Saturday, May 4, 2013

Example of Minimalist House Design

Example of Minimalist House Design - The house is a building shaped space bounded by walls and roof, covered story boat, and usually has a driveway entrance. The house can be equipped with a window, ventilation holes or not. The floor can be ground or series of tiles, rugs, ceramics, board, wood, and others. Modern homes usually have the above elements are complete, and the room inside is divided into several rooms specific function, such as a bedroom, bathroom, WC, dining room, family room, living room, garage, warehouse, porch, and yard.

Houses are usually made based on the needs, budget, and tastes of the owner, therefore there are many kinds of building design. Residential designs include models of a minimalist, tropical, level, joglo, Malay, Japanese, and so on. Model home will determine the selection of building materials, construction methods, and design for the interior.

Childbirth Earthquake Technology

One of the natural disasters in recent years we have seen before in this country is the earthquake. A devastating natural disaster that has claimed the lives of tens of thousands of Indonesian society. Countless material losses incurred due to natural disasters that occurred almost evenly in the Indonesian archipelago. Earthquakes occur suddenly, sometimes it is also coupled with the disastrous tsunami disaster. Call disasters such as the earthquake in Aceh, which led to the terrifying tsunami disaster, the West Sumatra earthquake, Jogjakarta, North Sumatra, West Java, and so on.

Earthquakes occur suddenly, sometimes it is also coupled with the disastrous tsunami disaster. Streak a result of natural disasters in the homeland, the people of Indonesia was eventually prosecuted eager to welcome the various kinds of disasters that always happens suddenly. One form of natural disaster preparedness efforts this earthquake is the emergence of various technologies designs earthquake-resistant houses. Technology is also earthquake resistant houses not far away in a country oriented subscription experienced the Japanese earthquake disaster. Japan began to implement system designs earthquake-resistant houses following the devastating earthquake that rocked Tokyo in 1855.

Since the structure of the buildings in Japan began packed with simple earthquake resistant structure, ie, by placing a cross rod as stiff maker elements horizontally and vertically. Indonesia as a country with high potential tectonic earthquake was possible to design a building the same type of design. Construction of earthquake resistant buildings will run fine at least influenced by several factors, including: selection of the right location, adequate material systems and forms of construction are eligible.

Various Earthquake Resistant Houses

If you are still wondering what kind of earthquake resistant design simple home, here are some examples;
  • House made from bamboo

You remember the earthquake and tsunami that occurred in Aceh a few years ago, the house was left some after the disaster occurred is home to most of the traditional raw material bamboo. While the government after the Jogjakarta earthquake that hit Bantul in 2007 began to promote the construction of homes made from bamboo.

Bamboo raw materials used to make post-disaster emergency house design. Bamboo is flexible, lightweight and practical. In ecology, bamboo plants also help balance water management system environment. Musashino Art University, Japan, in collaboration with the Product Design Faculty of Art and Design ITB has been working to create a triangular design house made of bamboo. This is apart pairs design, very suitable for you who are in the disaster area.
  • Home design ball shape

The house is also called the ball or barrier is a design house that was found by the Japanese. The specialty of this kind of design not only designed to withstand earthquakes, but also have the privilege to get to float in water. If there is water, this design will automatically float on the water.

This design is certainly very suitable for Indonesian natural conditions that are often flooded. The house is designed based on the legal ball Bernauli. Wall on the ball home design is designed with 32 sides. The character of this design lies in the foundation system. The structure of this home design is the foundation of the structure-free foundation. His style is prevalent in all 32 of the side wall, this led the design of this house has a uniform strength.

Build Earthquake Resistant Houses ? These steps are :

Earthquakes in Indonesia awaits like old friends, which could have come out of appointments and time specified. And at least you're ready when the old friend had arrived. The house you built is ready 'entertain' him until the return of the old friend. Here's the steps for earthquake resistant houses.
  1. Ground beam design for earthquake resistant houses. Join together steel beams by foot and allow them to go outside the building line to reduce the possibility of inverted structure.
  2. Build a floor with a lightweight material similar to the roof. Use plywood, chipboard or plain wood with beams bolted securely to the floor for earthquake resistant houses.
  3. Make sure that the pressure is building against sideways. Building a roof with lightweight materials.
  4. Resistant building diagonal to hold the load to the side.
  5. Build wood-frame at home. Although mild and memorable fragile, wood gives a strong resistance to earthquakes. Tie the wall of the well to the house foundation when building a firm wooden studs and spikes to improve the earthquake resistance of structures. Use the sliding wall construction with studs forming the shell wall and horizontal beams that make up the floor and rafters to support the roof.
  6. Put a large panel system to stay. Concrete panels set vertically and horizontally to encircle the room in an apartment building. This panel uphold the integrity of the structure along with the vertical and horizontal floor panel.
  7. Use the modular building system .. The walls are formed is able to withstand the shaking caused by earthquakes in both directions.
  8. Completing all the cabinets with hooks. This includes kitchen cabinets and medicine cabinets. These hooks are cheap, and easy to install and maintain your wardrobe does not fly here and there during the earthquake.
  9. Save the heaviest objects, along with hazardous materials, in the closet floor level.
  10. Secure furniture in a high position and a picture frame hanging on the wall. Bolt will make heavy furniture glued to the wall,. Images may be still able to survive if you use a safety chain to keep them in place.
  11. Place T.V. You are in a standing position, lower solid. Should not sit on anything that is too small and narrow.
  12. In making the design of earthquake-resistant homes, the interior also needs attention. So, move from the bed under the window. Ideally, the bed should sit on the inner wall of the chamber, which is the most stable.

As you know, that earthquakes occur without warning enough. They occur at any point of time and any time of year. Large or small, earthquakes are becoming more and more regularly throughout the continent especially in Indonesia which is the convergence of two continental plates belt. So no doubt, all kinds of safety tips for earthquakes in need, and is in need, along with planning ahead of time. All this in order to help try anything and with the way how people can save themselves by the time the incident took place .. Once it said in making some home security tips above, it is also important for you to find out information about earthquake that will help you in reducing the danger and understand what will happen before, during, and after the earthquake attack.

Design of earthquake resistant houses, only one of them, and is not decisive. So definitely, prepare yourself for the worst.

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