Sunday, March 31, 2013

Observing Development of the National Education System

mall Business School - Observing Development of the National Education System. The community has a varied answers when asked about the progress of the condition of the national education system. This happens because most of the people can be said to be concerned or even care about the condition of the national education system. Although the National Education Day celebrated on May 2 with a variety of programs that lead to education, but the community of academics and non-academics consider it a regular routine celebrations every year as well as other national days.

Overview Information on the National Education System

Despite the fact that occur in the community about the national education system and matters related thereto as described above, but it does not make the next generation of Indonesian people do not feel confident when competing academic achievement at the international level. The next generation as an important part of the implementation of the national education system in Indonesia became the nation hopes to achieve success towards progress in various fields of life.
  1. The implementation of the national education system in Indonesia a major effect on it, especially in reaching a standard of success.
  2. The standard of the successful implementation of the national education system, namely the achievement of national education goals in accordance with the 1945 Constitution and does not violate its provisions (eg, the provision contained in article 8 of the Law no. 20/2003 and article 31, paragraph 1 of the 1945 Constitution).

Standards successful national education system in Indonesia is not only seen from the quality of education in Indonesia through the achievement of future generations at the international level alone (to compete with other countries in Europe, America or any other), but the standard is more directed at how to optimally achieving goals national education system based on the targets set by the government according to the provisions that have been enacted to date.

The national education system is the entirety of the educational components interconnected integrated to achieve the objectives of the national education system. The goal of the national education system based on the 1945 Constitution, which is the life of the nation. However, that goal has not yet reached the target set by the government through educational programs each year. Whereas the purpose of national education is an important part of the national education system in Indonesia.

Furthermore, when viewed from the function, the national education plays in developing the capability and form the character / characters and dignified civilization in order to support the achievement of national education goals fit the 1945 Constitution.

National education goals is an important part of the national education system. Intellectual life of the nation means that lead to the development of human potential students to be faithful and devoted to God Almighty, healthy, noble, competent, knowledgeable, independent, responsible, creative and democratic citizenship.

These objectives can be achieved with good cooperation between the government and the public. Working together to achieve these goals should be based on the clarity of a real step in it. Implementation of programs that support national education goals can have problems if people do not participate in the implementation cooperate. In the implementation of educational programs that have been set by the government, there is provision for the education system in Indonesia. The provisions of the national education system to follow the changes and development of the government rules according to the needs that have been set.

Needs is the need that comes from the government itself as well as the critics and analysts of education. Unfortunately, these changes have often occurred despite previous provisions have not been implemented with the optimal  set. Therefore, it is important to the development of the resources contained in the government and community to motivate and seek continuous development of scientific fields and continuous in order create a national education program adequate for now and the future.

This is one way that can be taken to improve the quality of the national education system worse off with all the changes in the provisions of the government as needed, critics and analysts of the nation's education.

Law on National Education System in accordance with Law no. 20 of 2003 provides an explanation for the system of education in Indonesia must be able to ensure equitable provision of educational opportunities (in accordance with article 31, paragraph 1 of the Constitution 1945), improving the quality, relevance and efficiency of education management in the face of obstacles that occur.

Barriers are in accordance with the demands of changes in local, national and global. The existence of these barriers and their government to make important public education reform is directed, planned and sustainable. Obstacles in the implementation of programs that support the achievement of national education systems can be addressed by optimizing the role of government and society. The community's role in national education participated in the planning, implementation, and monitoring to evaluate educational programs.

However, it runs in a passive role that does not comply with the provisions of article 8 of the Law no. 20/2003. In fact the only part in the form of the Board of Education and the School Committee was also not optimally carry out the process in a participatory and open.

Implementation of the Indonesian National Education System

National education systems have problems due to less optimal joint implementation and the role of government. As per the previous description, the education system in Indonesia has some of the internal and external obstacles. Despite the resistance of the external conditions affecting the education system in Indonesia, but the internal barriers (barriers in the country) have more influence on the system.

The internal resistance in terms of a national education system that is less optimal role of society and government in the implementation of national education programs. If the role of the community is said to be in accordance with the provisions of article 8 of the Law no. 20/2003, the role of the government is also experiencing the same thing. For example, in article 49 of Law No.. 20/2003 and article 31 paragraph 4 of the 1945 Constitution described the education budget. Government should provide the budget for the provision of education services in accordance with the above 20%. But the opposite happens, the education budget is only around 2-5%.

In addition, the implementation of the national education system is not yet optimal can be observed through the quality of education in Indonesia to date. The quality of education is not seen said standards of achievement at international level, but the quality should be oriented towards creativity work and think people, especially the next generation of this nation. The education system in Indonesia has not been able to achieve a quality education should be appropriate standards and national education goals based on the 1945 Constitution.

The next generation in the national education system is currently only aiming for smart predicate in terms of values and character as workers and not employers (those who have a lot of innovation to come forward). This happens due to the implementation of the curriculum in Indonesia is not optimal and often changed the government. In fact, the curriculum is an important part of education relating to the quality of education. Naturally, if the quality of education in Indonesia as described previously for curriculum changes implemented in Indonesia, the government needs to keep abreast of international education systems.

The implementation of the national education system now also has become an industry. The purpose of the statement is to make education as a means of implementing industry (achieve a profit or loss in its execution). Ironically, the education system in Indonesia until now not used as a means to create awareness of the critical and innovative. This shows the latest facts about the condition of the education system in Indonesia with the practice of buying and selling diplomas, degrees and sale of sale value.

In addition, other facts regarding the implementation of the national education system as the implementation of a system of industrial / business, namely the lack of government support for the needs of the business resulted in a place of learning in education. This resulted in the people of the weak / incapable worse off facing the current education system model.

Education was only for the people of the economically powerful. For the people of the poor, education is a dream.

That is the development of the condition of the national education system today. Hopefully, this information provides benefits to society, both in academia or in nonacademic active role in education. Education can not be examined in isolation to other fields, but the field is related to other fields, including political, economic, social and cultural rights. Although the condition of the national education system collapsed said today, should we as a society strive to participate and provide advice on the education system in accordance with the conditions of this nation.

The national education system to suit human needs should be the education that makes people able to develop skills in creating optimal minds think and innovate. This can be achieved when the system life such as political, economic, social, legal or cultural support each other and related to the national education system.

The Warrior Globalization of Education

Small Business School - The Warrior Globalization of Education. Do you know what it is globalization of education ? What is the relationship of globalization of education with the National Exam ? National Exam season struck this great country. After National Exam for children high school, middle school children first, then elementary school children will follow. Various news with UN targets continuously graced the front page of the newspaper. Children should get the value that has been set. Various fraud and the things that will lead to cheating has closed access in such a way.

Apparently there are still slanted news relating to this examination. How globalization of education will be achieved if the kids are very good at deception and lies when they are still in the education ? Considering how difficult it is education, especially global education, then is there any fighters globalization education that can answer all the problems of education in Indonesia ? Who are the warriors of globalization of education ?

Everyone is a warrior education globalization. Globalization of education is the education that should be able to provide education that is humane and humanizing humans and not prepare people to live in the world and work like a robot. Globalization of education provide space for children to continue their education in order not to fall behind and just be a victim of globalization of education.

Victims of Globalization of Education

The victims of globalization of education mostly from poor people who do not have the ability to access education capable of providing enlightened and good life skills. This inability is sometimes formed to explore the potential inability of the parents themselves because they did not know how to dig her potential. Pools of poverty makes them unable to think of how to escalate themselves and not be a victim of this crazy world.

The fighters globalization of education of the parents knew about the poor science would seek to raise their status by providing free training. But the problem is that apparently the parents are too long mired in poverty it was not uncommon not want to be encouraged to get out of the pool of their own poverty. They are afraid of not eating and not only earn US$2 per day. They also sometimes do not want to sacrifice a little for the sake of a better future.

