Sunday, August 18, 2013

Creating Modern Decor In Your Old House

Modern Decor
Illustration of Modern Decor
Creating Modern Decor In Your Old House. Sometimes, the appearance of the long-settled to be so boring. Solution to change the boredom, are renovating your old house. But when that is done is renovating in the sense of changing the design and layout of the house layout with unpacking and rebuilding, the costs involved would be enormous. Another easier way is, by renovating the interior design in the layout or décor became more modern. Modern decor in the old house not only change the appearance of the house, but also can change the aura of your old house is new again. Modern Decoration Store.

Modern Living Room Decorating

The first room to be very visible if design changes are made the living room of your home. Modern decoration will make the living room look more fresh and minimalist, modern decor because usually prioritize practicality function. The first step is to make the living room a new look is to replace the curtain design. Design curtains should match the theme of the room that you want to apply. For example, a new theme so your choice is black and white, then adjust the new curtain design with black and white theme.

Curtain design you choose, it also serves as a decoration in the living room. Because the living room window is usually in great shape and dominant as well as the center of the particular wall. It means he serves as decoration. So the selection of colors, types and designs and models will affect the appearance of special guest room and your home in general. After you specify the curtain design, the next step is to renovate the living room to change the paint color of your living room. You can decide whether just changing the color of the paint, wall paper or change a theme that fits with the curtains. It relates because the curtains and the wall color is very closely related.

Then, decide whether the existing furniture in the living room, for example, the old couch, would you change or not. If you still like the sofa in the living room, the other alternative is to replace the couch cover. You can choose the color that matches the color of the cover design of curtains and paint the walls in the living room. By replacing the sofa cover, the cost to renovate the living room will be cheaper than if you have to replace it with a new sofa.

Birthday Decoration Kitchen

To pamper the wife at home, so it's good kitchen remodeling also be one of your priorities. This wife for added comfort while cooking a meal for the family. If the previous theme of your home kitchen is minimalist, why not converted into natural ? Natural theme is a theme that is a trend today. This theme prefer the return to nature, with plants and natural colors such as brown stone and dominant on furniture, paint and curtains. Natural theme also suitable combined with almost any home design theme. In addition, another advantage is the natural theme it looks simple, convenient and make the occupants feel at home. It is to combine modern decor with a natural in the kitchen, it takes skill game combining colors. Discuss in advance with your beloved wife, what colors she likes, and what became his favorite theme of modern natural anyway.

Next, choose a cabinet or kitchen set that fit the theme you decide. Remember, a healthy kitchen is a kitchen that is easy to clean, so it does not save a lot of insects and germs that can cause disease for you and your family. Think drainage, waste disposal and water faucets are good.

Modern Bedroom Decorating
Sleeping room or bedroom is a private space that is the key comfort you rest from all the activities that you've done all day. If you want to renovate a private bedroom with modern decor, can begin to change the wall paint or wall paper your old. Then the curtains, and bed cover. Appropriate theme will add harmony. Replacing some furniture with a more futuristic models, would be more appropriate for modern bedroom decor. Or the latest television to accompany your break, go ahead.

If you want to design rooms renovation is your son or your daughter, talk to them and negotiate on their room, would be better. Let them say what they want to apply to the private room. That way there is a sense of belonging and responsibility to take care of them later cleanliness of the room. The selection of desks and cabinets that are practical and not too big for the room of children and adolescents will be better. Furniture care and cleaning will not make the child become tired or lazy. Selection of bright colors should also be prioritized, because it affects the comfort and mood of the kids who play a lot more.

Modern garden

In addition to decorating the inside of the house, the exterior of the house, garden and terraces also helped influence the overall beauty. Doing renovations garden is not too difficult, but also not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. That must be considered when renovating the park was the replacement design, color selection, and choice of plants. Additional rocks to form soil substitute, or make a small pond in one corner of the garden, it can also help make your garden look different. Types of small ferns, bonsai, cacti are also some examples that add a modern impression. If you have no other choice, you can consult an architect. Additional iron chair with a futuristic design, or roof covering slightly eccentric, is kind of the flavor of modern accessories. Have any other choice? Please be creative.

Decorating Apartment

Not like staying home with lots of space and a yard for a garden, the apartment is a different matter. If you want to redecorating or remodeling, then it might be little things you can do. Form a permanent apartment does not allow you to do renovations re frontally. But do not worry, because even a little, a change in the apartment decorations will make the atmosphere still look different, really. For example, replace lighting or lighting of any room. You do this by changing the type of lamp, table lamp adds, adds wattage of lights usually dim, and various other things. Then change the location of some ornaments and furniture in it. Or change the color of some walls. Such a change is enough to make your apartment look different and new.

Decorating a dwelling house or apartment, it affects the atmosphere of the house and its occupants familiarity. Especially also on mood or mood all occupants. But the main thing is how residents can instill a sense of gratitude for the gift of houses and dwellings that have owned it to the Almighty. Do not you think ?

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