Sunday, March 31, 2013

Observing Development of the National Education System

mall Business School - Observing Development of the National Education System. The community has a varied answers when asked about the progress of the condition of the national education system. This happens because most of the people can be said to be concerned or even care about the condition of the national education system. Although the National Education Day celebrated on...

The Warrior Globalization of Education

Small Business School - The Warrior Globalization of Education. Do you know what it is globalization of education ? What is the relationship of globalization of education with the National Exam ? National Exam season struck this great country. After National Exam for children high school, middle school children first, then elementary school children will follow. Various news with...

Indonesia Education News

Small Business School - Indonesia Education News. Smile Outside, Poor in the Inside. Uniquely education news in Indonesia, a lot of students / student successfully achievement in science competitions in the world international. Almost every student in Indonesia reached achievements international level and to education news. But it turned 180 degrees when the media publish news...

Sample of Speech Education

Small Business School - Sample of Speech Education. Speech education is one example of a form of speech. The speech was delivered advice or instruction to the public, be it on a variety of news. And there is sources used in speech can be taken from a variety of sources.Speaking of education would not be separated from the contents open Education speech regarding his discussion...

Contextuality in Indonesian to English Translation

Small Business School - Contextuality in Indonesian to English Translation. Since its birth through the operation of the industrial revolution in Europe, globalization has hit the entire world. Globalization that opens the 'boundaries' between countries, among which unites space and time. Globalization is what allows one or more elements of a socio-cultural global state or global....

Know Educational Technology

Small Business School - Know Educational Technology. Improving the quality of education is often used as a key issue in developing countries, among them Indonesia. The issue is always met with a variety of means and efforts to achieve optimal results. Until finally, technology education has been a part of education seeks to improve the quality of education in ways typical. Then...

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Example Education Speech

Small Business School - Example Education Speech. Examples of speech we have encountered many educational theme in several blogs or websites of education, which is providing a special column to access multiple instances of speech, especially speech samples the theme of education. It is fine example of speech education theme used as a reference to make a speech on the theme of...

Educational Poster Indonesia

Small Business School - Educational Poster Indonesia. Forward, sure, and the Brave. Various comments sung many people's existence and life education in Indonesia. Indonesian education poster that says a lot of profanity will and credibility procurement system, such as the bawdy many thousand island's domestic politics. Negative comments will present evils educational posters in...

Keeping the Earth with Environmental Education

Small Business School - Keeping the Earth with Environmental Education. Is it important given environmental education ? What is the background and benefits ? Let us examine this condition. Earth is a planet of human habitation and a variety of other living creatures. Earth has existed since billions of years ago. Since then, Earth's ever changing nature. Changes in the earth can...