Task fighters globalization of education consisting of educators who care, the entrepreneurs who are willing to share, and knowledgeable people who are willing to give their knowledge for free, it is still very heavy. The fighters education globalization is already understand that only by education pathway in any form is capable of the dignity of a person's knowledge of poverty, mental, and property.

Globalization Education Into the New World

It is inevitable that a lot of parents who toiled to send their children to schools great and brilliant in the hope that their children will eventually get a good job with high salary. Whereas the purpose of education is more noble than just getting a good job with a good salary. Education is a way of preparing people to be ready and able to live in the world and live for the afterlife. Without knowing how to live, all the sadness and distress encountered by humans in this world will be a burden and a problem that never ended. Education of the soul, the body that is the target of the globalization of education.

If education is only human capable of printing high value, education has failed. Moreover, the globalization of education requires all people to struggle and work harder so that the younger generation is ready to live with the world changes so fast. Prepare students to be able to live in peace in a world full of thistles and thorns, is not a matter that can be done in 10 years. Globalization of education is to make students understand the children that their future is much more difficult than the current time.

Globalization of education as the Golden Cucumber father mother who supply weapons to anticipate the attack of the giant will eat it. Self-defense skills and skill to make yourself grow and develop others. If the globalization of education is preparing them for life in the new world, every adult will seriously provide knowledge transfer to younger generations a new world order to build a new culture and ready to face a variety of people from all over the world.

Globalization of Education - Life Skills Basicly

Provision of life skills are very important and should exist in the globalization of education is first, to know the Creator. Children who have been taught since childhood to get to know who should be worshiped, will grow into a child who is not easily discouraged, and a tough son of a sense of optimism and belief that there is life after death. Ability and confidence should be given and exemplified by the parents and the adults around the child.

The handle life will make the child understand the purpose of why he was born. It is not easy to be able to fill the hearts of the white boy with beautiful strokes of life without slipping into the realm of sin that the sin-stained solid black stink. When the school said they were concerned with the globalization of education, but have no concept of how to grow in faith and heart morals, schools can not be said to have properly implemented the globalization of education.

The second thing that must exist on the globalization of education is how to utilize the time. Children who are educated and deeply know and understand how to use the time to grow into being qualified with various life skills that will not only help her but also the lives of others. The students are so accustomed to occupy their time instead of watching television with programs that do not have clear objectives.

Third, globalization of education should be taught how to communicate with others. If smart, but never knew how to communicate and build communication with others, it means the globalization of education can be said to fail. This communication is in addition to master many popular languages of the world, such as, English, Chinese, French, Russian, English, and other languages, also requires communication techniques that can be learned easily.

Exercise is the right tool to meet the new circumstances in the new ones too. With the excellent schools and schools SBI and RSBI, each school trying to give the best to their students. However, all programs applied in sniper schools Plus, Featured, SBI, RSBI should not be a filter between children who are considered to be intelligent and rich kids who are less intelligent and come from less wealthy families.

Therefore, the provision of life skills that should be next on the globalization of education is the ability to understand that everyone is equal and should strive to be as good as probably the most helpful to others in order to become one of the most good.

Careful skill management is a skill that must be studied carefully in shades of globalization of education. Thus, the globalization of education is not just to prepare children skilled with technology, however, how the company became a great man behind the technology. Humans have the great human conscience and try to make him one that will be successful at the end of his life getting fine.

Indonesia Education News

Small Business School - Indonesia Education News. Smile Outside, Poor in the Inside. Uniquely education news in Indonesia, a lot of students / student successfully achievement in science competitions in the world international. Almost every student in Indonesia reached achievements international level and to education news. But it turned 180 degrees when the media publish news of national education full dynamics. News of our education, are colored by melancholy event, pathetic and crying tears, just like a soap opera news Indonesian education.

Indonesia Education news often this student brawls, mass trance in schoolgirls not to mention many school buildings collapsed so not worth using the learning process. That portrait opaque Indonesia education news that should be a chore for the Indonesian government to fix all that.

But unfortunately the education here, positioned as the modification of politics by the ruling regime, just imagine dressing faithful minister certainly aired news about the turn of the education curriculum. Substitution policy, at the local level instead of schools and teachers are not often reported in the field of education news, but news of the disaster and social news.

Beginning Education News ideals Ki Hajar Dewantoro

Ideals Ki Hajar Dewantoro prominent educators who wish to advance education in Indonesia. Previously, when it was still under Dutch colonialism, the people of Indonesia that not all basic education. At that time, only son of Dutch and native patrician class that could be learned in schools from elementary school to college. Meanwhile, lower-class commoners are forbidden to touch the school. Distance education and caste gentry class commoners were widened.

Making Indonesia the disease of ignorance 'frustrations, as a result of our nation fooled by the invaders, easily agitated and inedible lamb negative provocation of foreigners. Ki Hajar Dewantara The awakened consciousness to see the condition of the nation backward. He wants the Indonesian nation and the rise of intelligent abyss of ignorance. Then formed a formal container with the name of State Students.

Park students intended for all the people of Indonesia group, which has banned the Dutch school. Ki Hajar Dewantoro voluntarily assisted his comrades of the struggle to teach students a variety of science education, such as reading, counting, science and so forth. He wants future students can be the equivalent of Indonesia ability western nations. This was the beginning of the story of education in Indonesia, the first piece of scratched by Ki Hajar Dewantoro services.

One of Indonesia's education slogan introduced by Ki Hajar Dewantoro is sung tulodo ngarso ing, ing madyo Karso Mangun, tut wuri handayani. Meaning freely is who in the future should provide a good example, while in the middle who is actively encouraged. Meanwhile, who should not be behind the tired encouraging. The motto of Java is used as a fire spirit for education in Indonesia and is still used today.

Indonesia Education News Not Satisfactory

Indonesia entered the modern age is the quality of education is equal standard of modern education ? The answer is a definite quality of education in the country is not satisfactory. Indonesia is very vast territory comprises the islands is logically very difficult to equate the standard of education as a target in the development of education in Indonesia.

Distribution constraints of educators / teachers are very uneven. Often we read the news that preach education in a remote school there is one teacher who teaches two classes at once because of the shortage of school teachers. Many people are reluctant to teach in remote schools because of natural barriers unusually heavy.

Devoted to education in remote areas needs strong determination and exceptional concern for the future of the next generation. People meet the qualification as very less. On the other hand there is no news to tell school education are short of students. Because of poverty and lack of awareness of parents towards their children's education. They told him to help him work in the fields or the sea.

In addition to many schools lack students are building very alarming, even severely damaged educational news reported students killed in school because school wall collapse is tragic to hear that, although God's destiny, but direct stakeholders of this country, partly to blame because it provides an infrastructure adequate. Poverty who became Indonesia's education news to come in the flow of a vicious circle. Poverty not only in remote areas, far from the reach of the central government. In Jakarta too many children drop out of school because their parents can not afford tuition and textbooks that cost exorbitant.

Not clear educational direction

Once more education news Indonesia is still far from the development goals, which should have been established education twenty years ago, and is free from the national government's new order, it turns out there are still public schools set tuition to students. In fact, if the state finances are managed properly, the schools in Indonesia could become free when the oil bonanza, the 70s era. But, it was only a dream merely delusion. Realization is only the strip-rich region that is supported from the APBD. Meanwhile, another area of political education jargon used only for candidates who want to seek regional head mass in the Election.

All of these victims were school students, the impact is clearly visible, students become depressed because burdened many tasks because teachers are required to pursue the target curriculum. Finally, them on the street brawl, playing with fire to try drugs, and students often possessed daughter, and so forth.

If there is no real step education news will still be enlivened with things like the above. It is high time the news is filled educational achievement is often achieved from high school students excel, such as SMA Taruna Nusantara Magelang, Jakarta BINUS SMA, SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta, and so forth.

Required Education News Achievement

The government should immediately give flaws in Indonesia's education. That the quality of education in Indonesia not far behind with its neighbors. Quickly improved educational infrastructure such as motion renovation of school buildings, provision of means of support of education, which obviously helped keep an eye on the public funding of education development in order not distorted as to the past.

