Monday, September 12, 2016

How to Avoiding Nervous When Speech

How to Avoiding Nervous When Speech
How to Avoiding Nervous When Speech - How to Avoiding Nervous When Speech ? Once you understand a few simple tips or troubleshooting speech, now we will discuss about how to avoid nervousness when we spoke. Indeed, standing in front of a lot of people can make us feel nervous. Therefore, there are some things we need to learn so that we no longer nervous when delivering a speech that we must learn.

Are you are one who scared when asked to make a speech ? Maybe you have a first experience of how a speech in public. Are you experiencing the following things :
  1. You feel embarrassed and afraid of friends or the audience laugh and do not assume that you convey speech.
  2. Heart pounding, hands shaking, or the sweat of your body.
  3. You think if all the listeners or the audience going to judge.
  4. In a speech, you want to be finished soon.
  5. You want to be fast is fast away from the view of the audience.
  6. You lose the idea and can not be stringing words.
  7. You are more focused on self-control and continue to take the position unfavorable to the audience or listener looks at you.
  8. You prefer to avoid pandananga audience, for example, lower his gaze downward or turned away.

Speaking is easy to hard. Easy if you frequent and difficult if not accustomed to doing. For those not familiar, there must be constraints affecting the smooth speech. The most serious obstacle is stage fright. Stage fright is feeling restless and agitated due to the presence of shame, fear and low self-esteem when on stage.

Stage fright was evident at a man must appear alone. If you feel nervous during a speech, means you are experiencing stage fright. The characteristics of stage fright as follows :
  • Legs and hands shaking
  • Heart beating fast and hard
  • Face to red
  • The ears become hot
  • The mouth becomes dry and hard lips degerakkan
  • Eye dared not look at the audience
  • A cold sweat profusely

If the stage fright attacked, usually you're not helpless. The mind distracted. What was superbly prepared was a mess and talk will not focus. You certainly can not think of and implement ways a good speech. Concentration will be dispersed and all the eyes of the audience or listeners seemed to be an ordeal in itself.

How to avoid nervousness during a speech ?

Conditions of stage fright will plunge us in a speech that is not clear. Sometimes, we are many repeat certain words. Stage fright experienced by the first-time speech. How cra overcome stage fright ? One stage fright arise because of the fear. Why are people afraid to make a speech? Fear arises because of the lack of knowledge. For those who have never tried, speech included nothing new. How to begin ? How to attract the attention of the listener ? How to end a speech ?

If you keep trying, disease stage fright will disappear with practice. You can start practicing speech in front of people you know, for example, in the family environment. Start learning speech in front of them. Ask their opinion on deficiencies regarding the delivery of speech. Do not be afraid to criticize. You can take lessons and feedback on how you make a speech. It would be better if you want to ask for direction and guidance of family members.

So a discussion of how to avoid nervousness when speech. As long as we want to practice constantly, hopefully, we always feel comfortable and relaxed when we deliver a speech with any theme. May be useful for all of us.

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