Saturday, January 28, 2012

You wonder why life does not apply as you would expect

You wonder why life does not apply as you would expect You wonder why life does not apply as you would expect, listen to this ...Your life is the result of the conclusions. Because what you conclude - you believe what you believe, do what you do, celebrate or complain about...


TO PROSPER, GIVING BECAUSE ALTHOUGH NOT HAVE ANY TO PROSPER, GIVING BECAUSE ALTHOUGH NOT HAVE ANY - My friends who are longing ANSWER Lord of the prayer and hope for the welfare of themselves and their families, let's say your sentence is a sentence-own ...My God, Most Gracious,You...

You are today's rage burned by fire because of the humiliation by others

You are today's rage burned by fire because of the humiliation by others You are today's rage burned by fire because of the humiliation by others, listen to this ...All of the treatment of people and circumstances that you do not like it was rubbing and polish that will shape...

Friday, January 27, 2012

If we feel upset

If we feel upset If we feel upset - You are young and more often than the troubled peace, consider this ...Great people, just expressing an opinion if asked, and it was after listening to others carefully. Young people who still need a lot to learn, often suggested to people...


HOW TO AVOID SUFFERING IN REMORSE ? HOW TO AVOID SUFFERING IN REMORSE ? - My best friend was sure that his future peace, well-established, and authorities, say this as your sentence itself ...My God the Merciful,I understand that for my own good, I had to choose between two...

Pray for a better future

Pray for a better future Pray for a better future - DO NOT CANCEL YOUR OWN PRAYER My friends who have often wondered whether the prayers and hopes have been heard by God, say this as your sentence itself ... The Lord is Forgiving, Recently I realized that I often act like I...

Thursday, January 26, 2012

How to make life more advanced ?

How to make life more advanced ? How to make life more advanced ? - You feel that your life should be more rapid progress than today, hear this. Of the many things that can interfere with the speed to go forward, the two main ones are the doubts and delays. If any doubt...


Mahatma Gandhi. WHO SAID THAT PEACE IS NOT PAID ? WHO SAID THAT PEACE IS NOT PAID ? - The best man is useful for others, and the best of the payer is the Lord. So a willing spirit to live and work for the happiness of others, will be taken care paid DIRECTLY by God. And if...

How to profit from adversity ?

How to profit from adversity ? How to profit from adversity ? - Good personal attitude, will download the advantages of difficulty. Meanwhile, people whose attitude is bad, either creating a problem of opportunity. like,People who are smart, they benefit from a hostile....

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The most effective way to limit the success is to limit what we do

The most effective way to limit the success is to limit what we do The most effective way to limit the success is to limit what we do - By limiting what we do, we limit that we can be, remove the possibility of one that requires us to improve. ourselves, and keep us from association...

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Do Not indulge CONCERNS

Not indulge CONCERNS Do Not indulge CONCERNS His good friend, let's say this as your sentence itself, from your heart more  seriously ... My God the Merciful, I know that I must be careful with the habit of exaggerating fears. Concerns have been making...

Toward this new year

Toward this new year Toward this new year, you're feeling lost way of life, listen to this ... In the darkness of night, like in the dark view of life, all active and sharpened  senses. You pay more attention to the near, and clung to that already in your grasp. Indeed...

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful,

Happy New Year 2012 In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, Happy New Year 2012 to all relatives and friends throughout the archipelago and the world. It may be that in this new year, God bless our determination to build a beautiful  life, in brotherhood...


DEFINITELY ABOUT TO BE DONE DEFINITELY ABOUT TO BE DONE My friends are good at heart, and great dreams in this NEW YEAR, say this as your  sentence itself ... My Lord What Have Time, and the All-Mighty over all things, I understand that ... I must not want...

If I pretend to be psychic

women psychic If I pretend to be psychic, that my first 'overlay' about you in the past year, are : "You will reach a lot of good things, if you FURTHER DARE." How many plans are not you doing, how many people you can not meet, and how many new  things that...