Friday, August 30, 2013

Creating Beautiful Home Spaces and comfortable Decor

Creating Beautiful Home Spaces  and comfortable Decor
Illustration of Beautiful Home Spaces, comfortable Decor
Creating Beautiful Home Spaces  and comfortable Decor. Many people argued when creating the room decor is a tough job and can only be done by experts of the interior only. This is an assumption that is not true at all. Because each person when want to learn and understand his strategy can certainly do the job. During this time many who thought that if the House type 36 was serving his so-so only, two adjacent rooms and one bathroom and a living room and kitchen are attached. House of decorating tips and lamps models.

Modification Of Decoration

Room decor at home type 36 is very simple, sometimes does not give room for the residents to make other creations. But if given the chance to build itself with sufficient land area such as 100 square meters, the decorations to be somewhat more open room. Especially if the shape of the room was slightly larger with a higher ceiling. The impression of feeling free and slightly larger, making the residents breathe with more relief. There are people who don't want a lot of the furniture in his house. The House contains only goods that are badly needed, such as, a bed, a cupboard, a small table and. While the guest Chair or cupboard or buffet place store collectibles do not exist. If the type of people like this, who needs game may be just the color of the walls. When necessary the walls just made of bricks that were made quite decorative. Then the impression of home in the countryside outside the country could be created.

Most are hung on a wall is a wall clock with a unique shape like a teak leaf shape or form of a tire wheel train riding. Furthermore, entertainment supplies made very minimalistic by choosing a plasma tv that can be affixed to the wall. Guest chairs can be shaped like a long bench in where to eat in village. Of course this bench can be made multi function. Don't forget to coat the bench with foam to make sitting more comfortable. Color of stool is made only in accordance with the natural color of the wood. His table was selected a rectangle and can be used as storage or magazine's shoes are not worn. The absence of a warehouse on this narrow House, makes its occupants must be able to hide the items that are not being used in a unique place. Try not to use too strong a memorable furnishing such furniture and carved in the shape of a large one. The furniture in the shape of squares are also sometimes make the room seem narrower. Furniture with rounded shape, may still be used. The bottom line with limited room, don't need to put too much furniture. If necessary, swap the furniture does not correspond to a more minimalist furniture.


It is important in decorating is the ability to create beauty at once makes it convenient when you are on the space that is designed or made such decoration. So don't be afraid to pour your creative ideas in activities which actually is very fun. So many examples that are scattered around the internet and in magazines that discuss decorating. To make decorating for spaces in order to appear beautiful and comfortable for occupancy needs to pay attention to some things like, customize the theme. Before create the decoration, choose the desired theme or concept. Want spring modern, traditional or modern, classic and others. This makes it easy to step on the next job. Discuss with other family members about this theme.

If it is in a cold mountainous area, the theme of ' back to nature ', could be an option. Form small gardens are beautiful, both inside the House and outside the House. A beautiful park that is in the House, of course will give rise to the impression that romantic. The wall is made of glass so that the Park can be seen clearly. It must be diligent in providing glass. However, the effects of which are performed by a beautiful garden that would be pretty incredible. Don't forget the diligent care of the plant. If they don't want too often because of the flurry of gardening, choose plants that are easily treated and does not require a lot of attention. When buying plants, be sure to ask the seller of plants how to take care of the plants. Do not let the House instead like a garden that was not well maintained or even being such a dirty city with wet Bough running there.

Theme for home like this is perfect when applied in urban areas as well. A lot of pollution makes the body needs fresh air flow at home. In the presence of children at home, easy stable psychological conditions again. Clean air flow it will make the body becomes lighter and not exposed to prolonged stress. If not, he can hire a skilled gardener. The cost are more expensive, but the satisfaction results from the work of professional people that's pretty good. Select furniture and decoration are preferred. When making decorations for yourself, then choose all furnishings and decorated in accordance with the spirit and desire. Do not impose to select items that are not acceptable despite being popular and much liked by others. This will create a sense of comfort and pleasure on the space occupied to be lost. Of course to know what indeed preferred foods, frequently came to the exhibition decoration or reading books about decorating.

After determining what endeared, and then hunt for. Don't be too long doing the hunting. If the program creates these decorations are delayed, sometimes even being lazy to resume work. If lazy resume it, eventually it will take a long time to enjoy the decorations that had existed in the head. To receive the decoration that is what it is. Certainly not something fun to delay realization of what had been designed before. Select furniture according to the functions of all kinds. For example, the decor is to work. Then choose the furniture also has the function to support the work. Do not choose equipment that is not linked with the job. Because besides the useless also makes the hassles. Similarly, if you create a design space for guests, bedroom, family room etc.

The idea will come when often get information. A visit to the home decorating like decorating sales, will give you an idea what kind of decorations that you want. Diverse forms of goods assortment prices will give a particular decor concept that suits your abilities and forms of existing room is decorated.


It also has to be adapted to the character of the soul. Because each color had a psychological influence on the mind. For example the color light blue or Sky will cause an effect on peace of mind. Then young pink color will bring up a sense of passion and cheerful. And white will make the feeling of shade and a bright Outlook and so on. If they want to play with some color to a room, not a problem. Different colors will give the impression of. Of course there are artistic value and do not origin of colors. Certainly do not want to make the House look like a kindergarten or a playground. If necessary, use wallpaper appropriate and inappropriate at an affordable price.

The lighting also had influence on psychology as with color. Moreover each room also need different lighting techniques. For decoration work space certainly need lighting to suit the task that needs to be done in that space. Then for the living room naturally need a brighter lighting. Are for the bedroom certainly doesn't need a lot of lighting, because when it is too bright will dazzle the eye. Air circulation is one of the most important factors for making decorating uncomfortable. Because when the air circulation in the room can be good, then the occupant of the House also wouldn't feel the sultry or overheating. Or precisely the reverse so often cold so make entry a breeze. Except when the use of air conditioners room or AIR CONDITIONING.

The face of space. When making the room decor, try these spaces could be facing out so the eyes can be far away and is not limited in space firewall only. This can be done when these spaces are in homes that have a page or an apartment room is located at the edge of, not the middle.

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