Monday, March 11, 2013

Example Problem Formulation

Example Problem Formulation. In doing the research, we know what is referred to as the formulation of the problem. The formulation of this problem can be its own chapter or section in The studies report preparation. Formulation of the problem is an important factor that decides the success of the research and writing of research reports. For that reason, this discussion will be presented examples of problem formulation.

In extreme formulation of the problem can be considered as the heart of the study. Thus it can be referred to as the heart of research because the research itself would not be possible to walk, there will probably be held without the formulation of the problem. A study conducted by the existence of a problem.

A problem to be investigated to elaborate the issue, to illustrate or describe the problem, or to find a solution or resolution of the problem, depending on the type and purpose of each study. To that end, when the problem is we do not know clearly, we did not formulate it very clear to the research we will be difficulties, staggering, or may not be possible to continue. The formulation of this problem that will determine the purpose of the research.

Definition and Types of Problem Formulation

Formulation of the problem means that barring problems, the focus of research. The problem itself is a condition that comes from the association of two or more factors that result in a confusing situation. Because of this situation want to study, to be studied, the research problem. This situation should be explained, to be formulated.

Description or explanation of this situation into one that is easy to understand this concept is the formulation of the problem. Formulation of the problem is the picture or resume which was conceptualized from the background research. Formulation of the problem is a question that sought answers through data collection, which is based out of trouble. The formulation of the problem based on the type of research, quantitative and qualitative. Formulation of the problem or restriction on quantitative research is based on the importance, urgency, and fasebility problem to be solved. In addition, there are also factors of limited manpower, funds, and time.

While in qualitative research, the formulation of the problem is necessary to sharpen the focus or issue, narrow or clarify the issues to be as specific as possible so that the formulation of this problem and will help researchers in determining each step of the research.

Forms or types of problem formulation is developed based on research by the level of explanation (level of explanation). Form or type of formulation of the problem can be grouped into the form of matter descriptive, comparative, and associative (Sugiono, 2011: 35, 309). Each of these three types grouped by type of research, whether quantitative or qualitative research quality. Formulation problem in structured or formulated based on the operational definition of a variable of the study.

While the formulation of the problem or research question is not so, formulated with a view to understanding the symptoms of complex social interactions that occur, and the possible discovery of new hypotheses or new theories to understand the following description.

Descriptive-Quantitative Problem Formulation

Descriptive formulation of the problem is a formulation of the problem with regard to the question of the existence of an independent variable, either on one or more variables (independent variables). Thus, in this study the researchers did not make the comparison variable in the other samples, and looking for a relationship variables with other variables. Research with the formulation of the problem are then referred to as quantitative-descriptive study.

Qualitative descriptive : Descriptive formulation of the problem is a problem formulation that guides researchers to explore social situations and or photograph to be thoroughly researched, wide, and deep.

Comparative Formulation Problems

Formulation of the problem is the problem formulation comparative study comparing the presence of one variable to another variable in two or more different samples, or at different times. Formulation of the problem is the problem formula comparative guide researchers to compare the social context or domain than the other one.

Associative Problem Formulation
Asosaitif problem formulation is a formulation of the problem backwardly study asked association between two or more variables. In this case, there are three forms of relationship, which is as follows. Symmetrical relationship, a relationship between variables or FUA over the accidental appearance of same.

Causal relationship, the relationship is causal, so there are independent variables or influence, there is a dependent or influenced.  Interactive relationship / reciprocal / reciprocal, mutually influencing, not known where the dependent variable which is independent.

Associative qualitative formulation of the problem is that guide the researcher to construct the relationship between social situations or domains with each other. Formulation of the problem qualitatively observed associative reciprocal relationship issues or a relationship of mutual influence or interactive.

Example Problem Formulation

Example formulation of the problem based on the types of problem formula above, are as follows. Examples of Quantitative Descriptive Problem Formulation
  1. How well Unity Cabinet ?
  2. How attitudes towards universities Legal Entity ?
  3. How high effectiveness automobile policy three in Jakarta.
  4. How high the level of satisfaction and public appreciation of local government services in health ?
Quantitative Comparative Example Problem Formulation
  1. Is there a difference in labor productivity between civil servants, state, and private ?
  2. Are there any similarities between the way of promotion of PT with CV.
  3. Are there differences in ability and work discipline among employees of National Private and Foreign Companies ?
  4. Is there a difference in ride comfort Railway Bus by different groups of people ?
Examples of Associative Quantitative Problem Formulation (Symmetric Relations)
  1. Is there a relationship between the number of bird sounds with guests coming ?
  2. Is there a relationship between the number of ants in a tree with fruit sweetness level ?
  3. Is there a connection between hair color with the ability to lead ?
  4. Is there a relationship between the number of knives sold with the level of crime in an area ?
  5. Is there a relationship between the number of radio with the level of laziness teenagers in a village ?
Examples of Associative Quantitative Problem Formulation (Causal Relationship)
  1. Is there any effect on the performance of the payroll system ?
  2. How much influence the behavior of the national leadership ?
  3. How much influence the layout of office space to the work efficiency of employees ?
  4. How much influence curricula, educational media, and the quality of teachers to the quality of human resources resulting in a school ?
Examples of Associative Quantitative Problem Formulation (Reciprocal Relations)
  1. The relationship between motivation and achievement.
  2. The relationship between intelligence with wealth.
  3. The relationship between the length of an ad slot with the level of sales.
  4. The relationship between advertising jingles with branding products.

Examples of Qualitative Descriptive Problem Formulation
  1. Are the events that occur in a particular social situation or setting.
  2. Is the meaning of the event for those who were there or be present at those settings ?
  3. How depiction of poor people in a particular situation or setting ?
  4. What does the poor for them ?
  5. Is outsourced employee understanding of the state organization of the meaning of management ?
  6. How does the work climate or work environment on organizational communication division of state ?
Qualitative Comparative Example Problem Formulation
  1. Is looting events during the financial crisis with another looting incident ?
  2. Is the pattern formation of poverty among families with a family ?
  3. Is the organization's performance with the performance of SOEs different private organizations ?
Examples of Associative Qualitative Problem Formulation
  1. Is looting event was organized in patterns of social organization in particular ?
  2. Is the incident related to other events that have occurred in the same situation and different situations ?
  3. How pattern formation of those who are poor ?
  4. How does the model of coordination, leadership, and supervision of state-run organization ?
  5. How does the pattern of income and expenditure budget SOE organization ?
Thus exposure problem formulation examples. Hopefully with this example, you can easily make it.

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