Saturday, October 8, 2016

How To Know Developments Using Ultrasound Fetal Growth ? - How To Know Developments Using Ultrasound Fetal Growth ? Development and normal fetal growth and according to gestational age can be monitored using ultrasound. Pregnancy for more than 40 weeks should be set and maintained, from the beginning of pregnancy until the day of preparation for childbirth. The changes that occur in the mother and fetus should be monitored by experienced directly by pregnant women or the use of medical devices. One way to determine the development of the fetus pertumbuahan using medical devices by using ultrasound. When and how the function of the tool using ultrasound fetal growth ?

Definition ultrasound

How To Know Developments Using Ultrasound Fetal Growth ? Third Trimester Fetal Development, Fetal development week by week, Fetal ultrasound images month by month

Ultrasound or USGkerap known if pregnant women used to monitor fetal growth and development of the health of the uterus. This test uses sound waves with the help of high frequency that is not heard. The procedure is done with the use of ultrasound that uses topical gel that helps in producing quality images. While on their transvaginal procedure instrument inserted into the female genital tract. Nonetheless way with transvaginal procedure is rarely done even if the results will be sharper image.

You do not need to worry, the use of ultrasound is safe for pregnant women because of not using radiation harm the fetus. The procedure used non invansif.Hanya course though it is safe for pregnant women, the advice doctors perform an ultrasound at least once a maximum of three times during a normal pregnancy. As for pregnant women who have a history of health can do an ultrasound more per physician.

Ultrasound First Trimester Pregnancy

Early pregnancy is a time that makes you happy at once thrilling. This is because in the first trimester fetal condition is still vulnerable and at high risk of having a miscarriage. Ultrasound examination is safe for pregnancy, either the mother or the fetus because it uses sound waves emitted by the body's tissues and then provides a state of the uterus. In the first trimester of gestation Ultrasound is needed to determine the condition of the fetus, the shape of the uterus, in the genital organs and also the condition of the ovaries. Even on your first ultrasound examination can more accurately determine the gestational age.

The importance of ultrasound in the first trimester to ensure sure sign of pregnancy. By knowing the embryo and gestational sac through ultrasound you can also find out the fetal heartbeat if an ultrasound at week 7 of pregnancy. The ultrasound will help your doctor or midwife kandunga in determining the date of birth via gestational age at the time of inspection. When ultrasound examination the doctor will look at the size of the fetus to facilitate doctors more accurately determine the gestational age.

The first trimester is prone to miscarriage can be fixed by assessing the baby's growth and development so as to minimize the risk of miscarriage. Signs threats to the mother and fetus are bleeding. In addition it is no less important is the problem of the placenta such as placenta previa disorders. Not only a health hazard, ultrasound can also help in ensuring the number of fetuses in the womb even to be able to measure the amniotic fluid is seen using ultrasound, is what will be the medical action in monitoring the condition of the fetus during pregnancy.

Ultrasound in early pregnancy will help in knowing the location of the fetus abnormalities. Generally letakr uterus abnormalities often occur in pregnant women as well as the location of fetal abnormalities that can be seen by ultrasound. Some fetal disorders such as anesefeli, hydrocephalus, cleft palate, chromosomal abnormalities, heart defects, and so on.

An ultrasound exam at the end of 3 months of pregnancy may help to find out the sex, though some of them pregnant women who want to know the sex of the fetus experiencing difficulty when using ultrasound for fetal position is not correct. For those of you who will do an ultrasound in the first trimester can use ultrasound to the results of two-dimensional, three-dimensional or four-dimensional. Each sonogram This provides advantages in each of them. In the 2-dimensional ultrasound results where the surface and texture of the fetus in the form of black and white stripes. In this ultrasound examination can only know the side are printed in the form of photos and also aware of congenital abnormalities alone.

As for the ultrasound examination using a 3-dimensional contents of the uterus where it can be seen simultaneously with the size of the volume even mothers can easily to find out the overall results of the ultrasound through the form of recordings such as CDs. Along with the development of technology now you can use a 4-dimensional ultrasound examination. You can immediately find out the fetus like you're watching a video camcorders. Even using this ultrasound you can determine the higher level of accuracy compared to using other ultrasound.

Second Trimester Ultrasound Pregnancy

Entering the second trimester of pregnancy ultrasound examination is performed to determine fetal organs perfection. In addition to knowing the shape of the face, head size, abdominal organs and the need for fetal amniotic fluid. The amniotic fluid that has an important role for the life of the fetus and placenta which will affect the pregnancy. Therefore, when an unknown location of the placenta near the cervix, it is required to perform an ultrasound examination that is scheduled by a doctor.

In the second trimester, pregnant women can know the state of the umbilical cord janin.Untuk help in seeing the umbilical cord can be used to check the condition of the fetus sonographers thoroughly. Baby's development will be known after the obstetrician or midwife checks by measuring the body of the fetus from the start to the circumference of the head, spine and abdomen. The obstetrician will consider the results of ultrasound with gestational age.

Third Trimester Ultrasound Pregnancy

In the third trimester ultrasound examination is performed to determine the health of the preparation of pregnant women and the fetus before delivery. Doctors will give a course of action if abnormalities are found during the examination, even the trimester ultrasound examination in this will help her choose childbirth, Caesarean or normal delivery. For those of you who choose to do inspection using two-dimensional ultrasound in the second trimester, then you will know the development of the fetus before the day of delivery. Only drawback of two-dimensional ultrasound examination can not describe the overall shape of the fetus, fetal size and age of the content so that the possibility of error in predicting the day of birth.

Even using two-dimensional ultrasound can not determine the weight and size of the fetus. It is due to close with the birth, the fetus will be more difficult to obtain fetal position under the pelvis. Lastly for those of you who use a 2-dimensional ultrasound can not provide information about bleeding from the mouth of the uterus or cervix.

Therefore, when an abnormality is found during pregnancy, it is recommended to use 3-dimensional ultrasound to know in detail the disorder and how to overcome before the birth took place. Even doctors will suggest to schedule follow-up ultrasound to determine the fetus in the preparation and pregnant women before delivery. Even using 3-dimensional ultrasound, you can save your recordings fetal movement in the form of CD .To know more about fetal movement in live you can also use 4-dimensional ultrasound.

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