Monday, March 11, 2013

Know Your Data Collection Techniques

Know Your Data Collection Techniques. The data collection techniques is a technique or method used to collect the desired data. There are several types of data collection techniques are often used in the study, likes follows :


Questionnaire is a technique of gathering data through questionnaires to be filled out by the respondents, ie, those who responded (response) or a response to the questionnaire that we provide. Questionnaire also known as questioner.

The types of questions contained in the questionnaire is divided into two, open questions and closed questions. Open-ended question is a form of a question that is not provided the answer options. Therefore, respondents who have to write their own answers to these questions. The questions covered a form of a question that has been provided the answer options. So just choose the answer that the respondent in accordance with the opinion.

When we create a closed question, then we must also provide the answer options. There are a number of important aspects to consider when we make a list of questions :
  1. Planning, explore what facts are going to be collected from the respondents.
  2. Determining the type of question, this type is based on a single dimension so that respondents will not go into more than one type. Thus, mutually exclusive types of questions. That is, if the respondent is included in a group so he could not fit into the other groups.
  3. The group is made so that it can be thoroughly cover all respondents.
  • Up question, with the following conditions:
  1. The question is clear and easy to understand.
  2. Avoid making multiple questions.
  3. Questions should be relevant to the purpose of the study.
  4. Avoid using questions that are too long or convoluted.
  5. Questions should be objective, that is not to persuade the respondent to answer a specific direction.
  • Questionnaires should be accompanied by a cover letter to explain the purpose and intent of the holding of the study.
  • It is better we first tested this questionnaire with a few number of respondents.
Data collection techniques using the questionnaire has a number of disadvantages as well as advantages. The disadvantage, among others, the following:
  • If the questionnaires must be returned by mail, the percentage of returned questionnaires were relatively few. Therefore, we should include an envelope and SASE.
  • If you do not return the questionnaire by mail, we must take the time to take the questionnaire. Therefore, we should tell the respondent that the poll will be taken on the date, day, and hour specified.
  • Questionnaire can not be applied to respondents who were illiterate (can not read or write).
  • Interpretation of questions by respondents likely wrong, so we'd better explain one by one mean every question to the respondent.
  • There are times when respondents did not answer the questionnaire completely.
  • We tend to be difficult to make an exhaustive list of questions because respondents are often reluctant to complete a questionnaire that includes a lot of lists of questions.
The advantages of the questionnaire include the following :
  • The number of samples that can be reached relatively large because the questionnaire could be sent through the mail.
  • Cost is relatively less.
  • Questionnaire respondents did not interfere with the activity since respondents are free to determine the exact time when he had to fill.
  • Tend to be more objective because in general the identity of the respondent is not included.
An interview is a data collection technique by asking a series of questions directly to respondents. The answers given by the respondents will be noted by the interviewer on the spot or can be a way to record it.

Before conducting the interview, there are a number of preparations that we have to do as an interviewer. Preparation includes :
  • Interview schedule, covering the entire list of questions in the interview.
  • Interview guide, containing notes outline questions to be asked in the interview.
  • Make an appointment with those who will be interviewed.
  • Physical preparation in the form of a neat appearance and courteous, identity cards and cover letters, and respectful manner.
When the interview is in progress, it is important that we have to consider are as follows :
  • Introduce yourself first.
  • Explaining the purpose of the interview.
  • Illustrates the contribution that can be given by the respondents.
  • Avoid using language that is interrogated.
  • We as the interviewer had to focus and listen to each answer carefully described by respondents.
  • Creating an atmosphere of interviews seemed relaxed and not tense.
  • Trying appreciate any information or answers given by the respondents.
  • Being a good listener, so avoid interrupting the respondent.
  • Neutral.
  • At the end of the interview, you should read the summary of the interview he has just done.
  • Say thank you for the time and the opportunity that has been given.
Interview data collection techniques have drawbacks as well as advantages. The disadvantage is as follows :
  • Requires a relatively large cost.
  • Reach relatively fewer respondents.
  • Likely to disrupt the activities of the respondent.
The advantage that we can get through the interview include the following :
  • Interviews can be applied to respondents who were illiterate.
  • The interviewer can explain again when there is a question that has not been understood.
  • Accuracy and truth respondents' answers can be checked by comparison or ask questions through facial expressions or gestures.
  • Development of question is feasible.
  • Able to motivate respondents to answer honestly and openly.

Observation is a technique of collecting data through observation and measurement, involving the sense of sight. In the observation is not required questionnaire.

There are several types of observations :
  • Participant observation, we participate and engage in the activities undertaken by the respondents which we observed.
  • No participant observation, we do not get involved in the activities undertaken by the respondents which we observed.
  • Structured observation, the research focus only on a particular activity.
  • Unstructured observation, there is no limit activity should be investigated.
Things that need to be prepared before making observations include the following :
  1. Planning.
  2. Asking permission to the agency concerned, the respondents we work or activity.
  3. Setting up the equipment notes.
As for when the observation took place, an important aspect that must be considered are :
  1. Do not make their own assumptions.
  2. Not interfere with the activities observed.
  3. Be polite and low profile.
As previous data collection techniques, observation also has disadvantages as well as advantages. A number of weaknesses in the observations are as follows :
  1. We had to wait so respondents we observed activity that we wish observation.
  2. Parties that we observed could be bothered.
  3. Parties tend to smarten our observation work.
  4. Some kind of work does not allow observation because it can cause harm.
The advantages that we can get from the observation techniques include:
  1. Can get real data.
  2. Level measuring instruments used validity can be directly known.
Sampling is a technique using sample data collection. There are several sampling techniques are used, among others, the following :
  1. Judgmental sampling (sampling decision).
  2. Statistical sampling (statistical sampling).
  3. Random sampling (random sampling or random).
  4. Systematic sampling (systematic sampling).
  5. Stratified sampling (stratified sampling).

From a number of data collection techniques above, we can choose the data collection techniques that are relevant to the research objectives that we wish to do.

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