Then, recruitment educators as well propagated, the needs of teachers in the area is lacking, distribution educators must be willing to be placed in rural areas. Indeed, it should be a comparative study is not Parliament but the teachers in Indonesia. Let them learn how the education system in the developed world. Expected after knowing the advantages of education developed countries, will be applied in the teaching process at the school.

Indonesia Education future in the hands of the young generation, therefore, from the very beginning of education for the younger generation, the quality should be improved. Parents should also encourage active learning children. Good parents should be responsible to finance children's education at least a common education, in order to pick his capital to achieve its future. Because future job search competition is so tight

Therefore, it takes skill and knowledge are reliable. In addition, the dose of piety was to be human many characteristic  and dignity in the eyes of God and society. So a quick expectation Indonesia ideal education news.

Sample of Speech Education

Small Business School - Sample of Speech Education. Speech education is one example of a form of speech. The speech was delivered advice or instruction to the public, be it on a variety of news. And there is sources used in speech can be taken from a variety of sources.

Speaking of education would not be separated from the contents open Education speech regarding his discussion of education, whether it's about someone who is of compulsory education age, what is to be learned, what if you do not want to learn, and who are obliged to provide education to the children because education is a big responsibility that must be borne by the state, educators, and parents.

Speech education should include the three materials presented, the material on educators, learners, and educational materials, whether formal or non-formal education because of three elements are interrelated with each other. Failure and success of an education is also very dependent on the three elements above. Here the authors will try to describe one by one the three elements.

1. Educator

Educators or other terms called for school teachers and preachers to boarding schools is a crucial figure in the world of educational success. That's because as educators who will be responsible for student participants during the educational period. An educator must also be able to see the condition of student participants, both in terms of ability, willingness, and ability. That's because the students were not all the same and have the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Educators also need to be able to position itself as the parent of the student participants for emotional closeness will help to achieve a success in the world of education. In addition, educators must have an adequate ability in the field being taught, both in terms of mastery of the material also for the submission so that students can understand and comprehend what is being taught.

Successes and failures in education relies heavily on teachers or educators. If teachers only teach a lesson to reach the target and did not see what learners know or not, would be futile. This is due to the purpose of education is to reduce the number of ignorance and illiteracy. Therefore, if it can not be done by an educator would be so ironic and unfortunate.

2. Students

Learners in question was a student, be it in primary / secondary / senior secondary schools for the purpose or in the learners in school and in the boarding school was to learn that they are clever people in different kinds of knowledge. Learners aged between 5 and 18 years of age is also one determining factor in education so that we can see there is a grouping between the ages of elementary school, middle school, and middle upper.

Why is it done ? Because it is also one of the causes of success in education for students that have limited ability, willingness and desire. Learners are usually those who do not want to set up, tied with a variety of regulations and rules. However, if it can be tested waste by educators, learners will very likely become candidates for future educators because of the success achieved very easily and without sacrifice.

Maybe this is a trick and a need to be handled by an educator to learners because no students were free and without learning it worked.

3. Material upbringing

Material education is very important, educate without a clear material to make education merely useless, the material must also be educated concept well and neatly made with the source taken and what goals you want to achieve. So, so cool to be achieved goals in education. Success in delivering the material would also greatly impact the performance of learners and educators themselves as to achieve success in education. Therefore, there is a dependency between educators, learners, and educational materials are used, because these bind to each other and have a very strong attachment.

The material presented in speech education can also make the students have a fear if you do not want to learn and have a sense of pride when succeeding in education. That is because the flavor is important to consider that education should be inculcated by educators to students. Educators can only supervise students in the classroom. Meanwhile, when the students were in the house, he was outside the control of the educators themselves.

Educators in controlling learners must also work together with the parents of the learners. Therefore, parents also have a huge obligation to his son. Parents who do not want to know about their child's education and some who do not understand that providing a decent education for their children is the duty and obligation of parents.

Classification of Education

In a speech to education, it should be explained why no classification of education, such as a kindergarten, elementary, junior high, high school, and the like. That is because the classification into supporting success in the education arena impossible a direct learners to learn directly above the level of the middle and if he can not understand the lower level or basic.

Education or as tiered risers, after stepping on the bottom can only step on the next rung, until later in the last rung.

Although there is the story of someone successful, famous, rich and become millionaires without learning, it should not be used as a benchmark. Because it just happened by chance, because same how many people are achieving success by learning and only one or two people who succeed without learning.

Purpose of Education

In a speech education should also be mentioned about what the purpose of education. The purpose of general education is to reduce the number of ignorance and illiteracy that exist among age students. Figures ignorance and illiteracy was very much in Indonesia in particular and the world in general. Many developing countries have been able to reduce the number of ignorance and illiteracy, but in poorer countries the figure was so overwhelming and solutions available only with an education that is done regularly and continuously.

It is impossible to be achieved a goal in education when education was only done half heartedly, especially in pursuit of a target just for fun. The world of education requires educators who really want and serious in educating, also need learners and educational materials that have been concept because the material becomes one of supporting education in success.

Furthermore, learners who want in students and taught well, no matter how serious educators conduct education, the material presented is also very good, but if learners only reluctantly, will also result in vain, and the targets to be achieved will be less than the maximum. And to achieve success in the world of education also need the help of many parties, both donors, government, education and the like observer for the cooperation of all parties that success will be more easily achieved. This is due to the success in education is also a success for the nation.

Preparation of a Good Education Speech Contest

You currently preparing educational speeches for a race ? It's how much preparation do you do ? Or you still prepare for it ? If not you'll want to do a variety of preparations ahead of time prior to course commencement speech contest. Getting started you should notice is the mental preparedness to deal with the listener. Education speech contest carried out in order to welcome the National Education, is the right moment to practice your speech, especially speech education. Through education speech contest, each participant will be competing to make the best education their speech. Furthermore, speech champs education can open up horizons of our education.

Speech Education - Training Educational Develop Speech

Before the race starts, you should prepare yourself. Speech education is not just any speech. In a speech to the education of many useful things that can be presented, related to the world of education. Speech education can also be used to evaluate candidates for the development of national education in Indonesia. There are some things you should know about the education speech, before you follow the educational speech contest. You have to understand, what is called the speech, if only just to say just a word or two about the world of education ? Or as read written works ?

Well, you should know first what it is speech education. Education is an oration speech or speech with good wording, formal and systematic education, to be submitted to the people. If you already know what it is speech education, then you will not hesitate to follow the school speech competition. In a speech contest education course you have rivals that are not less good in speech. However, you do not have to worry, or even withdraw from the race speech education simply because they do not believe in themselves. For that, you should make preparations to produce a good education speech and memorable.
  1. What are the preparations that we have to do before the race speech education ? Here are some steps you can do:
  2. Determine the purpose of speech. The purpose of education should be clear in speech, for what you speak, do inform, entertain or persuade. Besides that, it also must formulate a clear goal in particular, the response to what is expected after the completion of education speech.

Selecting and Delivering Key Issues

Sometimes the committee has to determine speech issue of education to be contested, but often the participants were also given the freedom to choose the subject matter in speech education. But keep in mind, even though the issue has been determined or not, you must narrow the subject matter, to suit your ability, interests, and time devoted to education speech.

Analyzing Listener and Atmosphere

As an educational speech competitor, you should try to find out who will be the audience. The number of listeners a lot or a little, the atmosphere in a later speech, the audience and judges whether sitting or standing, morning or afternoon, indoors or outdoors, and etc. Adds Materials. As a participant education speech, you can collect speech material in accordance with the subject matter to be presented in many ways, such as reading books, magazines, newspapers, other sources of knowledge appropriate to the subject matter, trying to add insight or ask the people who are more tau, recalling relevant personal experience.

Creating Framework for Education Speech

Once you have managed to gather all the ingredients for your education speeches, the next step preparing the items to be delivered in good order.

Delivering Speech in Advanced Education

Following the framework developed, then you are free to choose a speech by talking freely with one-time look at the skeleton, or working on a complete education speech word for word, and then read or memorized. So, choose a style of speech that really mastered.

