Monday, March 18, 2013

Understanding the Purpose of the Report and Benefits

Understanding the Purpose of the Report and Benefits. In everyday life, you would not be far from writing. For those of you who work as a student or an employee, writing is an activity that must be done, especially in making the report. The purpose of writing this course to fulfill professional responsibilities as a student or employee.

Purpose of Report For Students

For those of you who sit in school and college, a report is one part of the education that you live. While sitting in the classroom, the teacher will ask you to create a variety of reports from each of the tasks you perform. For example, when you do the experiment in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry or Biology, you are required to make a report. The purpose of writing this research is the basis of the teacher's assessment of what you have done.

Unlike the students in the school, for students in college, report writing is certainly more complex. There are many purposes of writing this report, especially when you are working on a lecture given task. You must explain the fullest in the report about the results of your research.

Another report writing college that is equally important is the final report or what is often called the term thesis. The purpose of writing in the form of this thesis is to demonstrate your understanding of the content of the essay that you are working on. Whether or not you graduated from university level depends thesis that you create. Of course you should have a solid foundation for the content of the report that you create because you have to take responsibility for the hearing graduation.

Purpose of Report For Employees

The report also many written by those who are already working. There are many purposes of writing while you work as an employee. One aim is reporting to superiors on what you have done. This report usually need to make regularly, for example, to weekly or monthly.

The purpose of writing a report in a company also depends on the field of work you do. All forms of this report certainly has a different purpose. For example, a report prepared for the accounting staff report will be different from a marketing staff. An accounting staff required to write a report containing the financial details of the company. While a marketing staff to create reports containing sales reports that have been done.

Once the importance of the purpose of writing makes you have to know the technical rules and regulations. For details, you can read the various references that exist on the internet. Do not underestimate this report because the report will provide a substantial impact on your achievements both as a student and as an employee. The report will provide an assessment of both the good and vice versa.

From Research Reports Can Change So Articles or Books

For people who think smart, reports The studies can make money. The trick to making it an article or a book. Yes, what you try mixed thoroughly by using simple language and send it to local media. So, your writing will be able to make money. Not many people understand the process like this.

Generally, most people just make it as a report only. Even more than just article can be done based on the report The studies. Is it ? Yes, a book. You investigate and study something and then you develop, then it could be a book. Books like this are generally sold well. Because, based on the experience made themselves. It would be better, if you are starting from the beginning of writing research reports, you've started to write notes on our trip, or the research process. In this way, it will be easy to write a book. Because it can be easily and flows tell you what you've experienced during The studies mentioned.

The data that you wrote in the report with what happened will strengthen the composition of your book. Plus, you will be the one who diligently read the book. Because, impossible only with reports and experience, but you should require expert opinion. Indeed, changing research reports into a book is not new anymore today. You know, pretty much all lecturers and professors are doing this. They turn their dissertation into a book. Aren't their dissertation is the result of a research report done ?

If you were not a teacher, you are also worth writing a book about what you will find when doing The studies. Did you know Safir Senduk ? He is not a professor. He is just an employee, but he told her what he had ever experienced finance. Now he has turned into an expert on financial management issues. Because of that, you also have the same opportunities.

Then, if you want to be like Safir Senduk ? Are you complaining because there is never written before ? Now you want to learn to write and know how to write a good book. If you are prepared to take the time and focus to notice, in less than a month, you too can write a book. Want to know how ?

1. Writing Past

Try reading a book written by people who develop or research report. Let's just say, Safir Senduk. After you read the book to its conclusion, then try to rewrite the book. Of course you protest, why should rewrite ?

The authors suggest therefore, that you understand how to make an interesting title. So that you know well how to start a good writing. In addition, you also come to understand how to end a post. Many things are found when you write the kind of book that will be re-written. Try to determine how long you write. If it can be done during the week. Do it for a week.

2. Writing Again

After that, look for similar books and read to its conclusion. After that try to write back. Maybe you should re-written protest why ? Goal, so you can understanding how the process of writing and another, you have to put your opinions in the text. Surely, there can you reasonably be included to enhance the writer's books.

Therefore, put your opinion. Do all that in every chapter you write. This is where you learn to dare to remove the idea. In fact, in the process of writing this again, you should not criticize the author of the article. You do not have to be afraid. Just because you are reading, not others. Matter how long you write it ? It all depends on your ability. The most important thing you understand what is written and could express your ideas in the text.

This is the purpose of the writing process again. You demanded bold with ideas. Without your courage, you will probably eventually your book into book thumbs up by others.

3. Writing Continues

Here, you will be required to start writing. You write down what you are going to put on the book. Of course, the writing of the report is the main reference. You can not get out of what you are researching. While the way of writing, you can learn from these two books you are trying to rewrite it. Maybe you claim, how too difficult. But in fact not the case. The writing process easier. You have come to understand how to start good writing. You may imitate the style of the author rewritten. Remember, how to write, not its contents. If any content, you must include them later in the bibliography.

In addition, through the writing process, you also learn how to incorporate expert opinion. Sometimes, many writers fail in this regard. Generally persuaded the invitation "to write, write and write." In fact the write did not know how to write that could provide new insight for him,

In the process of writing more done before, you will now easily do the writing process continues which is the time for you to write a book. If you've gone through the stage of "write once and write again", then you should offer your book at the same publisher. Because you already know how to write what you want from the publisher's editor.

Indeed, the purpose of writing the report can be used as money. Both the article and make it as a book. Now, you will of course stay.

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