Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Easy Ways to Learn the Techniques Gymnastics floor

Easy Ways to Learn the Techniques Gymnastics floor. What is a gymnastics floor ? So, how did a good floor gymnastics technique and correct it? Or floor gymnastics floor exercise is one of the groups of the gymnastics movements or other forms of exercise done on a floor mat with repose. Gymnastics floor exercise is often referred to as free, because in actual gymnasts do not carry or use any tools. Gymnastics floor with an area measuring 12 x 12 meters and can be coupled with a mat around 1 meter wide area, to maintain security. In the race, the time series used in floor gymnastics princess is 70-90 seconds, while for men is 50-70 seconds. The following describes some of the movement found in floor gymnastics techniques.

Rolling Movement

Rolling movement is a movement made up by the body in such a way that the body can roll like a round object. In gymnastics floor, rolling movement can be done in two ways, namely bolsters front and rear bolsters. Here is an explanation of the two rolling movement.

1. Bolsters Home

Bolsters are body movement rolling forward toward the front through the back of the body (neck), hips, waist, and hips the back. Roll forward movement can be done by following the steps below.

Initial attitude:
  • Perform a squat stance facing the direction of motion, and
  • Both hands placed on the mat.
  • Lift your hips up until both legs straight;
  • Enter a head between the two arms attached to shoulders on the mat;
  • Roll the body forward until the body from the neck, back, and waist and hip back touching the mat;
  • Return to the squat stance;
  • Both arms straight ahead, and
  • The view is toward the front.
After mastering the squat movement from the preparation stage, and then do it all over leading to the preparation stage stand. This movement can be done in the following way.

Initial attitude:
  • Stand facing the mat;
  • Both arms straightened up the side of the ear;
  • Views to the front;
  • Place both hands on the mat, knees straight retained;
  • Enter a head between the two arms together with both elbows bent to the side and shoulders against the mat;
  • Roll the body forward until the body from the neck, back, and waist and hip back touching the mat;
  • After the squat position, proceed stance with both feet together, and
  • Both arms straight up the side of the ear.
  • Views to the front over.
2. Rear Bolsters

Rolling back of a rolling body movement to the rear through the rear body, starting from the back of the pelvis, back, and neck. Roll forward movement can be done by following the steps below.

Initial attitude:
  • Perform a squat stance back to the direction of motion (mat);
  • Both hands on the side of the ear, with elbows bent and palms facing up, and
  • The chin clenched to his chest.
  • Drop your hips to the mat along with the body toppled backward to keep your knees bent to follow the movement of the body and both
  • hands against the mat;
  • Forward movement of the feet to the rear until both palms touching the mat. With the help of a little push hands, and stood crouched
  • body position;
  • Squat with your arms straight forward, and
  • Foresight.
Movement kayang

Kayang movement is like a bow supine posture by standing on both legs and arms, while the attitude of the knee and elbow in a straight position. Kayang movement can be done by following the steps below.

1. Of the supine sleeping position

Initial attitude:
  • Sleep on your back;
  • Both knees bent and heels close to the pelvis, and
  • Both hands on the side of the ear.
  • Push both hands and feet to the body lifted off the mat;
  • Waist bouncy followed by eye movements and neck to the back;
  • Waist bouncy like a bow;
  • Both legs and arms straight;
  • The view to the rear, and
  • Hold a moment and lowered the body back to the beginning of supine sleeping posture.
2. Of Attitude Standing

Early Attitudes:
  • Stand back to the direction of motion with your feet shoulder width apart;
  • Both hands beside the body, and outlook.
  • Swing your arms back down slowly followed by the movement of the waist, neck and eyes, until after his hands landed on the mat,bouncy waist like a bow;
  • Both arms and legs straight, and the view to the rear;
  • After holding for a while, get back up to the standing posture;
  • Stand with your feet shoulder width apart;
  • Both arms straight up the side of the ear, and
  • Foresight over.
Attitude Movement Candles

To be able to wax attitude required coordinating the movements of our bodies. Coordinating the movement, ie the balance control and strength, as well as a little element of courage. So, first learning candle attitude, the three mentioned earlier coordination must be trained.  This is because, usually we will feel fear first before we can do this candle attitude. Therefore, a systematic practice, because this is what is considered the most powerful push fear in doing gymnastics floor wax this kind of attitude.

To do attitude candles, there are at least two ways you can do, the candles do attitude with the help of a friend to hold our legs and make candles with attitude against the wall to keep from falling limbs. These are movements that can be done to make candles attitude.

Initial attitude:
  • Stand up straight with legs tightly;
  • Place both hands on the mat;
  • Put your forehead on the mat so that the two legs and forehead form an equilateral triangle, and
  • Friends who will help hold the leg (can also be wall to hold the leg) are behind us.
  • Push hips slowly until both legs straight and keep meeting;
  • Lift both legs slowly until straight up;
  • After the leg straight, soon limb held by a friend (you can also wall) that helps hold the leg;
  • Helper not ever let go of the handle with the intention to be a gymnast can do attitude candle wax and feel the real attitude;
  • Hold the posture for a moment, that is to learn to master the real attitude of the candle, and
  • Do it repeatedly.
Skip Movement Tiger (Tiger Spring)

In most major tiger jump is the courage and skill. In this respect, courage and skill are the most affected succed level in performing tigers jump. Yes, skip the tiger is a combination of stepping and rolling motion forward. At the time of the tiger jump, we will find bodies floating in the air, ie when performing jumps and before his hands touched the mat.

To make a tiger jump, we can follow the following steps.

Initial attitude:
  • Both legs tightly;
  • Both knees bent;
  • The slightly stooped;
  • Both hands to the front, and outlook.
  • Both legs did repulsion while straightening the knee;
  • Second hand straightened to the front;
  • By the time our bodies floated, posture like a bow;
  • Having both hands touching the mat, quickly folding our heads by wearing a chin to your chest so that when landing, it is our shoulders touching the mat, and
  • Roll forward as when doing the roll forward
Perform these exercises regularly skip tiger stepping technique that we are getting better. Well, that's the discussion about some techniques of various types of floor gymnastics moves. Gymnastics floor control techniques, either in a rolling movement, kayang movement, gesture candles, to skip the tiger must be continuously trained so that we become accustomed to. Hopefully useful.

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