Speech Education - Education Speech Sample

It's good training before the race speech, you read or see an example of the speech. That way, you will be know how a framework of education speech was made. For more details, you can see some examples of speech following a brief education.

Examples of Speech Education

Assalamu Wr. Wb.

First of all, let us together offer praise and thanksgiving to God Almighty, where on this day we all still given some pleasure, which in no way can we count how many pleasures that God has given us. Prayers and peace may always remain the sire of our great Prophet Muhammad.

Mr / Mrs teacher I respect
His compatriots that I am proud of, in this auspicious occasion allow me to speak with the theme:

Mr. and Mrs. Teacher and Gentlemen,
Education is a fairness to all of us whether it is physical education, spiritual, formal and informal, in school or out of school.

In this modern era we are required to keep pace science, if we're just a little off guard we will left behind by our friends who kept pace gain knowledge.

His comrades were honored by God, we all have been conscious and aware of the importance of education, since we were attending school from kindergarten, elementary school until now we will leave school this MTsN, a lot of science that we get both general science science and religion, of which we know can not know, of that do not understand we can understand.

Therefore, in this auspicious occasion let me expressed his gratitude for the presence of Allah SWT. And thanks to its immeasurable Mr. and Mrs. Guru in which he not get enough to constantly remind us to study hard and learn. With that encouragement Alhamdulillah we now reap the results.

By constantly beg for forgiveness and His blessings hopefully what we seek Allah grant. Amin yes Rabbal Alamin.
Presumably that's all I can say on this auspicious occasion, we are sorry for any kehilafan and drawbacks.
Wabillahitaufik Walhidayah
Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb.

Examples of Speech Education for Students

Assalamu Wr. Wb.

Father, mother, teacher whom I respect and I love.
First, let us express gratitude towards Allah, His mercy and His guidance that has been poured out to us all that this fine morning we could gather together in this hall.

My brethren and I respect my goal here is to bring up the youth not to be involved in promiscuity and I also invite teenagers to do positive deeds.

Therefore, during these parental role and environment is affecting the rest of their life direction if the parents fail to make discussions of interest to them and the environment does not support it with positive things, then certainly they would lose direction in the search for identity that can cause them to fall into the negative things, for example, promiscuity, drugs and partying.

Therefore, religion has become one of the most important key in directing the youth association.
So what I said, may be useful and helpful for teenagers. But do not forget these works must be balanced with the strong belief that we can be more powerful to run it, so we can achieve a happy life and Hereafter.

We apologize if there are shortcomings word.

Wabillahitaufik Walhidayah
Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb.

Examples of Speech Education in English

  1. Topic: Education System In Indonesia
  2. Title: Formal Education
  3. Grade: SMP / MTs, SMA / MA / SMK, College / University

Hello Wr.Wb

Firstly, I would like to say thank you very much for that MC and juries who've given me opportunity to deliver this English speech.
Ladies and Gentlemen;

It is a great honor for me to stand here and give a brief speech entitled "Formal Education in Indonesia"
Brothers and Sisters;

Education system in our country is divided core of two major parts, they are formal and non-formal. A formal education is devided into three levels: primary, secondary and tertiary education. While non-formal education is Carried out for the learners who get to meet the requirements Difficulties in formal education. An example of non-formal education is PLS (School Education). Both formal and non-formal education aim at establishing the education process in our country.

Ladies and Gantlement;

As I have stated previously, formal education involves three levels: primary, secondary and tertiary education. Before entering primary or elementary school, children in our country have attended kindergarten Usually, or known as kindergarten. But this education is not compulsory for Indonesian citizens, as the aim of this is just to prepare them for primary school.

Children ages 7-12 Attend primary education at Elementary School or Elementary School. This level of education is compulsory for all Indonesian citizens. Similar to education system in the U.S. and Australia, students must study for six years to complete this level. Some school offer an accelerated learning program, where students who perform well can finish elementary school in five years.

The next level is secondary education. After graduating from elementary school, students Attend Middle School or Junior High School (Secondary School) for three years from the age of 13-15. After three years of schooling and graduation, students may move on to Senior High School. In Indonesia, this school is basically divided into two kinds: SMA (Senior High School) and SMK (vocational high school). SMA is different with CMS in their studies.

The students of SMK as a vocational school are prepared to be ready to work after finishing their school without going to university / collage. The last level of education in our country is tertiary education. Students who have graduated from high school may self Attend to university or academy. They can choose any kinds of university or academy based on their interests or scopes of knowledge, for example majoring in English, Mathematics, or teacher training university.

Ladies and Gentlemen;

Brothers and Sisters;

I think that's all my speech. I hope my brief description on the education in our country will be useful for us. Finallly, I would like to say sorry if there are mistakes in my speech words.

Thank you very much for your attention.

Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb.

Contextuality in Indonesian to English Translation

Small Business School - Contextuality in Indonesian to English Translation. Since its birth through the operation of the industrial revolution in Europe, globalization has hit the entire world. Globalization that opens the 'boundaries' between countries, among which unites space and time. Globalization is what allows one or more elements of a socio-cultural global state or global. One is the English translation of the Indonesian language. English as a second language now known in almost every country in the world. Learn or even master the English language can be said to constitute an obligation or necessity.

Inability or lag in mastering the English language is considered as a defect or a disgrace, especially in the big cities, in the institutions, or the main lines of the State. Various movement toward mastery of English conducted at various places. Mentoring services or learn English courses are mushrooming. Schools that include English as a subject in the curriculum of subjects continues to grow.

Mastery of English as a hiring criteria and indicators for companies to be first considered. Practices of English language teaching in universities, such as presentations, seminars, trials, writing scientific papers, continue to be encouraged. Parents push their children to love language. Including other forms of business English translation increasingly provide opportunities to bring great benefits.

Language and Translation Indonesian to English Translation

First language translation may be done, when the two languages intersect in one situation and condition. Translations must be done in order to create a mutual understanding between the different languages. For example, in a meeting, at the convention, treaty, or the reading of documents or related references. Thus translation can be oral or written.

Indonesian to English translation may occur, when there is the need to understand or Indonesian hang themselves through  English. Like when we do the writing, for example, an abstract on our scientific research, which will be read by strangers, who speak English. We want our writing can be understood by the person, so we have translated into a language that people use them.

Or when we're in a foreign country where people speak English and we want to ask the way, then we translate our questions into their language, so that they understand our intentions and answered our questions with precise and accurate as possible. Therefore, the implementation of Indonesian to English translation also can not be arbitrary. Formerly our own need and should know or understand the intent or purpose of our first Indonesian language and why we need to translate it into English.

By first understanding this, we will deliver or provide Indonesian to English translation proper, which will be easily understood also by the party that we are headed. This is the first thing we need to do in making Indonesian to English translation, which is to understand the purpose and our purpose in speaking and in translating.

Characteristics of Language and Contextuality in Indonesian to English Translation

Each individual has their characteristics, different from each other. So it is with nations. Especially with the language because that language reflects the nation. If the nation as the formation of the language only has character, let alone the language into its constituent elements. English is clearly a foreign language, which originated from outside Indonesia. Therefore, it is clear if English would have different characteristics from the Indonesian language.

The difference in the character of this happened because of different contexts. Thus, the difference in the character of this would be possible to understand, if we understand the difference context. Previously we might have to understand first what is the context and contextuality.

Context contexere derived from the Latin meaning 'weave together', or 'knit together', (from the com = 'together' and texere = 'to build', or 'to weave').

Knit or weave in question here is to establish or knitting of words along with the environment, the surrounding circumstances, background, or what was in there with those words, to help find the meaning of the word. In the language, the context is easily found in diction or 'choice of words'. For example, the word 'grand', use the sentence will be different with the word 'noble' or 'great', though all have a similar sense of the word, or all three are able to define its function as a 'synonym'. Using all three will consider the context in which the sentence is placed third.

