Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Uniqueness Coconut Wood Furniture

Coconut Wood Furniture
Illustration of Coconut Wood Furniture
The Uniqueness Coconut Wood Furniture. Coconut wood furniture can be used as an alternative raw material in the furniture industry. How is the uniqueness of this coconut wood furniture ? The continued development of science encourage further enhance creativity. Creativity can be distributed in a variety of fields, such as fashion, a wide assortment of accessories, even in the culinary field. All the more active in exploiting existing opportunities.

Creativity can also be applied in the field of furniture industry. A unique selection of raw materials, attractive model, as well as an affordable price into consideration in creating an idea. Today, the craftsmen even more creative by making various crafts furniture from raw materials that were previously rarely cultivated. Caring for office equipments.

Most of the furniture that was in the market are made from teak, mahogany, camphor, and rattan. There is also furniture made of unusual materials, such as water hyacinth. Furniture made from these materials is fairly luxurious and durable, but the price is quite high. Only certain circles that could have the furniture of this kind. Excellence furniture made of teak and mahogany are resistant to all kinds of insects, fungi, and bacteria that can damage the wood. Durable rattan furniture and water hyacinth furniture is very unique. If it continues to be taken, this type of raw material will experience scarcity. For it is necessary to find alternative raw materials are abundant, but the price is affordable.

So what about the coconut wood furniture ? Furniture made from coconut wood has not been widely used by the craftsmen. In fact, the Indonesian state has a supply of coconut wood is very abundant. Coconut wood resources are still underutilized because of a disadvantage against other types of raw materials. This weakness can not be overcome because it does not have the technology that can process coconut wood into interesting stuff. Lack of knowledge regarding the utilization of available natural resources were the limiting factor underdevelopment coconut wood resources.

Good coconut wood processing can develop the economic potential because of its availability in abundance. Industrial products from coconut wood can be a building construction, wall panels, palm wood floors, roof gazebo, and furniture. Coconut wood furniture, such as desks, chairs, cabinets, beds, and so on. Coconut wood is used for furniture products are coconut wood that is quite old and dry, the coconut wood that has been aged more than 70 years and no longer productive. Coconut wood looks old and hard fibers are very nice. If using coconut wood are still young, will be easily damaged.

Choosing a good quality coconut wood is not difficult. There are some common traits possessed good quality coconut wood, such as rough surface. Generally, coconut wood with rough surfaces, very strong, not easily bent, and termite resistant. To make quality furniture, choose coconut wood skin. In contrast to most other wood, coconut bark part is the hard part and strong. Although the shape is neat, this is the most powerful part. Choose the hard coconut wood. Coconut wood texture more hard and termite resistant powder that can damage the wood. Each raw material has a weakness. Coconut wood has drawbacks, such as frequent changes of color and shape. Coconut wood color change occurs as a result of timber pest activity after harvest that attacks coconut wood. Changes in the form of palm wood is characterized by bending and twist of coconut logs.

Not only that, sometimes Coconut Wood Furniture, though the water level has reached the lowest point. This weakness is not an insurmountable, if available treatment technology and treatment of coconut wood adequate.

However, weaknesses in coconut wood offset by the advantages it has. Here's excess furniture from coconut wood.

  • Wood coconut environmentally friendly and easy when broken down by bacteria decomposing.
  • Has a unique fiber motif and attractive.
  • Having a dull color that is not easy so do not need to add coloring. Coconut wood natural color usually looks good.
  • The price of coconut wood furniture is cheaper and affordable for all.
  • It has a hard texture and is equivalent to teak.
  • Maintenance is very easy.
  • Having a specific gravity greater than two times the teak wood and many variants.

Tips on Caring for Wood Oil

All types of furniture, both interior and exterior of coconut wood is very susceptible to insect timber. Typically, the insects that attack is a type of powder wood beetles and termites. To prevent the destruction of furniture by insects, use a liquid termite or wood varnish. In order for your furniture glow, special spray timber, then wipe with a cloth. If your furniture carved from coconut wood, can be cleaned with a brush. To keep the color of the furniture that is durable, keep it away from direct sunlight.

There are a few tips to keep in mind, if you are interested to cultivate coconut wood as raw material for furniture. Here are some tips that you need to consider.

  • Before processing, coconut wood to go through the process of natural drying. Drying oven system will damage the wood due to shrinkage coconut, easily broken, and not durable.
  • The middle of coconut wood has properties that are softer than the sides, so it should be noted that the process of cutting coconut wood texture unchanged.
  • Coconut wood soaked in an antifungal solution. Use the active ingredient, such as methylene bis thiocyanate being able to protect the wood from the coconut kind blue or black stain fungus and mushroom. In addition, the active ingredient also has the ability to stop the process of decay in coconut wood.

The active ingredient is fairly safe and environmentally friendly. To obtain maximum results, the solution can be mixed with permethrin repellent on similar wood. Permethrin is used to prevent the entry of beetles Teter which can damage the structure of coconut wood.

  • Using a finishing material that can protect coconut wood substrate, such as using water based acrylic biocolour system. This material is good for this type of construction of buildings, walls, wood floors, interior and exterior furniture, as well as the usual weather resistant. For this type of building in an area with extreme weather, such as tropical beaches, Biothane use polyurethane wood coatings. The finishing materials suitable for decking, flooring high traffic, such as restaurant and hotel lobby.
  • Adding preservatives on finishing materials that mold and mildew do not grow on the surface of coconut wood that has been painted. You do this by dissolving rocima and melamine products on the basis of finishing materials.
  • Place the coconut wood on a fairly open space with sufficient air circulation and has a protective roof. Avoid placing the coconut wood in places exposed to water.
  • Provide similar formula to rub oil or dipped in coconut wood to be processed. This formula function is to preserve coconut wood for durability, waterproof, protected from insect pests and diseases, and prevent the wood from the coconut fiber breakage and bending rupture.

Interested to buy ? Or you even want to work using Coconut Wood Furniture ? Whatever it is, coconut wood furniture is very unique and adds to the aesthetics of your room.

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