to taste and a few other things. As long as it is able to bring a sense of comfort when in the room. To get a sense of comfort from the boarding room, you should consider a few tips for choosing paint colors bedroom or your dorm room follows.

We choose colors & Love dorm room

There are some of us who certainly liked some colors, such as black, blue, or other colors according to various reasons. For example, because there is someone who is very fond of football club Manchester United, so he chose the color red as the color paint her bedroom. Bedroom paint color selection that is match with fondness we will be giving us encouragement. It also makes sense of fun at ourselves. Because most people who are fanatical about the color, or the goods wanted everything to be in that color. If the room is too colored to the color he liked, of course this will add to favorites.

Avoid Color White
at dorm room

Seek not choose white as the color paint bedroom. Because the white color can make the room dirty. For example, after rain or heat, if we lean on the wall, then certainly there will be a slight stain on the wall of our room and clearly visible. Although there were indeed many paint colors chosen are white because white is considered a neutral color. But if we think that we can not avoid the dirt from the walls of our room was the white color option should not be taken.

There are advantages provided by the white paint than other paints. The advantages are even brighter room with little lighting. If you use other colors then the lighting should be considered because it may seem dark and dank room. Because of this use of the color white was chosen by most people. Chosen because it would save the cost of electricity in lighting. Although the white color has risks as mentioned.

Notice Material That Will Painted

Note the materials that we will paint. Is the wall or walls are made of plywood-type material. Material differences will we paint must we distinguish also the type of paint that will be used. Additionally wall staining techniques should be considered with care. If using a technique that does not match the staining results would look weird and uncomfortable to look at. Who knows properly about this wall painting techniques are the builders who have been accustomed to paint the room.

Suppose we are room wall is made of walls then do first is to do the cleaning room wall of any material that would interfere with the process of painting later. The walls must be ensured clean of trash it. If there are some parts of the wall were chipped then inevitably we have to eliminate all the wall sections until the entire surface looks clean and flat. Once the wall has been confirmed clean of rubbish and materials bully it is done on the basis of granting stage paint to be used. So, indirectly given paint on the walls.

Basic paint is usually made from a mixture of some building materials. This provision is intended to paint base paint on the walls can be given well and evenly. As well as the given color will look neat and not easily fade. Once the base paint is immaculate throughout wall sections, then the vicious cycle to paint the walls. In this painting stage, we can use a paint brush or roll painter. Use a paint brush would probably require a longer time but will result in a more even color paint on each wall. It will impress detail in painting. While the use of a roll painter will simplify and save time painting. A person who is not an expert in the painting can do. But you can bet the difference result of painting.

Cool colors at dorm room

Choose the color that can bring a cool atmosphere, such as light blue, yellow, blue, and create the impression of cool colors and other cool impression. Try not to use black paint color for when the weather is hot, the incoming air will make the atmosphere becomes hot. Try to use colors that are muted yet vibrant colors. This is done in order to keep the room light conditions so that cost-effective lighting. In addition, it will also make things worse rooms remain fresh. The use of black color which causes the heat also causes the room look dark. This is certainly not good for eye health. Eyes requires extra work to catch the light when we do the activity in the room. And of course if you want the room look bright room lights should be lit continuously.

Room lights were turned on will add to heat the room because the room had been painted black. The condition of the rooms will be quickly hot and sultry. So black is not recommended for people who are looking for comfort after a long day.

Make the Color Mixed dorm room

For those of us who love to indulge and have the high mobility, try using a mixture of blue and yellow that could bring fresh atmosphere. Whereas, for the not too have high mobility use colors that can evoke the spirit, such as yellow or red color. With the fresh atmosphere of the color mix will rejuvenate your body and mind after a long day outside. Rest in a comfortable room with a fresh atmosphere in which it would be better so that follow-up activities can run more fresh. Color mix is ​​also an alternative or could be another option for those who get bored basic colors. With mixed colors will bring a new atmosphere of fun. Has been duly tested mix colors if you are already bored with the existing base color.

Note Budget

And here's the most important thing for friends who dorm room. Adjust costs used to buy paint. Do not be too hard to buy expensive paint color or brand to get quality great room paint colors. By buying a few cans of paint are affordable, then combine the color, then we can get a good quality, also can hone our art and creativity.

Choose Leisure

Painting the room is not an easy thing that can be done in vain. Many things to consider, one of which is a process that takes a relatively long time. When he wants to paint the room, should be spent little time on your busy time. This is done to get the maximum room and was not impressed at random for a very limited time owned. Provide day to paint the boarding room. Do in the holidays when there are no work activity. There may be a willingness to temporarily throw moment holiday by painting the rooms.

When day is used to move the items in the room when the room will be painted. Once in the paint room also can not be directly used, must wait until the paint is dry first. Once dry then goods can be released from the room again put in the rooms. All it takes a long time. It took a long time to do that. So it took a spare room so that the result can be a maximum of painting.

Congratulations choose your favorite color for lovely dorm room.

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