Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Easy To Planting Roses

Easy To Planting Roses
Easy To Planting Roses
Easy To Planting Roses. See the beauty and the beauty of roses, you probably will have a desire to make the cultivation of roses around the house. Interest that this one does have a unique shape, color is varied and very beautiful to look at. Some people also have a special meaning when looking at the diversity of the rose color. Start of meaning associated with love to friendship. That's the rose that holds many advantages than any other flower. Any attempt to make the cultivation of a plant with a particular type is not easy. Everything requires preparation and provision of knowledge before you start. This review will be presented at a number of ways at the same time when they wanted to cultivate techniques of this beautiful flower. Cultivate any benefits will be felt after trying to do so. Many people are also doing this cultivation as a form of business opportunities. Carnations Flowers.

Therefore, for anyone who saw the opportunity will soon be making plans and any strategy to grow its business. Business roses including one promising business in the present and the future. Moreover, if the roses are sold or supplied their own cultivation of internal work. Hopefully this review provides a lot of motivation for the readers, who want to open businesses both in the field and only cultivate ornamental plants. Cultivate ornamental plants this one was not too difficult, as long as the planting spot is an area with a cool temperature is not too hot. That's the thing that should be considered as the basic key start cultivation. It's not a lot of special treatment being done to preserve the roses, because the flowers that are very attractive to many people.

Rose floristry way

After learning basic key start cultivating these beautiful plants, then we review the several ways of cultivation. How to cultivation of ornamental plants is varied between one type of ornamental plants with other species. Naturally, this is because each one has its own characteristics ornamental plants ranging from the physiological to the other parts of the body ornamental plants. Roses also have their own ways of farming as follows.
  • Roses seed selection

In terms of gardening, selecting seeds is the first thing that is very important. Before planting roses, you should really choose a good and suitable seeds as planned as you wish. Chances are there who want to choose from in terms of flower color or size or anything else. There are several types of roses, there is a creeping, large flowering, small, and others. Choose according to your wishes. Seeds of roses, there are some sorts, there are from seeds, stem cuttings results, or seeds that have been in the form of a rose plant in polybag. If selected as desired course will greatly affect the implementation of the technique as well as the next step up roses ready to be harvested from your own garden.

Do not do everything, including forced cultivation. It became the basis of our great hope every step later. Although only a seed, but of these seedlings will produce something of value. If you are just starting with the cultivation of plants include roses, you should select plants that have to be in a polybag for easier maintenance. The recommendation is to facilitate anyone who wants to make this beautiful ornamental plant cultivation. When the seedlings were selected good as well as desired, then the way will then be able to run with the maximum. So that the cultivation will also be able to be felt up by where it is grown.
  • Tillage

For the cultivation of roses, prepare the land or soil in pots with good quality. Mix the soil with compost / manure, then add the husks as a reservoir or water in the soil binder. If not used to doing it this way, then do not forget to learn the people who've done it or seek additional information from a variety of other media. Roses including plants that do not grow well when exposed to direct sunlight. Therefore, land or pot that will be used should be in a cool place. It is important to note that flowers of these plants can grow and bloom as expected.
  • How to grow roses ?

When you plant in a pot, you just plant the rose seeds into the soil in the pot. But if you plant directly in the soil, there are some rules that must be followed in sequence. Do not attempt this if for ornamental plants, because the advantages of cultivating these plants can reap many advantages if the rules are followed correctly. When planted many roses, roses give a distance between one another rose. This distance also depends on the type of roses themselves. If you want to plant a rose cut, give a distance of approximately 50 cm. For climbing roses, give a distance of about 1-2 meters. Once planted, the soil around the rose plants need to be watered every day, is to meet the needs of water on the roses. You have to remember that you do not let the plants when watering newly planted roses still, but only just a watered soil.
  • Care of roses

Cultivation of roses would have special treatment should be considered. Just as humans, roses require water and nutrients intake. Perform regular watering in the morning or evening, and give organic and inorganic fertilizers such as NPK. Soil occasionally to the ground is not too dense. Solid ground can reduce water infiltration and fertilizer substances needed by roses. Clean up all the grass or weeds that interfere around trees. Do not forget to trim some branches of dried roses and flowers that have wilted. It is to be diligent to make the roses bloom.

Roses Cultivation Techniques with Seed

Here's an example of roses cultivated with seeds that you can get from seed sellers.
  1. Choose roses seedlings seeds are of good quality, ie seeds that when put in water, the seeds will sink.
  2. If you want to get the seeds in our own way, you can get it from the ripe fruit of the rose. Fruit of the rose is a bulge at the base of the flower and is the result of pollination, usually colored red. Fruit planting roses in the ground, wait until the roses fruit rot and peeling skin (about 2-9 months). After that, you take the seeds from the fruit of the rose and cleared rotten.
  3. After obtaining good quality seed, you just sow the seeds of roses to the land that had been prepared. Give a distance of about 5-10 cm between the seeds with other seeds.
  4. Perform routine daily watering in the morning or evening.
  5. After about four weeks, the seeds will begin to germinate. When the rose plant is large enough, move one at a time to plant roses in a polybag. You also already have roses seedlings produced from seeds of the fruit.
Good luck with this gorgeous beautiful ornamental plant cultivation.

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