Other contexts in the language, we can see from the pattern of the word. Indonesian has a pattern of words or legal equivalents DM (Explained-Certify), while English has a pattern of words or legal MD (Explain-Explained). For example :

  1. Indonesia : beautiful women
  2. (Noun 'woman' described by the adjective 'beautiful')
  3. UK: beautiful girl
  4. (Adjective / adjective 'beautiful' explain noun / noun 'girl')

 As discussed in the previous section, that to be able to translate Indonesian into English we must first understand our aims and objectives in the Indonesian language itself. In other words, we must understand the context of our Indonesian language.

A simple example is whether our context in the form of a question, a rhetorical question, or statement, then the translation would be different, ie
  1. Fathers have eaten? = Has Father eaten ?
  2. Dad is eating, right? = Father has eaten, has not he ?
  3. Fathers have eaten. = Father has eaten.

The elements of this language is called contextuality or connection context in the language. Which is important for us to look at when we do the translation Indonesian to English. At first, it may be difficult and complicated because the required accuracy in doing so. But, for all, pay attention to contextuality will further help us in Indonesian to English translations.

Therefore, referring to the sense of the context itself that has been described above, the context is nothing, environment, circumstances, background, which is in the same place with the words, to help us discover the meaning of the word. When we equate the context was different between the two languages, understanding of these languages can be found easily, so the translation was to be young. Is like when we are fishing with bait and nets in the pond with the same lot of fish, or trawl fishing activities be just as easy.

Tips Working Indonesian to English Translation

Following application of contextual learning in technical language translation Indonesian to English is easier, as follows.

1. Understand the purpose and goals before we do the translation Indonesian to English

This can be done by formulating 5W + 1H (who / who, what / what, when / when, where / where, why / why, and how / how). This formulation will focus on the kind of language and style we so in the translation, what we use.

This type of language (oral or written), ie if writing what the hell kind (fiction, non-fiction, poetry, fiction, articles, etc.).
The language (narrative, argumentation, description, etc..) Or hyperbolic, repetition, irony, etc..
Greeting words for the perpetrators (whether directly or indirectly, whether intended for male or female, adult or child).

2. Understanding the Indonesian language to be translated.

Understand Indonesian language we want to translate as a whole, taking into account the coherence and cohesion, word patterns, and sentence patterns, and time / tense (at least in one sentence, the maximum in one paragraph). Only later translated into English directly as a whole as well (one sentence or one paragraph), using the same understanding. Not one word. For example,

A cute girl walking gracefully on the stage through the audience. Being, A beautiful girl walks elegantly on the stage through the audiences. Not by the way,

A girl = a girl; pretty = beautiful; running = walking; gracefully = elegant; passes = through; viewers = the audiences.

Being, A beautiful girl walking through the elegant audiences.

3. Note the choice of words or diction and use context-sensitive term field use.

An example is the word 'build' in English build has synonyms or diction,

ie construct = use in the context of building a concept, idea, model, notation, representation.

erect = make up.

make = the context of creating, creative, producing objects, or made so, forced to make.

manufacture = produce on a large scale.

assemble = gather into groups.

fabricate = form; uniting parts; produce; invation; chop (food ingredients).

Know Educational Technology

Small Business School - Know Educational Technology. Improving the quality of education is often used as a key issue in developing countries, among them Indonesia. The issue is always met with a variety of means and efforts to achieve optimal results. Until finally, technology education has been a part of education seeks to improve the quality of education in ways typical. Then the question is, what exactly is meant by educational technology ? Should using visual tools that smelled of new technology is claimed to technology-based learning in education ? This article will explain the nature of technology in education.

Some Definitions Educational Technology

Indeed, there is no standard definition of educational technology. But each complementary definitions so that an explanation of technology in education and its role is unclear. In the book "Educational Technology" written by Prof. Dr. Nasution, M. A There are three definitions of technology in education.

Communication media used in education. The media in question is technological tools, such as TV, radio, video tapes, computers, in focus and others. The development, implementation, assessment systems, techniques and tools to improve and enhance the teaching and learning process.

Systematic thinking about education and the application of problem solving in education that can be done by using modern communication tools, but without the tools it can also be done. Of the three definitions above, it can be concluded that technology in education (TP) is a systematic and critical approach to education. That is, in the technology in the field of education there are "software" and "hardware".

Software is the activity of analyzing the existing problems and formulate systematic measures and techniques in accordance with the conditions of the learning environment. The goal is that learning can be achieved as desired. As for the hardware are the tools used to achieve the initiated, such as computers, infocus, tape, radio, TV and others. However, the hardware is not always have to 'smell' technology. Any tool used to achieve the desired learning process is called hardware.

Understanding the above definition, in fact, did not escape the word technology comes from the Greek, which technology. In the Webster Dictionary, is handling something technology systematically (systematic treatment). So right to say that technology in education is a systematic and critical education in education.

Between Educational Technology and Educational Methodology

Many people get confused between technologies in the field of education with educational methodology. As we all know that education is the methodology of demonstration equipment in order to achieve the goal of teaching materials to students, while technology in education is a way of teaching that use the tools of modern technology but not as the main tool.

The tool is intended to achieve the purpose of teaching materials being taught so to speak, part of the educational methodology in the field of educational technology.

Potential Educational Technology

  1. When examined from the function of technology in education, it can be said that there are six potential of these technologies.
  2. Being able to make education more productive. Because educational technology has a role to accelerate the learning process, teachers can use instructional time be better, and reduce the task of the teacher in terms of teaching materials to explain more. The function of the teacher is changing, which makes the students become more excited about learning.
  3. Being able to make independent learning. That is, students can learn independently despite the presence or absence of the teacher so the teacher turned into a facilitator to explain the poorly understood and understood from their own learning.
  4. Being able to plan the creation of a more systematic program of learning so that the development of learning materials can be improved to a better direction.
  5. Being able to make teaching more stable because the learning process is done by making use of the media of communication created with good learning.
  6. Can create a little separation between lessons with students. Due to the utilization of instructional media that were presented in the field of educational technology, make the student can repeat the lesson over and over again.
  7. Being able to create distance learning, which does not require the presence of teachers and learners in a classroom.

The characteristics of nuance Education Educational Technology

  1. To see if an educator has implemented the concept of technology in education, his life can be seen from the ability to perform the six areas of educational technology.
  2. Can formulate learning objectives carefully and specifically based on The studies were carried out to achieve the desired goal.
  3. Can investigate the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that students possessed know what the process to be used as indicators of successful learning.
  4. Can analyze instructional materials as what is feasible given based on learning objectives and skills that students have.
  5. Being able to create a sequence of learning materials and learning strategies are carried out in accordance with the teaching materials.
  6. Test results of analyzes performed. Starting from the learning objectives, skills, teaching materials, teaching materials to order learning strategies. The purpose of the experiment was to see the weaknesses of what has been done.
  7. Hold a revision of the results of the analysis are considered less or must be upgraded.

This is often said to be the six areas of educational technology, the development, utilization, management, assessment, research, and process design. All of these into a single unit. If the sixth to do, no doubt experienced educational problems would be resolved.

But on the field, not all educators are able to apply the six areas in the field of educational technology. However, most educators who have studied the concept of technology in education to master the use of the process and learning resources.

When linked with the implementation of the sixth search of educational technology, it is able to perform up to the third stage. Being able to analyze what the right teaching materials based on the condition, knowledge, and skills possessed by the student.

Application of Education Technology

Based on the definition and owned technology in education, it can be said that generally the technology in the field of education have 4 applications.
  1. Being able to combine a variety of approaches to achieve good educational outcomes, such as psychology, management, communication and others.
  2. Can solve the problems of education and learning very well and systemic.
  3. Can take advantage of the technology incorporated in technology in education to achieve the desired success
  4. Being able to effect better synergies and beneficial, because of the incorporation of the approach taken.

