Saturday, March 15, 2014

How to learn Makeup for beginners ?

How to learn Makeup for beginners ?
Illustration of How to learn Makeup for beginners
How to learn Makeup for beginners ? For those of you just learning makeup will certainly find trouble if you do not have enough information or guidelines on how to makeup. In this article will be discussed some important information that you can set as a guide in learning to use make up or cosmetics. Simple Facial skin care tips that's healthy.

Overview of Study Cosmetology

Makeup is an activity in changing one's appearance from its original form by using cosmetics. To be able to organize your makeup a person well, it takes a lot of knowledge about the anatomy of the face and other body parts, the characteristics of lines and color, tint, and color composition.

There are several types of makeup, among others :

  • Corrective makeup, makeup for changing the appearance of someone who is dirasakurang perfect. This is corrective makeup makeup that is most widely used by the community. Makeup this deals with simple and natural penempilan but elegant. This is because this makeup can fix or correct the kekuranagn and excess of a person's face in order to look more fresh.

  • Fashion makeup, namely makeup that turns a person's special penampialn for the purposes of art. Body painting is one example of this type of makeup.

  • Make-up characteristics, i.e. a channeled to arias tat interests acting and sheer entertainment. Makeup this character's aim to strengthen the character of the players, such as eye shadow made darker to give the impression of a grumpy or nasty.

Makeup Tips for beginners

The first time you use cosmetics, certainly you will feel uneasy because of the unfamiliar. Not to mention if the results of tat arias you don't fit. Of course this will make you hesitate to get out of the House. Here are a few tips to learn makeup you can do as a beginner.

  • Foundation

This makeup tools you can use everyday. So you get the impression all the time, choose natural color sesuia color foundation with your skin tone. Wear foundation this thin-thin and evenly to make it look natural. The function of the foundation is to make the powder can stick in the face and can give the impression of delicate facial skin.

  • Concealer

Dressing tools this one can cover blemishes on your face. So, to cover up blemishes on the face, don't use a foundation that is thick, but use this concealer.

  • Eyeshadow

This Eyeshadow is often used for tat arias to the party. But, you can also wear it everyday with a note to wear eye shadow color. Use the Paintbrush to the killing of the eyeshadows from the inside of the eye leading to the outside of the eye. Pull up to Your eyeballs basin. Samarkan part edges to the top to make it look natural.

  • Eyeliner

Eyeliner is a cosmetic tool that can make your makeup simple and avaricious widened the firm. How to menggunaknnya with the killing of the outer tip of the eyebrow eyeliner drawn to the side of the top. Poleskan also this eyeliner on the top of your eyelids. If your eyeliner is already dipoleskan, close your eyes for a bit so the eyeliner dry. This is done if you use liquid eyeliner.

  • Mascara

Mascara is a cosmetic tool that serves to melentikkan lashes. Before using mascara, Eyelash curler before use. How to wear it simply by entering your lashes to the tool clamp and clamp. After that, poleskan mascara to your eyelashes. As a result your lashes will look more tapering and thick.

  • Lipstick

Cosmetic tools this one certainly you also never wore it. In choosing the color of the lipstick color, choose lisptik or lipglosh nude-colored pink for you are fair skinned, peach pink for you skin-colored sapodilla fruit ripen and the skin is yellow, and brown colored for your dark skin. Apply lipstick by using a brush in the upper and lower lips, and then blend it onto the edge of the flat.

  • Blush-On

Blush blusher on or cosmetic is a tool that can make your cheeks become red blushes. How to wear it with the killing of the brush with the blush-on, then kuaskan to the top of the cheek. Do a little terraced when wearing it so that the color density decreases. Also apply blush on cheeks and Chin are thin-thin, then blend it again at the edges by using powder.

Mistakes are Often Made When Using Makeup

Make up can indeed make seeorang become more beautiful and fresh, but if it is not appropriate in the make up, users can also create seseornag be seem odd. This certainly would be a material waffle person. There are a few mistakes that are often made in using makeup. Here are a few tips so that you can no longer make mistakes in using makeup.

  1. Powder Foundation and uneven. The first mistake that is often made is to apply foundation and powder with uneven. This Foundation is the perfect and smooth effects of membarikan on the skin of your face and neck skeitar. If the foundation isn't flat, the color of the skin is also uneven and mejjadi will give a strange impression on the skin of your face.

  2. A very Thick Eyeliner. This Eyeliner will give wider effect on the eyes. If your eyes are wide, the use of a very thick eyeliner instead will give the impression of scary. So, we recommend that you wear eyeliner to taste, seseuaikan with the shape of your eyes.

  3. Colorful Eyeshadows. If you are using a colorful eyeshadow in the 80s, perhaps it is not would be too weird. But if you use it now, you will look strange. If you are using colorful clothes, you don't have to force myself to use similar eyeshadow. You better use a more natural color.

  4. Blusher is too red. The red cheek blushes will indeed give the impression is fresh and beautiful. But if it's too red, your cheeks should look like a clown. When using blusher, should you be in the room that the light so that you can estimate whether it fits, not fitting, or even too red.

  5. Using Lipstick is too dark or red. If you are aged 20 to 25 years, your skin is in a State of bagus-bagusnya was bekilau. So, you don't need to use red lipstick to look for others. We recommend that you avoid the use of glowing red colored lipstick or colors that are too dark. This will make you look older than your age.

  6. The eyebrows are too wide and thick. The use of the eyebrows can reaffirm your face. Wear pencil eyebrow to suit your face shape. This is some good compared with thick eyebrows and wide. The eyebrows are too wide and thus give the impression of simply thick weird in your face.

So the information about studying cosmetology. May be useful for those of you who are just learning to use make up. Good luck.

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