Friday, August 10, 2012

Variety of Ornamental Plants Aglaonema and maintain Tips

Today, the business is experiencing a growth of ornamental plants have been remarkable. One of the many ornamental plant business done is the business of Aglaonema plants. Yes, this plant has high economic value. In addition to high prices, to cultivate ornamental plants aglaonema it is not difficult and takes only a makeshift field. However, these plants grow untum of course, we should be more familiar with these plants, including the types. This was done so we do not cultivate them wrong. There are many types of ornamental plants can be cultivated Aglonema. Therefore, on this occasion the author will take you to get to know different kinds of ornamental plants cultivated Aglonema you can. Listen!

Variety of Ornamental Plants Aglaonema

Aglaonema plants have a very diverse species. Judging from the color of leaves, the plant is composed of 5 different types, namely Aglaonema plants are green, yellow, red, white, and shades. Of the five species, the meuncul many other variants that are not less beautiful, arguably even more beautiful. Here are a few kinds of plants can be cultivated.

1. Aglaonema Brevispathum

Aglaonema ornamental plants of this type can dikenalai of the leaves are oval shape with a leaf blade is thin and stiff. Ornamental plant species belong to the type of Aglaonema green leaves with a length of approximately 10-17 cm long petiole.

2. Aglaonema Commutatum, "Treubii"

Still belongs to the Aglaonema plants are green, the plant has a slender shape with a leaf shaped like a hard cutting edge. Plants of this type of green bluish hue is accompanied by a beautiful silvery gray. Aglaonema plant stalk has a style like this kind of marble.

3. Commutatum Aglaonema 'Tricolor'

These plants can be known from the typical characteristics that have a dark green color with a pattern that looks like for silverer. Stalks of this plant has a pink color. Itself covered or coated by a layer of reddish-colored candle, many color combination is what makes these plants dubbed "tricolor".

4. Aglaonema Commutatum elegans

Jenia aglaonema this one has a leaf shape melansat with dark green color and has a style like the fur is gray-green .. Plants that are growing strongly this has a major habitat in the humid tropics.

5. Aglaonema Silver Commutatum

Of one type are included in Aglaonema that has white leaves. As the name implies, this Aglaonema has silvery leaves. These plants can grow to 60 cm tall, with leaves 24 cm long and 8 cm wide. This plant is widely used as a shade in a garden border.

6. Commutatum maculatum Aglaonema

Aglaonema is included in the type that has a very strong resistance. Seludangnya white coated by a layer of wax. The leaves themselves have a dark green color which is decorated by a silvery white hue. The leaves are oval shaped and sometimes have yellow fruit to red.

7. Aglaonema Costatum

Aglaonema species has an ovoid shape of the leaves, agaklebar, and rigid. Aglaonema species is often called "spotted evergreen" because it has a shiny green leaf color with white spots and the leaves are also bone white.

8. Aglaonema Costatum Foxii

This belongs to the Aglaonema species that has a somewhat slower growth rates and short in size compared with other types of Aglaonema. Looks like a heart shape leaves and very stiff. Color glossy leaves with white spots. This type of plant usually grows in dense clumps form.

9. Aglaonema virescens

Aglaonema plant species belong to the type of the dwarf aglaonema. The leaves look like a heart shape and width. The color of the leaves themselves are green grass, polished, and decorated with greenish white patches.

10. Aglaonema Cuscuria

Aglaonema plant grows upright with this kind of harsh and berbentu leaves oval, but slightly elongated in the end. Color dark green leaves and sometimes seen as white patches.

In addition to the ten species of ornamental plants aglaonema already discussed above, once bnayak masig other Aglaonema species. Some of them are as follows.
  •     Aglaonema crispum
  •     Aglaonema fransher
  •     Aglaonema fictum
  •     Aglaonema rotundum
  •     Aglaonema siemense
  •     Aglaonema metalica
  •     and many other types of

After learning some kind of ornamental plants can be cultivated Aglaonema, now is the time you decide whether to jump in and wrestle this lucrative business or not. If you want to cultivate a hobby as well as business, the following discussion is important for you to know.

Ways of Maintaining Plants Aglaonema

Although belonging to the species of ornamental plants that do not require special care, but if produce is intended for business purposes, the treatment becomes important. Yes, good care to lock is Aglaonema plants we cultivate can grow lush, smooth, and has a shiny leaf color.

There are some things you should look for when they wanted to maintain both aglaonema ornamental plants, the growing media attention, watering, fertilizing, placement, and sanitation. How tips we maintain a good Aglaonema plant are as follows.

1. Planting Media

Aglaonema plant care success depends heavily on the planting medium is used. A good planting medium should have a neutral pH between 6-7 and not easily broken and the shaft. For that, you can use a mixture of leaf humus and sand in the ratio 3:1.

After preparing the planting medium, the next step you have to do is insert the media earlier in the pot to three-quarters. Earlier in the bottom of the pot must be first broken bricks or tiles. After that, enter the slow Release fertilizer, such as 1 teaspoon dekster, then enter aglaonema seeds right in the middle pot. Do not ever forget to watering this plant, because of lack of water this little plant will die.

3. Sprinkling

Aglaonema plants do need water supplies cuku much. But not so fond of their homes if it gets wet. That way, try to keep the planting medium had to keep it moist. You do this by doing a once-daily watering with water adjusted to the frequency of media conditions.

3. Fertilization

Fertilization is important because it requires ornamental agleonema plants nutrients derived from plant nutrient media. Some fertilizers are suitable to meet the needs of Aglaonema, among Hyponex, Gandasil, Vitablom, and Growmore. Dose of fertilizer made enough for 3 months with a dose of 1 teaspoon per once of fertilizer.

4. Placement

Aglaonema plants requiring storage where [anan a shady because they do not like direct sun exposure. The intensity of light required aglaonema every day is only about 30-40%. Excessive light will inhibit its growth, it will even cause death. A good location is to keep it on the porch or in a room near the window. So that leaves are shiny, you should wiping the leaves every day by using a tissue or damp cloth.

5. Sanitation

Sanitation procedures include cleaning up the environment, media, and work tools. Sanitation activities has become necessary to maintain plant health is maintained. Sanitation in the media do when the media found it was solid. To anticipate, please back of growing media on a regular basis so that the media had become loose again and the humidity is maintained.

Well, that's the author's description and tips about the types of care for Aglaonema plants that grow fast and have high economic value when marketed. How? Are you ready to explore the ornamental plant business this? Good luck.

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