Indeed, by studying technology in education, educators will actually be able to create methods and different learning styles. Since the figure of a learner educator learning outcomes in education technology will embody Banathy narrative, as recorded in the books Yusuf Hadi Miarso Sowing Seeds Technology Education, "not just" doing more of the same:, or "doing it better of the same", but "doing it differently" in order to achieve the expected results. "

So, with explanation Banathy above, it became clear that the concept of the object in the field of educational technology focused on solving the problem of human learning. During this sounded just learned in the classroom and the teacher conferences with students. With the advent of technology, educational change.

Education can be done anytime, anywhere, by anyone, a and by any means. Throughout life. With the concept of technology in education, it can be done. An example is learning to use the Interactive CD. Not only used by students only. Interactive Learning CD is also done by adults. One is the implementation of an interactive CD rituals of Hajj.

Hence, scholars in the field of educational technology need not worry in the profession. If able to take advantage of the six areas above, it can open up business opportunities.

Due to the benefits of learning design by educational technologists will never be in vain. If you were not able to create a product, at least not by exploiting the sixth teacher education technology will make it creative and delightful students. The lesson was a lesson that always looked forward to the students.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Example Education Speech

Small Business School - Example Education Speech. Examples of speech we have encountered many educational theme in several blogs or websites of education, which is providing a special column to access multiple instances of speech, especially speech samples the theme of education. It is fine example of speech education theme used as a reference to make a speech on the theme of education, but also can reference overall, so we are not hard anymore to make the content of the speech that we will read.

Example Education Speech Themes - What Is Speech ?

Speech is a series of speaking in front of the general public (common) or it can also be regarded as an activity of speech to express an intent and purpose. In a speech, usually someone who is important to the theme of talking and it is appropriate to talk about.

Speech is also closely related to one of the theories in learning Indonesian. Addressing must observe the following.
  1. Prepare yourself well before you start speaking.
  2. Perform survey the environment or where you will deliver a speech.
  3. The contents of the speech you have to really understand very well before you speak.
  4. Mastery of the material a good speech will increase your confidence in speaking.
  5. Create an atmosphere calm possible before you speak.

Examples of Speech Education Themes

Example Education Speech themes which was read by the Chairman Medium Schools Top in front of the teachers and students in commemoration of National Education Day.


Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

Dear Mr. Principal SMA Negeri 1 East Simeulue
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Teacher SMA Negeri 1 East Simeulue
Dear the invitation and your fellow students / student SMA Negeri 1 East Simeulue

First, let us express praise and gratitude to Allah SWT who has given us all the grace and hidayahnya, and health, so that in this blessed day, we can gather together to commemorate National Education Day, on May 2, 2012.

Salawat successive greetings to our master the Prophet Muhammad that have changed the nature of his people from ignorance to knowledge of knowledge of nature, just as it is today.

Absence and Gentlemen. Let me first congratulate the National Day of Education, hopefully in the future our education, Simeulue district in particular and Indonesia in general, will continue to evolve and ideals of the nation hopefully we can achieve together.

Every May 2, like today, we the public education in Indonesia has always commemorated the birth of the national education leaders, the father of Ki Hajar Dewantara. A character who brings a change in our mindset as a great nation, as well as an intelligent nation.

Ladies and gentlemen that I respect. As the next generation, we are the students of SMA Negeri 1 East Simeulue aware relay responsibilities of leadership is in the hands of the nation to our future.

The fate of this nation in the future is determined by the people who will lead this country and these people must have an adequate science education. From now is the time, where we position ourselves as a potential leader.

Than that, looking at the challenges ahead are more difficult course, the education in Indonesia must prepare the forerunner of the nation's children are competent in science, in order to compete in the era of globalization.

Reflections on the birth of Ki Hajar Dewantara, should really be a good time to re-think together national education strategies that address all the challenges. We stand here, in the belief that this nation will be featured as a developed nation.

We all as the students are trying to be the leading pioneer in advancing education in Indonesia. However, no teachers and gentlemen, we are not anything apa.Terima you have taught and guided us. Today we are committed to becoming a better, more attention to the lessons taught to us and more concerned with improving the quality of our knowledge as a student.

Ladies and Gentlemen. In this happy occasion, I was the chairman of SMA Negeri 1 Simeulue OSIS East, would like to express some of the activities we organized a series of events in commemoration of National Education Day this.

These activities, among others, held a quiz competition between classes at SMAN 1 East Simeulue. Activities as container testing of students' ability to answer the questions subjects ever given by the teachers. This activity is also a representative selection to determine SMA Negeri 1 Simeulue East will follow inter school quiz competition as Simeulue district, in August next.

The next activity that we conduct is a race to read the story in the Indonesian language. The competition was carried out in cooperation between several parties, which focus on increasing students' interest in reading, so that the climate is expected to create fond of reading in their students and the students know more, especially the stories related to science.

The other activity we do is English speech contest. Our competition was reserved for those students who siwi SMA Negeri 1 East Simeulue who have the ability to master foreign languages, especially English.

The competition was as a form of our concern for global guidance, where English is used as an international language. Hopefully with this race, will produce the students were able to speak or communicate using English as the language of the world.

Father / mother and friends as well. Those are some of the activities we did in order to enliven the commemoration of National Education in 2012. We all hope these activities will benefit and in accordance with the results that we had planned.

Final words I once again congratulate the National Education Day. Sorry if there are words that are wrong.

I end by saying wabillahitaufik walhidayah, wassalamualaikum wr wb.

Here is an example of the theme of education speech which was read by a student in a discussion of education issues.


Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

Dear Mr. Chief Education Office Naggoroe Aceh Darussalam
Dear father and mother lecturers and teaching staff at various levels of education in the province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam
Dear the invitation and the audience are happy.

Let me represent the part of the students to say a few words about the problems that occur in our education, both in Aceh and Indonesia in general.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the blessed. Education is an important factor in advancing the nation. Mandate contained in the Act of 1945 has clearly underlined, that education is the most essential thing in order to construct the development. Education is the main pillar of the survival of a nation in modern times like this.

Today we judge there are still many things that become obstacles for the implementation of Education sufficient to achieve the quality of education that we both want. Various national problems in all fields, should not reduce the nation's attention, in this case the government, to act immediately in order to improve the quality of education in Indonesia as a whole.

We as students are concerned with the condition of education in Indonesia now. The fact that there are still many children who are abandoned and do not get an adequate stock of knowledge is a portrait of daily life in this country.

9-year compulsory education should really be applied as a strategy to improve the quality of human Indonesia, which is used to implement the strategy of sustainable development.

Father / mother and the audience here that I respect. Required awareness of all parties to overcome the problems of education in Indonesia in almost all provinces. For this reason, our students, as a form of our concern for these issues, recommend a few things that can be used as a reference in order to improve the quality of national education.

Recommendations, among others, urged the government to fully realize the mandate of the law, ie, by allocating 30 percent of the state budget to fund education. Management of these funds should really be transparent and accountable in order to ensure the distribution of education funds is right on target.

Next is to ask all parties concerned to the problems of education, trying desperately to provide assistance, either in the form of grant aid and relief in mind, in order to achieve future goals with increase of education life of the nation.

Moreover, the parties in this case the Department of Education in each district / city that really know the problems that occur in the field of education, such as inadequate educational facilities, book facilities, schools, and other things, to immediately look completion.

Finally, we hope that in the future such activities are carried out in simultaneous and continuous education so that problems that occur quickly resolved and no solution.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the blessed. Thus we submit this brief speech. Hopefully useful for us all. Sorry if there are words that are not in place.

Wasslamualaikum Wr.Wb

So some examples of speech that I made the theme of education. Hopefully it can be a reference for you all. Thanks and love.

Educational Poster Indonesia

Small Business School - Educational Poster Indonesia. Forward, sure, and the Brave. Various comments sung many people's existence and life education in Indonesia. Indonesian education poster that says a lot of profanity will and credibility procurement system, such as the bawdy many thousand island's domestic politics. Negative comments will present evils educational posters in Indonesia much reverb, various groups were, young and old, rich and poor, the bottom or the top, all the comments, all the government's failure to respond will held State will take care of education in Indonesia.

