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How Examination Fetal Heart Rate : Normal fetal heart rate |
smallbusinesswithbestmarketing.blogspot.com - How Examination Fetal Heart Rate. Signs of pregnancy are often experienced by women is not always show pregnancy. Sometimes health conditions and hormonal changes before menstruation can also be a condition similar to a sign of pregnancy. Then how to determine pregnancy surely ? One way is to examine the fetal heart rate.
Examination of the heart rate can be done to assist in knowing the development and growth of the fetus inside womb. With know the standard normal fetal organs it helps in ensuring a healthy fetus during pregnancy. Here is an article that helps you to know how the examination of fetal heart rate.
Examination of the heart rate can be done to assist in knowing the development and growth of the fetus inside womb. With know the standard normal fetal organs it helps in ensuring a healthy fetus during pregnancy. Here is an article that helps you to know how the examination of fetal heart rate.
Normal Fetal Heart Rate
The new fetal heart rate can be determined by using ultrasound at 8 weeks gestation, while if new doppler known to use tools in gestational age 10-12 weeks. While for the high and low sounds determined because the fetal position in the womb, condition and body weight of pregnant women also accuracy in determining gestational age.
Fetal pulse
The new fetal heartbeat can be heard with images on a normal heart rate per minute is 120-160x.Sedangkan on marked by severe tachycardia fetal heartbeat above 180x / menit.Untuk mild tachycardia condition between 160-180x / min. While the mild bradycardia characterized by heart rate between 100-119x / minutes. Amd for bradycardia was marked by 80-100x heart beats / minute. Last is less than 80x / min indicating severe bradycardia. Tadikardia is a condition that refers to the heart rate above normal, while for bradycardia is a heart rate below normal. The cause may be due to several conditions in the mother and fetus, to be sure you can directly consult with your doctor or midwife pregnancy.
In the Tool Inspection Fetal Heart Rate
Tools that can be used in the examination of the fetal heartbeat is as follows :
Stethoscope Laennec
One tool that is specifically designed to listen to heart rate manually, only can be used on the gestational age of 17-22 minggu.Cara inspection using new this has the disadvantage that it can work at the age of 4 months into the pregnancy. As for how the examination by using a stethoscope leanec that pregnant women can lie supine position using Leopold kemydian examination to determine the position of the fetal spine. As for putting the stethoscope itself in the area around the back of the fetus and start counting the fetal heart rate, the result is recorded to describe the condition of the fetus.
The next is to use ultrasound that provides benefits to the medical world by using ultrasound that uses sound waves then the results will be shown in the picture on the monitor. Type of ultrasound can be divided into four part. First is to use 2-dimensional ultrasound, to produce an image two areas, namely crosswise and lengthwise. The picture quality is good and give a picture of the fetus condition at the screen. And 3-dimensional ultrasound earn extra from previous ultrasound, that is the image display similar to the origin. The face an object can be seen clearly and in. Fetal position because the results may show fetal position in a couple of sides.
Next is the 4-dimensional ultrasound using. This condition is the same as the 3-dimensional ultrasound only can produce moving images, so that the static image, and while on a 4-dimensional ultrasound can move so more clearly and can visualize directly the condition of the fetus in your womb. The latter is a doppler ultrasound that prioritizes measurement of blood flow specifically those of the rope center. With using this tool can know the circumstances and fetal growth Sesua with the age of the fetus. Ratings with this tool can include fetal movement, tone, amniotic fluid, fetal heart rate reactivity and also the exact moment when the examination.
Examination of the heart rate using ultrasound can be performed in the first trimester, second trimester and third trimester with the functions and different benefits. At first trimester can ensure a sure sign of pregnancy, determine fetal status, number of fetuses, pregnant location and also a sign of pregnancy. It can even know the state of the uterus and surrounding organs. Conduct initial screening by measuring the thickness of the mucous membrane and so on. While in the second trimester screening can find it all, measure the length of the cervix and determine the location of the placenta. Recently in the last trimester to assess fetal well-being, to measure fetal biometry and view and determine the position of the fetus and umbilical cord as well as assessing the position of the placenta.
Detection of Heart Using NST
To find the next heart beat is by examination of the fetus using kardiotokografi in gestational age less than 32 weeks. This examination is also associated with changes in heart rate and fetal movement also able to assist in childbirth. The purpose of this inspection is to assess the picture of the fetal heartbeat and fetal activity. It can even be helpful in assessing the movement of normal activity according respons.
There is ways to assess and prepare for this test is as follows :
Examination carried out during the morning after breakfast. And own procedure in which the pregnant woman relaxing sleep in a state tilted 45 degrees left. Then the blood pressure is measured within 10 minutes, and also dynamometer store. Then installed cardio heart rate monitoring are recorded and performed for 30 minutes. This checking can be done by consideration of the results of NST individually. Results will be divided based on the record of the observations made is reactive, non-reactive. And for NST test results are abnormal if found occurrence of bradycardia or decelerations of 40 or where the baseline fetal heart rate of 90 bpm is the length of 60 seconds or more.
Doppler examination Using Tools
Fetal heartbeat can also be known by fetal doppler is a tool that is used in determining the heart rate of the fetus in pregnant women using ultrasound with a frequency of sensor that can detect the fetal heartbeat and provide benefits in accordance with the ultrasound emitted by the sensor. The tools used in the examination of which is the doppler doppler and jelly. As for the inspection measures include the pregnant mother lay on their backs and give jelly on doppler used. Doppler can even embed on pregnant belly in the back of the fetus. Then put the fetal heart to hear the fetal heartbeat for about one menit.Selanjutnya followed by knowing the fetal heartbeat and provide the results of the examination.
If the result found in the fetal heartbeat audible or absence of movements of the baby, the patient may be referred to the hospital to be able to get keteranngan cause of conditions experienced by the patient. Thus the examination of the fetal heart rate is very important to know the health condition of the fetus in womb. Only alone to determine the gestational age by the method of the fetal heartbeat difficulties because of new fetal heartbeat can be detected in pregnancy entered the age of 4 months or more individuals experience the difference.
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