Monday, March 11, 2013

Lecture at College

Lecture at College. Lecture is a part that can not be separated from the learning process. Lecture is a one-way process in the transfer of science / knowledge, from the teacher / lecturer to students. This stage is one of the important process, because it acts as the first entry of a learning process.

As the first entrance, the learning phase is to have a very important role. On the one hand, science is the process of finding nature in one direction, as if to bring the students to the passive learning. But on the other hand, the phase of seeking knowledge is an entrance to a self-learning to educate students to be active learners.

One important factor is the kind of learning that teachers themselves (lecturers). Thus, learning can work well, if the teacher gives the material well too.

Figure Example A Teacher
The teacher plays a fundamental role as provider prime example for a student. Conduct a teacher good or bad, will be followed by the students. For that, a teacher needs to be careful in attitude, because that attitude will be passed on to students.

There was an attitude that must be transmitted, a teacher (lecturer) to students, as follows.

1. Enthusiasm

The enthusiasm in the learning process is the first thing a teacher can be transmitted to students. A teacher would have to have an interest in the material that he will provide. Without having an interest in the matter to be taught, the students could not receive the material well. This is what makes the graduates become qualified.

A teacher who has a full interest in the material, will transmit enthusiasm to others in the vicinity, including students. The teachers like it, it will have the material in such a way, so that students are interested in a deeper understanding of such material.

2. How to Learn

Even though has become a college professor, teaching remains necessary. A teacher would be required to constantly seek asceticism stopping. That way it is, one can be a good teacher, because the material comes from his own experience.

Duties Teacher in Class
Classes can be described as a platform for a teacher. On stage it is, teachers must spend his ability as well as possible, so that the students are interested in watching.

If the correct way of teaching, learning will work as effectively as possible. Conversely, if the way of teaching is not correct, it may be quiet classroom without being asked, either because they understand or embarrassed to ask. It could also, as market crowded classroom, teachers unnoticed. This makes learning ineffective.

For that, a teacher must be able to position themselves well in class. There are also several teacher's role in the classroom, are as follows.

1. Become a Bridge Teacher

A teacher (teachers) need to know the true limits of the child's knowledge of students. That way, the teacher can draw the attention of the disciples of the things they already know all the new things that are unknown.

If a teacher teaches only what was in the students, the classroom atmosphere becomes very boring, because the repetition of material. Conversely, if the teacher gives an entirely new way, the students will be confused because it did not know that. It is worth noting that the teachers in delivering the material.

Instead, give the known knowledge and combined with other new things, so children interesting students to learn more.

2. Teachers Must Stimulate Students to Want Out More

Teachers in the classroom can be likened to an artist who perform on stage. The artist must be able to demonstrate how attractive capabilities being brought.

The point is that a teacher can bring the material with rhetorical style or convey some information related to the material to get the attention of the audience. For example, a biography of someone who deals with these subjects, or other facts concerning the material.

3. Making Use of Time

Teachers can open learning with briefings on the material to be studied at the time. That way, the students know the material to be obtained tomorrow, which raises their curiosity towards materials.

Directing one direction time should not take too long. This is because, the information conveyed by the teacher should be able to absorb the students at a time. If giving too much material, students can not absorb the material properly. This is what makes the performance of a professor or a teacher to be in vain.

For that, we recommend a half-hour lesson again use question and answer session between student and teachers. That way, teachers can measure the ability of students to the material that was presented earlier.

4. Directing Attention Students for Content Courses

College is the best time to add new science. If the lectures are preoccupied with the time noted, students' attention was divided into two so that the learning process is not effective.

Printing and electronic technologies now ease the burden of the students in the activities noted. Of course, students can make a small scratch on the things that are important in such materials. It can also, be used to record things that have not been understood to then ask the teachers. This is allowed, provided that attention can be concentrated on the material presented lecturer.

Of course, all students should always drawn attention to the teachers who are teaching matter, not a book that is on the table. If there are important things that should be noted by the student, the teacher would give pause to take note of. If all the above tips can already well catered for, certainly college can run well. The existence of electronic devices, such as projectors and audio visual does help, but the sodium absorption ratio is used every time.

Actually, a student is required to be independent, so do not rely on the instructor. To that end, each student must have a high interest in reading. By reading, will increase knowledge and knowledge previously unknown. Remember, reading is one effective way to seek knowledge.

Students aim Lecture
Students can be as great a knowledge seeker is required to serve the community. This devotion is based on all the knowledge they have gained during studying in junior college. It is essentially studying in junior college.

Be aware, study not only looking for a job and the prestigious title, but also are actively in the practice of science to the public. This is because, students act as the motor that drives all activities in the community.

Students are seen as people who have the intellectual and moral high ground in the eyes of society. Ironically, such a notion is now lost in the public eye. The assumption most people today, college is a science discovery stage as formality simply to find work.

In today's world, many student that waste time with things that are not worthwhile. Students are spending time not to seek knowledge well, but playing around. For example, skipping school and hanging out with friends to the mall or just at boarding. When it should be, more intensified her students to add insight and knowledge by reading books.

If the reading is already embedded, students will not only make the college as a formality, but it is also useful to seek knowledge fields. So no wonder, if a graduate student currently many become unemployed. This is because, the lack of awareness of each student to seek knowledge well. There are also a handful of students who can get the job retention, but not according to the department.

So is the article about the study. May be useful for the readers, especially for students.

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