Well .. Everything is commented, as educational posters Indonesia no good. But it still can produce a champion young researchers and competitors in the academic field, apparently scathing comments of ordinary people, not shrink and eliminate the passion and loyalty of the nation in career and competed in the prestigious field. It is not even half the battle, on a scale that no anchovies anymore, but internationally.

Sad to see those who commented are not appropriate for education Indonesia, but without contributing anything to create and improve the image and beauty of Indonesian education. Indonesia makes education posters worse off, in the absence of control in society in both oral opinion issued in writing.

Educational Poster Indonesia - Indonesia SBC Education Improvement Form

SBC is one of the curriculum outcomes of the 2004 curriculum development, competency-based learning achievement of students in order to obtain the target product mastery learning. In the Indonesian education, SBC has a skeleton implementation of learning programs that have been outlined in the syllabus, is your basic manufacture and formulation Learning Implementation Plan (RPP).

In Indonesia's education at SBC, Learning Implementation Plan will be used as a handbook for educators to implement the lessons learned in the classroom, laboratory, and field for each basic competence. Therefore, what is contained in the Learning Implementation Plan includes matters directly related to the learning activities in an effort to achieve mastery of basic competencies.

In the Indonesian education poster, SBC has a standard and basic competencies that are curriculum reflections, thoughts, and review of the curriculum that has prevailed previously, as stated in the initial descriptions. The new curriculum is expected to help prepare students to face the challenges of the future for education in Indonesia updates.

Standards of competence and basic competences directed to provide the skills and expertise to survive in conditions full of change, competition, uncertainty, and complexity of life. Posters plastered neatly education we want to progress together and achieve progress in the improvement of education in Indonesia, the better the education in Indonesia, SBC designed to create graduates who are competent, intelligent in building social integrity, and to realize the national character.

Posters can be slightly improved educational Indonesia. It was if the implementation of education supported by all walks of life work together for the betterment of education in Indonesia, so that people outside Indonesia to provide education of good direction.

In implementation, standards and basic competencies have done various studies that lead to increased efficiency and effectiveness of services and the development as a consequence of an educational innovation. Public gives thumbs up to education in Indonesia is increasingly improved and developed. SBC as one model of curriculum implementation.

Model of integrated learning in educational poster Indonesia is one of the recommended curriculum implementation model to be applied to all levels of education. The villagers will appreciate and interpret their own country education. Starting from elementary school or Islamic Elementary School to High School or Madrasah Aliyah. In the Indonesian education learning model is essentially a learning approach that allows students either individually or in groups actively seek, explore, and discover concepts and principles of holistic and authentic.

Educational Poster - Implementation of Integrated Learning at SBC

A school must have a learning implementation. In the implementation of education in Indonesia, a poster or a picture of an integrated learning goals in all areas of study has the objective of which :

1. Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of learning

Education in the standards of competence and basic competencies to be achieved by learners, for example, to the field of science studies the learners who have achieved is scope ilmi disciplines of physics, chemistry, and biology. In educational posters to achieve mastery, learning should be presented in the form of whole, and not partial. Concepts that overlap when combined with the repetition of the learning will be more efficient and effective.

The integration of subjects to encourage educators to develop high creativity because of the demands to understand the relationship between the material with each other. Educators are required to have rigor, analytic capabilities, and ability to understand linkages categorical or common materials or methodology.

2. In the Indonesian education poster, SBC can increase interest and motivation.

Integrated learning provides opportunities for educators to develop learning situations intact, comprehensive, dynamic, and meaningful in line with expectations and the ability of educators, as well as the needs and readiness of learners. How, if the poster is still doubting the quality of education in Indonesia ? In integrated learning provides opportunities for the development of knowledge related to a given theme.

3. In the Indonesian education poster, SBC can incorporate some basic competencies are achieved simultaneously.

Integrated learning model can save time, energy, and infrastructure, as well as the cost of learning some basic competence can be taught simultaneously. In addition, integrated learning also simplifies the learning steps. This is due to the combination of a number of standards and integration competence, basic competence, and the lessons that have seen have the same or association.

The rationale for education in Indonesia, sometimes very narrow in responding to the Indonesian education based solely on the opinions of the public that have sprung up first, before the general public to respond in the form of comments. Society does not first see and examine the problems that occur in the system of education and learning applications nation's children are the object of the patient, due to the cloud of ignorance, in the absence of simple research first.

Picture or poster of education in Indonesia is complicated. However, there are certain parties who know and understand the importance of the development and improvement of education in Indonesia, rather than mere matter. The problem now would we as society dynamic and together to build a poster or image Indonesia for better education and quality. There are many things we can do, as individuals that we can implement the simple things that can build the image of education in Indonesia, among others :
  1. Indonesia to improve education by improving the skills themselves as children of the nation, to improve and increase the quality of science in self-competence.
  2. Improving education in Indonesia by adding public facilities (if we as individuals who have capital and more capable) education by organizing cooperation or partnership with other private schools at levels that have not been able to in all fields, whether independence, capital, building , facilities, and infrastructure.

For the creation of educational posters Indonesia more independent and qualified, then we increase the competence of ourselves as well as possible and the highest for the benefit and the benefit of living together in the state and nation of Indonesia.

Effectiveness of Education in Education World Poster

Poster of education has an important role in education, both for students, teachers and the environment around the school (including the general public). Not only poster
Educational, but other types of posters such as commercial posters, poster activity also has efficacy for life. Posters can also be used as a means of education, decoration, advertising, copy of a work of art and propaganda.

Poster, including educational posters, prefer the image (color image attractive, powerful, flashy but according to the content of the poster targets) rather than letters (words or phrases). The goal is easy and interesting to see the views of readers that understand the intent of the content of the poster.

Understanding Educational Poster

Poster of education is one of the poster. Posters are also often referred to as plaques, by definition, poster / placard is one form of graphic design or artwork on paper with a large size (in the form of print media) composed of letters and pictures. The letters on educational posters and other types of posters forming sentences clear, concise and brief to facilitate the reader's understanding.

The image on the poster to use strong colors and contrast to get the attention of the eye of the reader so that eyes were on posters / placards are. Usually any kind poster taped to the wall or other flat surface. Based on the above definition, it means the poster is one of a kind educational poster that has the purpose of giving an explanation to the public. Poster
Educational possesses educate and inform to the readers.

In addition to educational posters, there are several other types of posters based on its type, including commercial poster (eg shoe poster, posters soap, etc.), poster activity (eg performing arts poster, posters seminars, and so on). Health and hygiene poster poster poster is part of education.

Sample sentences on educational posters, including "flash floods hit the felled forest !" and "class clean clear mind." In addition, example sentences on commercial posters (posters fill the sentence concerning the offer of a product / service), such as: "Lux, the soap star!, Gudang Garam Merah, He Got Taste !"

Conditions Education Poster

Posters can be said to be making education easier for the ordinary or even often made. The terms of educational posters are as follows.
  1. The language used in the poster is an educational and language that is easily understood by the reader to understand the main poster. In addition to language, the phrase is used in educational posters should also be considered. Sentences are made should have meaningful content and lead to the poster targets, it is clear, concise and solid.
  2. When the language and sentence on educational posters we have noticed, then do not forget to combine it into a form suitable image and reflect the content of educational posters. It suits the characteristics of the poster that prefers images than words (sentences).
  3. As per the general purpose of the poster, the poster made education to attract readers (well just by looking at it or comprehend and understand the meaning of the content of the poster). Attractive and whether posters also depends on the materials used. Materials to make a work of art or graphic design (print form), course materials are good (not broken or torn absolute alias durable).
  4. Educational posters must also consider the size to poster is not too big or too small. Thus, educational poster size adjusted to the target audience and the installation.

Terms educational posters and other poster there is no significant difference. If in between we want to try to make your own poster to poster types as needed, then it should be given the conditions of manufacture. This work will help the poster itself is interesting to read and consider the reader.

