Friday, December 9, 2011

Not a prophet but he had never been herding goats

Not a prophet but he had never been herding goats, Mohammed, Moses, Jesus, and so forth. There are several manners which is obtained from herding goats, among them:

  • Patience : Works shepherd is the work from sunrise to sunset, because of lags in the cattle chew their food, then the patient is a morality demands that inevitably must be met by the herders.
  • Tawadhu (Humble) : Characteristic of animal herders of livestock (goats, sheep, etc.) is a ministry of the animals, ranging from the care of his birth, preservation may require it 'to sleep near the animals, and even occasionally exposed to urine . As this work continued and repetitive, it gets more and more away from the big-headed or arrogant.
  • Courage (Syaja'ah) : Another distinctive feature of the work herding cattle is often the danger threatening from wild beasts compatriots who may at any time wolves prey on livestock. Then a shepherd should have more courage 'tuk facing this beast.
  • Love and Compassion : The demands of work are goat herders, livestock treatment when ill, or injured by a wild animal bite. All this needed love and compassion for animals, treating it as the treatment of humans. Anyone who loves animals and do it gently, of course, will treat people with an attitude that is more gentle and affectionate.
  • Love the sweat of his own work : Bukhari narrated from Miqdad RA of the Messenger of Allah, He said, "No food is best for someone other than the food he got from his own work, and indeed the Prophet Daud AS eat from the work at his own hand "(Narrated by Muslim). No doubt that by relying on legitimate business do not you make a person achieve perfect freedom and power to raise her outspoken in truth.

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