Monday, March 11, 2013

Know Chemical Laboratory Test Equipment

Know Chemical Laboratory Test Equipment. If you are touring the region entered a chemical lab, you will find a wide variety of types of measuring instruments. Various tools to measure that is used as a tool when holding any activity that requires laboratory scales. Accurate scales very important that the materials to be mixed and match to fit the desired reaction. If the balance is not right, then the reaction will be when all the ingredients are mixed, will not be the same as the desired reaction or will not match the theory.

Orientation About the tools in chemistry lab

The junior high school students will be the first time into the chemistry lab should be taught like this before in the classroom prior to invited into the lab. Equipment to measure it is better demonstrated in advance either by drawing or by showing the measure in question. With this information, it is expected that children will understand a little what is meant by Glass Beaker or measuring flask.

They at least know the usefulness of each piece of equipment. After being given the orientation of the Chemistry laboratory and tools in it, then the children are invited to visit the Chemistry laboratory. Orientation is very important because without orientation, fear children will be directly touching and holding a variety of equipment that they themselves do not know whether the equipment would be harmful or not.

They also need to know the price of each tool and how to get it. If they know the price of the existing equipment in the lab is expensive and not easy to locate the equipment in question, then they will be careful and not careless in doing various activities in the laboratory. The kids were happy to joke, sometimes accidentally spilled material significant in experiments conducted in the laboratory of Chemistry. To anticipate things that are not desirable, then the orientation is very important.

Chemistry teacher should have prepared some slides that are specially made for the Chemistry lab orientation program. Various materials are also commonly used first exhibited include any trials Yanga's done for one semester and any experiments that have been done by previous students. By showing the work of the seniors, it is expected that there is a desire of the students to do the same or even do better.

Kimi is not going to make all students or students interested. But with this orientation, children may be tempted and will probably fall in love with the chemistry lab activity they will be doing later. Especially after seeing how many things in everyday life would be easier, smoother, and less expensive because of the findings from the laboratory of Chemistry.

Division of Measurement

Broadly speaking, the measurement tools are divided into two gauges of technical and analytical measurement tools. Every man who move Chemistry laboratory should know about the basic knowledge like this. Without knowing the distribution of the tools used to measure, then later feared would happen a chemical reaction that might endanger the safety of everyone. Techniques to measure or weigh is also very important to know.

The main difference lies in the scrutiny. The technical accuracy is lower than analytical. For example, is a measure of the mass of the scales. In the Chemistry lab, you will find a form of scales called analytical scales. To reach zero point accuracy gram of a substance is measured. Scales is indeed quite remarkable. Accuracy is quite amazing it's really going to measure how much material is needed in each experiment. The result would be approximately equal to the results of research that has been done by the predecessors who discovered the theory.

While examples of technical scales are scales commonly found in physics labs. The substances were weighed in a large size so it does not require a high sensitivity tool.

Kinds of Measuring Glass

Similarly, if you pay attention to a variety of different tools that exist in the lab glass chemistry. You will see the numbers of bookmarks listed on the wall size glass tool. Glass equipment is a measure of the average used to measure volume. How to measure the volume should be clear. Without knowing how to measure the volume, the results are expected to be far off the mark. If this occurs, the conclusion to be drawn would be different from the theory.

Here are some kinds of glass equipment which is used to measure volume :

1. Glass Beaker

Another name for this device is the glass cup. The shape is similar to the glass that the edges are designed to funnel pouring. On the walls of this type of measure also contained varying sizes milliliter volume number. There are 5 ml, 10 ml, 20 ml and so on. The main function of this tool is to dissolve the substance or substances reacting container. It also can be used to collect and measure the volume of the solution technically.

2. Pumpkin Measure

Flask called pumpkin drinks. Appliance glass this one has a rather unique shape. At the bottom is round like a pumpkin, while at the top a little stretched. The size of the tool is located at the top. Because of its more skewed downward, bringing this measure should be careful, that by holding the bottom of the appliance. The technique holds the tool is to be known by students before they touch directly Pumpkin Measure. Perhaps this knowledge, they only know through pictures. After seeing myself, there must be a desire to tap directly into the tool.

The main function of this tool is to dilution solution. Concentrated solution is diluted with distilled water following the proper circular white line located at the neck of the tool. Flask sizes vary, there are small, medium and large up to 1000 mL.

Mechanical twisting and turning speed should also be studied. It is so much to be in a period of orientation before students enter and directly in contact with the equipment in the Chemistry lab.

3. Measure Glasses

This tool elongated shape with the tip shaped like a funnel. As the name suggests this tool is used to measure the volume of solution to be treated. On the wall there are variations in the size of the tool, 10 mL, 20 mL, 50 mL and so on.

4. Pipette Volume

Volume pipette is made of glass pipettes small and elongated. Its function is to suck up the solution in a small size. For substances that are not dangerous as distilled water, its use can be inhaled by mouth. But for hazardous substances used rubber suction.

Children should know the technique so as not to swallow or inhale so as not to endanger their own health.

5. Pycnometer

Pycnometer glass is a tool that serves to measure the density of a substance. The shape is quite petite and intricate. As a small bottle fitted with a lid. Substance to be measured specific gravity first converted into the form of a solution, then put in this measure. Despite the tiny size, make no mistake, this thing has a price that is quite expensive. Usually the tiny glass equipment and more complicated shape, the price will be more expensive.

6. Burette

This tool actually has the main function for the titration. Elongated shape and at the bottom is designed so that the solution can be controlled flow drops during the titration process. In burette wall there milliliter size as a measure of how much the volume of the standard solution used for the titration.

When Looking Direct Measurement

It's good the kids paraded all measuring tools that they will use later. Displaying all measuring instruments used in chemical laboratories before use and once again to explain what functions and how it works and how to use it, it would be still interesting discussion. This time, let the children explain. This is of course in addition to train the way they explain things, it will also make children who do not attend the first orientation, will be motivated to quickly adapt.

Complete all the information about the gauge that used to exist in the Chemistry Laboratory. Quite a lot, is not it ? Hopefully useful.

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2 Responses to "Know Chemical Laboratory Test Equipment"

  1. Lab equipments play key role in making your experiment successful. there so many different equipments according to experiment and equipments information you shared is good.
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