Effectiveness of Media Education for Learning Poster

Posters education effectively educate the general public because it is easy to understand messages with short, both posters are used in educational environments including hygiene posters, health posters in the healthcare environment, and the other posters that lead to the purpose and nature of this type of poster. As per understanding, kind poster aims to inform readers and is educating the readers.

The development and advancement of today's technology enables these types of posters as a force in the medium of learning for students and teachers. Not only the electronic media which constantly developed and introduced to the students and teachers or academics, but print media such as posters also need to be developed and enhanced to improve the quality of student learning and teacher.

Although the audio-visual media / electronic media to be one of the preferred means of learning in the development of learning media, but still educational poster has a strategic role and effective for students and teachers. Usually only used as wall hangings posters and do not function properly as a medium of learning. It should continue to be evaluated and get the attention and improvement in the future.

In manufacturing, educational poster designed in sizes appropriate to the capacity of the brain and the learning process. Every child can learn to activate their conscious brain through observation and see the poster. The conscious brain processes enable the following subconscious brain to digest the information with the right brain working system. Any information entered does not undergo the screening process and carefree.

While aware of different brain systems when getting information. Conscious brain to digest the information to the left brain working system. Usually in the left hemisphere working system, all incoming information filtering suffered because of the nature of critical left brain. Educational poster has advantages over learning in the form of electronic media or audio-visual. Significant difference between the electronic media with the poster that audio-visual/media static posters and electronic media or audio-visual equipment is not static. The static nature posters on poster making it easier and often seen and considered as attached to the wall.

Figures and letters are arranged in it will also be memorable for the reader rather than having to turn on the electronic media / audio-visual equipment such as laptop, computer, or television. The advantages of such education poster poster makes this type have good efficacy in Study abroad. Students will feel comfortable learning conditions and a pleasant if effective learning media. Students are not just limited to children, but also adults.

It shows that children and adults have one thing in common, that is more effective in learning when lessons are presented in a fun. The definition of fun is being able to call them sensors right brain so that their unconscious brain function in capturing information. However, the posters have become the preferred medium of learning today. Naturally, children and adults, both in formal and informal schools, often saturated and impressed a lot of the load applied to the model of learning in teaching and learning.

Poster of
Educational not only for the optimal functioning of children and adults, both in formal and informal schools, but it also serves poster type optimal for infants and children. Excess properties of posters that have been presented before the static nature can help children learn to Belita in focus or concentrate and not get bored when the mother or father took him to learn. For example, learn to recognize a variety of fruits, vegetables, animals, numbers and recognize the letters even practice reading.

Media study using the poster has a good effectiveness and efficiency. Education is not a regular poster posters. Its effectiveness as a medium of learning interesting and fun into something that must be considered and evaluated by experts studying media. Developing the potential of children also do exercises to make the poster educational administration.

Keeping the Earth with Environmental Education

Small Business School - Keeping the Earth with Environmental Education. Is it important given environmental education ? What is the background and benefits ? Let us examine this condition. Earth is a planet of human habitation and a variety of other living creatures. Earth has existed since billions of years ago. Since then, Earth's ever changing nature. Changes in the earth can be caused by the movement of the earth itself, the effect of the space environment, and the influence of human lifestyles.

Given human influence on the earth to do with human lifestyles on the environment which we often call the environment. To be human lifestyles causes no damage to the Earth, it takes the educational environment. With this education, people can learn to keep the environment so as to keep the Earth from the threat of destruction.

According to Law. 23, 1997 About General Guidelines for Environmental Management, the space environment is unity and oneness with all things living things including human beings and their behavior that perpetuate life and well-being of humans and other living things. Based on this definition, the environment is very close to human life and influence each other.

Important environmental education is given so that people can keep their environment well. That way, the environment will provide good benefits for humans. Changes in climatic conditions, the rise in temperature to global warming and natural disasters because of human action is the impact because the maintenance of the environment from damage. Human activity is a major factor in the destruction of the environment.

Since the earth's climate changes and global warming, the leader of the world-leading people gathering on climate change. Through this meeting, the leaders seek solutions to improve environmental conditions and preparations for the damage of climate change.

This meeting is a form of consciousness of world leaders that environmental damage can not be allowed to take place on an ongoing basis. There should be a real effort being made to save the Earth from destruction. With this awareness, environmental education necessary for students to be given to them as the next generation to understand how to protect the environment for a better life.

Threats of Environmental Damage

  1. Environmental damage may occur due to the natural movement of the earth, natural events or man-made. Environmental degradation due to natural events such as earthquakes are, hurricanes, and volcanic eruptions. Environmental damage due to natural events can be repaired, but it is difficult to prevent. Meanwhile, the environmental degradation by humans can be prevented through education.

The threat of damage done by humans is as follows.
  • Flood

Floods threaten cities and villages when the rainy season due to the decrease in land that has a high water absorption. This happens because people often cut trees, throwing garbage in the river, and build houses or other buildings without regard to the water disposal system.
  • Contamination

Contamination can occur in air, water, and soil. Pollution is an environmental degradation by humans and cause air condition, water, and healthy soil becomes unhealthy. This pollution is caused by sewage plants, waste disposal, use of vehicles, and so on. Environmental pollution is worsening impact on human health and other living things.
  • Landslide

Landslide has occurred in various regions in Indonesia. This disaster caused by deforestation and the land is no longer able to absorb rainfall, causing landslides. These forests are converted to residential buildings or who are unable to absorb water.
  • Extinction Flora and Fauna

education changes also impact the other living beings on earth, such as plants and animals. Forest as their habitat has been deforested by humans. This would cause them to lose the house so no longer able to survive and eventually become extinct. The number of plants and animals to extinction can disrupt ecosystems and natural balance.

By looking at the threat of environmental damage done by human, environmental education plays an important role to prevent more serious damage occurs. This education will build awareness of the environmental damage caused by humans and can be prevented by humans. Prevention of damage is intended that the environmental damage caused can be minimized.

Forms of Environmental Education

In an effort to save the earth from destruction, environmental education can be done in various forms. Besides referring to the threat of environmental damage, the shape is also adapted to the elements of the environment that includes the following elements.

1. Biological Elements

Elements of biological or also known as an element of biotic elements of the environment that consists of living things such as plants, animals, humans, microbes, etc.

2. Elements of Physical

Physical elements called abiotic elements. This element includes non-living objects that meet the environment, such as water, air, and soil.

Form of education that can be done based on the second element of the environment and the threat of environmental damage are as follows.

1. Know the Natural Environment

Environmental education to know how the environment can be done by visiting a place with natural conditions that are still well preserved and natural conditions that have been damaged. By visiting both places, you should be able to compare which one is better, natural conditions are maintained continuity or damaged natural conditions due to human activities.

Of course, the environmental conditions are maintained continuity would be an option. Thus, environmental education can be taught that we can contribute to protecting the environment together.

2. Know the Earth

Environmental education in a way to know the earth can be done by providing the materials or knowledge about :
  • formation of the earth,
  • the earth into a habitable planet beings,
  • characteristics of the earth,
  • the wealth of the earth,
  • damage that can threaten, and
  • how to keep the earth from destruction.

Forms of environmental education in this way can be given in class by using fittings, such as the formation of the earth or the video images on the development of the Earth as a visualization for learners.

3. Greening Practice

Environmental education can also be a way to invite students to participate in reforestation. In this way, they will feel ardently to preserve nature while knowing the benefits. This can be done by planting trees on barren land or in coastal areas by planting mangroves. This greening practices as well as with caring for the plants.

4. Waste Management Practices

Waste has long been a very disturbing problem of environmental hygiene. Environmental education can be done by learning to manage waste. Waste management can be done simply by sorting waste between organic and non-organic waste. Waste sorting can be done by students in the school and in their neighborhood.

Environmental education that can be done in various forms still lead to the same goal, namely to maintain the Earth from the threat of destruction. The realization that the earth and the sustainability of the environment must be maintained to be the most important thing that education is not just a formality, but a lesson that can be applied in everyday life.