Friday, December 20, 2013

Women's Sexy and how Sexy it Standards

Women's Sexy and how Sexy it Standards
Illustration of Women's Sexy and how Sexy it Standards
Women's Sexy and how Sexy it Standards. In fact, what causes women to be sexy ? Is it just because of the sheer beauty ? Or clothes that are open? Or instead of other factors outside the physical problem ? So, who is that sexy lady ? You could just refer to myself as a sexy woman (if by chance you are a woman). Or You could also refer to Julia Perez, Angelina Jolie, Sharon Stone, Shu Qi, or even Adele. Size sexy it's not uniform. Different people of different understanding or opinion. Maybe a woman's sexy measurements are already determined. However, that does not mean all parties would have to approve it. Menopause phase at the women.

There is no necessity for it. Standard sexiness itself continues to experience a shift. Hundreds of years ago, a curvaceous body and it contains is considered to be a symbol of sexiness. A tight corset has become imperative. Make a woman look so different. You can watch the movies set in the era of the 1800 's, for example.

Sexy women wearing long dresses were beautifully shaped low neck. A tight corset make up their bodies and make them appear so full chest. That's the criteria section of that age. The plump woman, thus considered more sexy. Never heard the name of Twiggy ? She was a top model who popularized the form body slender stones. Twiggy was regarded as a symbol of women's sexy, shift the position of female bodied buxom. Now, the models and models compete with skinny body as dry as people who have not eaten for months. Health experts even see this chatty start because it is considered dangerous. In fact, there's little professional models in America and Europe who dies because too strict dieting.

It has become the fashion industry's demands are growing. Cindy Crawford and Christie Thurlington ever dominate the fashion world in the 1980s and early 90s. they are slim, that's for sure. However, they are not slender stones. This is unsettling many health experts. Current models are considered to be much thinner compared to the era of the supermodel Cindy Crawford et al. Not long ago, even the anti-anorexia campaign held that indeed suffered by many models today. In that campaign, slender stones paired with model model with a normal body. There are several photos that were released and all are in a State of nudity. Meaning or message is conveyed clearly shows the difference in body shape between the two. At the same time educate that too thin is also harmful to health.

Sexy Woman Criteria

If the question is posed on a men, does not mean we will get an answer that is uniform. Each person has his own standards in determining whether someone is a sexy woman or not. If the elaborated further, there are a few factors that made the assessment, Like :


Physical beauty was often placed at the top in judging a person, especially women which included the criteria women sexy. The woman with the pretty face is often considered a sexy figure represents. Indeed not all men agree that women are sexy beautiful woman, but more often refers to one of the members of his body. In January 2011, Jennifer Aniston was ordained as the sexiest woman in the world by a famous magazine. Jennifer considered sexy is not just because it's beautiful, but because it has a high sense of humor. On the other hand, is often considered a sexy Angelina Jolie because of the shape of her lips. For the men, Ryan Gosling is considered sexy since his eye beams.
Body Shape

Body shape certainly made a reference to determine the sexiness of a woman. As already mentioned earlier, the current models that compete to appear slender stones represent the word "sexy woman" for a handful of people. On the other hand, Kate Winslet's body contains or plump, is also considered as a symbol of women's sexy. When almost finished shooting "Titanic" over a decade ago, Leonardo DiCaprio's co-star was to be given. The message is that Kate does not change the shape of its body into a slender stones like most other artists. Leonardo considers the body of Kate qualify as a woman sexy and healthy.

Jennifer Lopez is certainly known to laymen as a singer and movie star who is quite famous. If asked if Jennifer including the sexy woman, certainly many nodded in agreement. Jennifer's body which considered him kian grooved section. If he bodied slender stones, not necessarily be judged the same.


A lot of women who don't feel free to display the image as a woman of the clothes he or she wears sexy. They don't care even if other women are forced to discard face because it was embarrassed to see anyone show off his body with a super sexy outfit. The times is indeed the more modern. However, there are still many people who are still holding on to the values of propriety. Uncomfortable it feels like seeing beautiful women pitch in the crowd with santainya with clothes that are open. Appearing with sexy lingerie in a less proper will only drop the self esteem of a woman.

Mean heart want sexy lady, what is called the power obtained on the contrary. It could be scorn, sarcasm, even insults because not everyone argues dresses that "material deficiencies" that's so cool or generate an aura of sexy as desired. For specific moments, this may not matter if dressed sexy. For example, at a private party. In fact, it might be a requirement if you are a star Rihanna and classmates have to attend the Grammys.


If asked what criteria women sexy, surprising many answers that we can hear. Not a few who said that a smart brain makes a woman look very sexy. Brains are reflected in the attitudes and words even successful displaying the sexiness of a person. There is also a saying that women who have a good sense of humor is a sexy woman. This type of woman is a woman who was able to laugh at himself. For many people, this is quite interesting. There is also a good heart rate will make someone appear sexy. This is indeed rather difficult votes because there is no benchmark or standard "good heart".

From the women themselves sometimes even feel sexy as a woman for reasons that sound "cute". How many women feel sexy if it's already wearing heels or stilettos taper ? They don't care though must be suffering from severe back pain just for wearing stilettos for years.

Should Sexiness Must see ?

One thing to remember is that physical attractiveness is not going to last forever. There was the time we become old, berkeriput, and not pretty any more physically. There are also body shape his time so erratically, either because of the influence of pregnancy or age. All that physical nature will surely run out of his time and eventually fade or even disappear. However, everything that comes from the heart will not be lost due to age factor. Everyone had the freedom to choose whether to indulgence the sexiness that is physical or not. Some time ago, even a mother who identifies himself as female manners not power resist the temptation to appear sexy. Wearing clothing that displays the majority of the members of his body, the mother and even take pictures with a couple of young children. The photos are then uploaded on the internet and give rise to its own.

The MOM who have got an honorary degree from one of the palaces in the country that have to hide away from the pursuit of media. One lesson that can be learned is how the women are able to put themselves in order to stay sexy without sacrificing her self esteem.

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