Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Examples of Minimalist Bedroom Design for Claustrophobia

Minimalist Bedroom Design for Claustrophobia
Illustration of Minimalist Bedroom Design for Claustrophobia
Examples of Minimalist Bedroom Design for Claustrophobia. Now people are busy looking for minimalist bedroom design. This is because the cause of the problem is vast room o too broad because the land is also top of his own condition. Although the rooms relatively small but a lot of people who want the room can still look special. So many decorations that emerged from the architects in this case. Efforts include is that done using a small room but converted into usable space, wall color is also considered to be in harmony with the room, do not forget to also equipped with a variety of furniture. Comfortable bedroom choices.

Design in the bedroom it should be a top priority because the room is used for a break from the daily routine that has a lot of power needs. So comfort is the most important factor that can be felt while sleeping ita calm. This thing is because sleep is important for make our body fresh again for solid routine the next day. So the sodium absorption ratio wonder if a lot of quality in terms of design bedroom into a sensitive in your life. In addition to keeping your body in shape so that fresh also your body's immunity power is maintained. So feeling weak, tired, tired that you feel could be lost after you wake up from sleep.

Most private room in most people the room. Very need comfort when you are in a good room in a variety of activities, relax or while sleeping. Room size not ensure your comfort the most influence on the way the room atmosphere design. Good design will surely make you linger spend your break in the room. Actually for minimalist bedroom design does not require a lot of importance is a mature concept. Due to the small room that we stayed automatically add the furniture is simple but make the room more beautiful and nice greedy after room finished in design.

Then you also have to consider the existing furniture to wall color, not to cause effects pale. So this minimalist room will actually look special. Your taste plays an important role in a wide range of design options in the bedroom this small room .. Good design point of view it depends on each person considers that there is good ad also less agree with you this option. Do not be afraid to commit to color because this game will make too comfortable atmosphere and create the impression of a new one. The only difference being used to design the room with the women and the men's room design.

Room Design for People with Claustrophobia

Comfort that someone must have that criteria vary from one another. Because of the character of each person who determines whether or not the room comfortable. Some people there who spend a long time in a small room with beg a pleasure. But that assumes there room with little room to make himself not free to do activities while in it. Psychological level is usually the greatest influence in this regard. For example, just for you who suffer from claustrophobia will feel uncomfortable when you are in the narrow room. If the patient's phobia was in the narrow room size he will feel very tense. Not only that he will easily remove sweat because of fears it, breathing became irregular.

So, is not surprising that people with this phobia was terrified when he was in the toilet that has a small room in the Mass when vehicles like planes or trains as well as on the elevator. However, the condition of the room his bedroom can also cause bad the condition too when small size. So fear will arise anytime and anywhere. With minimalist bedroom design can be a solution for those who do not like the cramped room. Narrow bedroom can be transformed into a room that is comfortable to them.

Design minimalist house design should at least be combined with a minimalist home furnishings as well so not impressed "collide". This time we meet a lot of furniture and home furnishings minimalist style. This is because people's lifestyles are beginning to shift like things that are practical and minimalist. One is the design minimalist bed made of teak wood. Minimalist bedroom design concept is simple and elegant, we can get some design of a bed made of teak wood. To design minimalist bedroom does not have to seem cheap even be able to still look luxurious while its design is simple. Likewise with teak wood which has always been seen as that big because the price is not exactly cheap.

Quality good air circulation must also be considered in terms of interior design bedrooms. Stuffy room will only make us uncomfortable to linger in the room. Instead of using the cool air conditioning, should be better to regulate the circulation of air in such a way that the design of nature such as a window or vent. And ventilation window design can be made in such a way as to maintain the aesthetic value of the interior design of the bedroom.

Playing with Color for Claustrophobia Sufferers

Begin decorating your minimalist bedroom design with things too "minimalist". Such election to paint. Aura emitted each color believe it or not can affect a person's psychological. Avoid the use of paint colors tend to be less bright or too dark, like black, brown, and gray. Because the things that will make your mood a drop or not excited. Choose bright colors for the walls of your room, such as yellow, green, and blue. Bright colors are proven to increase positive aura in human beings.

1. Yellow color

The bright color is the color for the center of the whole system. Such as sunlight, bright yellow can radiate joy that is so perfect. This is usually suitable for a child's bedroom. You can also use yellow to highlight other elements of your room. Here are some of the advantages that can be obtained when the body wall in the room using yellow paint.
  • Yellow color can make weak nerves calmed down.
  • Yellow color can assist in controlling the process of digestion.
  • Yellow color can make increased appetite, and circulation in the human body also becomes smooth.
  • Yellow color can stimulate the brain intelligence and improving the ability to control emotions.
  • The color yellow also can stimulate the emergence of a sense of compassion between people, thus making the harmony and a sense of optimism is maintained.

2. Color Green

Like the trees, the green color can also be soothing. He can calm nerves strained. Green color as inherited properties owned by leaf chlorophyll. He can make a smooth blood flow. Cozy colors for a bedroom is usually green. It's no secret, that the color associated with the color of this plant is able to give the impression of calm and natural. The green color is also believed to provide relief, releasing saturation, as well as helping people become more relaxed. By doing so, a quiet room will support the quality of rest for room owners.

Green is the color that symbolizes nature, balance, harmony and positive. Green creates a relaxing environment when used in soft tones. The use of green with soft beige color can be a good combination for your minimalist bedroom design.

3. Blue color

The same as the previous two colors, blue can also give the effect of calmness, he can reduce the pounding heart beating too fast. The blue color can be sedating from an overactive mind. He is highly recommended for anyone who has an illness insomnia or difficulty sleeping. Blue is the favorite color for creating calmness and peace. This color is popular because it can be used for bedrooms both traditional and modern models. Plain light blue color you mix with soft pastel colors or green apple.

Selection of paint colors on the walls of the rooms are also part of the
minimalist bedroom design. The third color is equally soothing. The use of these colors can help people with claustrophobia who tend to often feel anxious when in a narrow room. Once can be a kind of therapy for them. Neutral colors can also help comfort in the bedroom. Beige color, for example, will give the impression of natural and memorable classic. While white, beige, and salmon, will give the impression of relief and calm in the room. However, that is not too pale, you can combine them with accessories such as bed linen, curtains, furniture too.

If the passing game to be different colors, you can do it by adding white. That way, the result will be more smooth and soft, making it perfect for the bedroom.

Easily select the right design minimalist bedroom?

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